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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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I've always been surprised how much Disaster Transport seems to be universally hated. It just seems to me that an indoor Intamin bobsled would be more liked than the other models (La Vibora, etc), but that apparently is not the case. I mean, the building is ugly, but the GP likes it and it always has a line. I wouldn't mind it staying for more seasons.

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^Count me in on the Disaster Transport love. I hated it the first time I rode it, but definitely learned to appreciate its quirkiness the more I rode it. Unfortunately, I won't be able to get up there this year before they tear it out, but I'm sure whatever they're putting in will be a nice addition for the park. I'm going to give a preemptive cringe for the fanboys who will be crying about the coaster count still only being 16, though.

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Cedar Point should just fix up Disaster Transport by fixing the building for starters, then add improved special FX like glow in the dark cars, fog and flame FX, and sci-fi music. As for Space Spiral, have close on really hot summer days, and just keep it for a few more years the same goes for DT as well!

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The rumor of a seaside woodie taking the spot of Disaster Transport has been a rumor at Cedar Point for how long now? Then again I never really thought of that as a rumor but more of an acer's ultimate pipe dream. I've been wanting that for a long time as well, but whatever ends up going there should be great. I'm just glad that Disaster Transport is (or at least seems to be) on its way out. Like Elissa has said, it doesn't fit in the park anymore like it did 20 years ago.

Seems like Matt Ouimet is doing wonders for this park. I can't wait for my next visit (which should be next year)!

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The rumor of a seaside woodie taking the spot of Disaster Transport has been a rumor at Cedar Point for how long now? Then again I never really thought of that as a rumor but more of an acer's ultimate pipe dream. I've been wanting that for a long time as well


It is something I always thought would make a great future addition.

Edited by larrygator
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Disaster Transport needs a new lease on life for sure it has been a disaster since they put it indoors, the many special FX no longer work and part of the building is used for Happy Jack's Toy Factory during Halloweekends. So if Cedar Point does keep DT they should retheme it with a haunted toy factory theme insted of sci-fi/space theme!

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When did they REALLY give up on Disaster Transport? I know when we were there last year it didn't even have the audio anymore. I was bummed, until I got to say the line instead and yelled out at Piers "I'm losing control!".

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When did they REALLY give up on Disaster Transport? I know when we were there last year it didn't even have the audio anymore. I was bummed, until I got to say the line instead and yelled out at Piers "I'm losing control!".


Disaster Transport has been in falling in disrepair since CP renovated the old Avalanche Run roller coaster by putting it in a building to protect it from the blowing beach sand on windy days and the only thing FX works is the lights in the lift tunnel and the 3D FX are long gone! But the ride was O.K., but I wish CP would just pay more attention to DT instead of focusing on building a new coaster to replace it!

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When did they REALLY give up on Disaster Transport? I know when we were there last year it didn't even have the audio anymore. I was bummed, until I got to say the line instead and yelled out at Piers "I'm losing control!".


They slowly started giving up around 1997. That's when the ride lost its first preshow room with the audio-animatronics to make room for the maze (I believe that is when the audio was killed off). For the first few years of HalloWeekends they still used the first part of the queue during the first part of the season but it wasn't the same (nearly everything was removed except for some posters). I want to say 2000 was the year the neon-colored jump suits costumes for employees was switched to the standard uniform. In 2002 they added 3D painting to queue and sold glasses. Long story short - its been fading for many years now. Its a shame - back in the day with the full queue and audio-animatronics explaining the story as well as audio throughout the ride - it was pretty good!


As for rumors about a sea-side coaster... they have been around ever since I started following the park back in the mid-90s. Many of the rumors usually point to a recreation of the Cyclone which once stood on the site of Disaster Transport. I attached a photo I dug off my old website.


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If Cedar Point is just going to get rid of Disaster Transport at least they let it run until the end of 2012 season so that people can get their last ride on it before it gets scraped, the fate of DT's neighbor, Space Spiral should be let it run until the end of 2013 season!

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Is there any chance they would re locate Disaster Transport to a different Cedar Fair Park instead of scraping it entirely? I could see that ride working fairly well at a park like Michigans Adventure or Worlds of Fun maybe.

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Is there any chance they would re locate Disaster Transport to a different Cedar Fair Park instead of scraping it entirely? I could see that ride working fairly well at a park like Michigans Adventure or Worlds of Fun maybe.


Or Cedar Point can sell the DT track and cars sell it to a non Cedar Fair park, IE Darien Lake!


I would like Cedar Point sell Disaster Transport to Darien Lake, It would be a great fit for said park!

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Every ride at some time comes to a point where it has run its course, no matter how iconic. I feel as if any year now could very well be the year for Space Spiral. Like I said, they don't necessarily have to completely remove it if it "holds a special place in their hearts," per se, but having two observation rides so close to each other is rather redundant and pointless, in my opinion. I would honestly welcome the idea of moving it to the other end of the park to get some cool and different vantage points that are brand new.


I agree. When I first saw Windseeker and Space Spiral close together last year I thought it did look a bit odd having two towers of similar height rather close. But that can also be said regarding Oil Derrick and Superman at SFOT and to some extent Drop Tower and Eiffel Tower at Kings Island.


Playing armchair park president - I think Windseeker should have been built elsewhere. Calypso's spot would have been ideal as it would have drawn more traffic to Blue Streak, balanced out the park skyline (which I doubt means anything to anyone since Millennium Force is the only ride to dominate that particular side of the peninsula) and offered a better view of Sandusky Bay/downtown Sandusky in the distance though I'm sure the neighboring marina folks would have had a fit with the bright lights so close to them.


As for Disaster Transport it's not a "bad" ride just the storyline was way off. You had to go through space just to get to Alaska? Made no sense. Also I always liked "DAVE", the animatronic robot in the first big room that communicated with the actors on the video screen when the ride first opened.

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Space Spiral is one of Cedar Point's iconic rides along with the Skyride, Top Thrill Dragster, Magnum XL-200, Millennium Force, Raptor, just to name a few, but Cedar Point should not get rid of Space Spiral and as for Disaster Transport let's just say "Ship it to Dorney Park, Cedar Fair's junkyard!"

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I wonder if Space Spirals days are numbered now, too. It wasn't open much the last few time's I have been there. (usually on Sunday's) I've mentioned this in the past, and this is important to remember:


"Pointing out that several parks are at a "critical mass" with regard to rides, Mr. Ouimet is not afraid of "exiting underutilized capacity," which to me sounds like removing under-performing, older rides to avoid growing costs." ~ from newsplusnotesblogspot.com

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I don't know if it's smart to expect to see Disaster Transport pop up at another park after Cedar Point.


There are already rumors of the Great Escape one being scrapped, and I can't think of too many parks that would want one.

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I don't know if it's smart to expect to see Disaster Transport pop up at another park after Cedar Point.


There are already rumors of the Great Escape one being scrapped, and I can't think of too many parks that would want one.


I could think of one park that would want DT, Darien Lake, they need a new coaster for sure!

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