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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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I hate to argue with all the smart people here...


But the Fastlane does have the POTENTIAL to make things worse. The line is an economy. The FL divides resources. It does, unquestionably, make the regular line longer. That is a certainty. A system of unlimited use would have to be limited to less total users to maintain line lengths as the QBOT system would have to.


Simply trusting Cedar Fair to know exactly how many people the system can handle to maintain customer satisfaction levels does not make them infallible. They might screw it up for this whole year. Who knows. If that happens, likely 90% of their customers will be angered by it this summer. I don't read their finances and I don't know if they are a business where the Fastlane Customers are basically all of their profits, but my guess is that FL customers are not and many non-FL groups could get screwed by any flaws in the system. This system is much more ambitious and cheaper than the line skips we've seen before. Balance is not guaranteed.


Just because you use Fastpass does NOT let you speak for the other 90 percent of people at the park that day. AT ALL. Yes it makes total sense for Coaster Enthusiasts. Does it necessarily make sense for the family from Toledo who got there once the park was already sold out of the passes? (though as an enthusiast, if it lengthens the lines significantly on a typical May Tuesday at anypark anywhere and forces me to buy a pass, then the whole thing would be kind of NONsensical for me, right?)




What I would want to know from those who are experiencing fastpass recently are...


What priority to board does the FL have over the regular line for any given ride? For something like Top Thrill, it seems that due to its popularity and reridability and short train, a constant FL wait of about 40 people (probably unrealistic) would cause the regular line to never board the ride if FL was given 100 percent priority and a wait of 20 FL people would easily double the length of the regular line. The line merging at the station does not eradicate these concerns.


Does the front seat always get taken by Fastlane for any ride where Fastlane is allowed into the station or directly to the ride first? This seems somewhat possible due to the popularity of the front seat. FL on Afterburn at Carowinds merges directly onto the ride, and the First Seat is generally always taken by Fastlane users.


This whole thing is all about numbers really. Line lengths, number of complaints, number of users, people in park, price points, etc. It's quite interesting and geeky. I'd take a long look at CF's numbers if they were widely available.

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I don't like Fast Pass systems...


There, I simplified your post.


No matter how much you try to prove to us that Fast Lane is a negative thing, you aren't going to change the fact that it exists.


Really it all comes down to is this:


You now have a choice at Cedar Point to not wait in long lines. The key word there is CHOICE. You can choose to wait in a 2 hour Top Thrill Dragster line, or you can choose to only wait 15 minutes. Crunch all the numbers and statistics you want, but I am going to choose the 15 minute wait any day!!

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Every skip the line system out there has flaws, Fast Lane, Q-Bot, Quick Que, Flash pass, even Fast Pass at Disney doesn't work ideally for every attraction all the time. This is a NEW system that Cedar Point has attempted to implement, and like any new operation policy at any business in the world, I'm sure there will be a certain period of test and adjust that occurs until they find the right formula that works. I'm glad parks are attempting to give guests different options on how to enjoy their day, and while while most of the negative feedback from non-users is justified and understandable from their point of view Cedar Point should still be applauded for having the onions to attempt a system like this in the first place knowing ahead of time that there would be a massive amount of negative feedback from new customers, old customers, and season pass holders a like (they had to know people would complain).


Love Fast lane or hate it give Cedar Point some credit for attempting it. In the mean while just give them some time, they'll figure it out, in 5 years no one will remember that FL used to not exist.

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This also isn't an entirely new system: They did test it last year in the second half at a couple parks and so they have some experience under their belt as to how it will work. While it may indeed make the regular line longer, its worth noting that Cedar Point has a long standing policy of not closing lines early. Ultimately they take the financial hit to ensure that everyone that wants to ride can and will, should they be willing to wait.

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I don't like Fast Pass systems...


There, I simplified your post.

Thank you. His points were completely stupid and it's embarrassing to even have someone post idiotic crap like that on our forums.


Virtual queue systems have now been around for thirteen years, and they aren't going anywhere! STFU about it and DEAL WITH IT, ok? Honestly,



Seriously, we should make the whole "virtual queue argument" an IQ test to be a TPR member. If you get it, we know you're smart, and you're allowed to stay, if you don't, you're banned for being a moron.


--Robb "I really kinda like that idea!" Alvey

Edited by robbalvey
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I hate Fast Lane because I can't get through anyone's post without reading "FL" as "Florida."

It's only the really dumb or lazy people that can't spell it out. I should make a word censor that turns FL into Florida so it forces people to write out Fast Lane!

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^ I like that idea.


Pro Tip: In your journey to Cedar Point, you are "Fast Laned" by society hundreds, if not thousands of times before you even reach the front gate.


That family who's flying first class while your knees are hating you as you sit in coach? They "Fast Laned" you to a better seat.

That guy with the $100k sports car who just sped by you? He "Fast Laned" you by buying a better car.

That couple who's staying at Hotel Breakers while you're "slumming" it at the Breakers Express? They "Fast Laned" you to a walk into the park rather than a short drive.


Face it, society is full of "Fast Laning." It's called money, and it affords you certain privileges. Crazy thing is though, Cedar Fair isn't discriminating against you. You have the same right and/or opportunity to pay the very reasonable price to skip the lines as that guy in the Porsche.


Truth be told, I don't always have the money to afford certain privileges, but you won't catch me bitching about it either. It's just the way the world works. Deal with it.

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^ And continue to re-post it about every ten minutes?


Seriously, I'm just sick to death of the whole argument. I honestly meant what I said above. The people who "get it" versus those who don't really does separate the smart people from the dumb. And BeemerBoy's post above sums up why better than I could have said it.


--Robb "I don't want dumb people being part of TPR." Alvey

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Pro Tip: In your journey to Cedar Point, you are "Fast Laned" by society hundreds, if not thousands of times before you even reach the front gate.


That family who's flying first class while your knees are hating you as you sit in coach? They "Fast Laned" you to a better seat.


This doesn't necessarily make my regular experience worse. The only way it affects me IF my expectations are "a safe ride on a plane and some food" is the extra 5 minutes of wait time to board the plane, which on top of the 3 hours at the airport is assuaged into nothing. For many reasons it's unreasonable for the whole plane to be comfortable anyway. If the prices of Coach tickets were raised across the board, the number of seats lessened, and air travel made more unaffordable, Wouldn't I have the right to argue for the old system?


That guy with the $100k sports car who just sped by you? He "Fast Laned" you by buying a better car.


This doesn't make my driving experience worse. In any way that I can think of. Are you Jealous?


That couple who's staying at Hotel Breakers while you're "slumming" it at the Breakers Express? They "Fast Laned" you to a walk into the park rather than a short drive.


I see this, but it doesn't eliminate all my choices to any degree like the Fastlane. The difference here is paying parking and driving five minutes. Fastlane is an ambitious step closer to a system of "Buy this upgrade or your day will always be crappy at an Amusement park."


And if it matters at this point: I loved using the line skip system at Heide Park, I buy a Qbot at Dollywood if the crowds warrant one, and would absolutely do the same if I was at CP, KI, KD in July where the regular lines are already intolerable. I am hoping that I shouldn't have to buy a Fastlane for any given operating day simply because of the system imbalances it presents (or if I ever want to ride in the front seat again).


TPR was ABSOLUTELY right to get one for Opening day at least, and I'm glad the park had a wait-skip system for you to purchase, where the normal crowds presented intolerable waits anyway. But I also hold hope that the system didn't turn hour long waits into 1:45 long waits. That would be overall quite crappy. Get it?

Edited by Solid Gold
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Every skip the line system out there has flaws, Fast Lane, Q-Bot, Quick Que, Flash pass, even Fast Pass at Disney doesn't work ideally for every attraction all the time. This is a NEW system that Cedar Point has attempted to implement, and like any new operation policy at any business in the world, I'm sure there will be a certain period of test and adjust that occurs until they find the right formula that works. I'm glad parks are attempting to give guests different options on how to enjoy their day, and while while most of the negative feedback from non-users is justified and understandable from their point of view Cedar Point should still be applauded for having the onions to attempt a system like this in the first place knowing ahead of time that there would be a massive amount of negative feedback from new customers, old customers, and season pass holders a like (they had to know people would complain).


Love Fast lane or hate it give Cedar Point some credit for attempting it. In the mean while just give them some time, they'll figure it out, in 5 years no one will remember that FL used to not exist.


Also, this post is much more reasonable than anything anyone else has said. As a bonus, it's not completely rude.


[/ Done Bitching sirs]

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^^ I think you're trying to split hairs with your rebuttals. I could also add sporting events, non-general admission concerts, etc. etc. The simple point to be made is that you pay more for better, or "improved" experiences, no matter where you are or what you're doing. How is that any different from the Fast Lane concept?


That guy with the $100k sports car who just sped by you? He "Fast Laned" you by buying a better car.

This doesn't make my driving experience worse. In any way that I can think of. Are you Jealous?

I'll keep it simple, and try not to be "completely rude." The answer is no....and never will be, thanks. Hell, how do you even come to that assumption based off of what was posted?

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This doesn't necessarily make my regular experience worse. The only way it affects me IF my expectations are "a safe ride on a plane and some food" is the extra 5 minutes of wait time to board the plane, which on top of the 3 hours at the airport is assuaged into nothing. For many reasons it's unreasonable for the whole plane to be comfortable anyway. If the prices of Coach tickets were raised across the board, the number of seats lessened, and air travel made more unaffordable, Wouldn't I have the right to argue for the old system?


You mean like how it was before de-regulation? And you'd be just as right as those today who miss the good old days when flights within the US got meals and passengers weren't treated like chattel. There's plenty of them - go spend some time on Flyertalk.


This doesn't make my driving experience worse. In any way that I can think of.


Then compare it to HOV lanes. In those, people who've chosen to carpool get to use a special lane that may not be subject to the same buildup of traffic. Is that inherently wrong because they have friends/acquaintances with which to share a route and you don't? Does the greater good somehow excuse your worsened driving experience?


I see this, but it doesn't eliminate all my choices to any degree like the Fastlane. The difference here is paying parking and driving five minutes. Fastlane is an ambitious step closer to a system of "Buy this upgrade or your day will always be crappy at an Amusement park."


Once, before gated parks became the norm and POP was universal, amusement parks ran on a ticket system and were expensive to ride things at. The amount of bitching over the years I've heard about how various fairs (most big midways are independent and thus pay-per-ride), Wiener Prater, and even Coney Island cost because of the prevalence of POP is enormous, but of course those places get to afford really impressive crazy rides because of that system. Pay-Per-Ride means that people used to have to spend more money to ride more. You can argue on some level that this is what the fastpass is a return to, except of course, that everyone that pays to get in can indeed ride anything they want to, assuming they meet the safety requirements, and with time permitting. It is infinitely "fairer" for the majority than trying to ride everything at Prater or Oktoberfest and dropping $200-$250.

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What I heard is that the bobsled coaster coaster stays, the "indoors" goes. Along with something else.


That would be interesting. I think it would be awesome if they turned Disaster Transport back into Avalanche Run. I also wouldn't be surprised if Space Needle was moved at the very least, if not removed. With Windseeker there now, it's kind of redundant in that location.

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Space Spiral is an iconic ride even though it lacks air conditioning in the cabin. I don't see them moving or removing it any time soon.


I realize the tower is a Von Roll but could they replace the double cabin with a single Intamin cabin?

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^I'm just surprised that they would build a brand new elevator for DP if it was to be gone after the season.

Wildcat had an elevator installed too. Because of new ADA regulations, DT need an elevator if the park wanted to operate it this summer.



What I heard is that the bobsled coaster coaster stays, the "indoors" goes. Along with something else.

I wouldn't be surprised if the entire thing was removed starting in late August. And Space Spiral shortly thereafter.

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Space Spiral is an iconic ride even though it lacks air conditioning in the cabin. I don't see them moving or removing it any time soon.


Every ride at some time comes to a point where it has run its course, no matter how iconic. I feel as if any year now could very well be the year for Space Spiral. Like I said, they don't necessarily have to completely remove it if it "holds a special place in their hearts," per se, but having two observation rides so close to each other is rather redundant and pointless, in my opinion. I would honestly welcome the idea of moving it to the other end of the park to get some cool and different vantage points that are brand new.

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