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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Guess their plan to open to resort guests only on the 11th wasn't looking so profitable? They're now open to everyone on that date. Sucks for those who made non-refundable reservations at their expensive hotels just to get in the park.

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Guess their plan to open to resort guests only on the 11th wasn't looking so profitable? They're now open to everyone on that date. Sucks for those who made non-refundable reservations at their expensive hotels just to get in the park.


Its still a great experience with its own slew of perks

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Anyone can buy tickets now and reserve. You can also reserve with previously bought tickets.


July 11th appears to be the first date available for this group.


Good to know, thanks! Also, tickets purchased prior to June 5, 2020 are good through September 6, 2021, so anyone currently holding onto one of those tickets doesn't have to make a reservation. I'm personally going to hold onto my ticket & FL+ combo for 2021, and most likely just buy a normal ticket if I do go this year.

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Anyone can buy tickets now and reserve. You can also reserve with previously bought tickets.


July 11th appears to be the first date available for this group.


Good to know, thanks! Also, tickets purchased prior to June 5, 2020 are good through September 6, 2021, so anyone currently holding onto one of those tickets doesn't have to make a reservation. I'm personally going to hold onto my ticket & FL+ combo for 2021, and most likely just buy a normal ticket if I do go this year.


I would use it now for walk ons and buy another next sale. KI Orion literal walk on with a 3 hour line around the park.

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Who can answer this question for me. I bought my park tickets seperate from my hotel reservation at Express. The way I read it I have to pay for parking at the park?


We got caught by this a couple years ago, bought our Park tickets on cyber Monday and booked express hotel separately. At check in we were told we would have to pay for parking at the park.

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Who can answer this question for me. I bought my park tickets seperate from my hotel reservation at Express. The way I read it I have to pay for parking at the park?


We got caught by this a couple years ago, bought our Park tickets on cyber Monday and booked express hotel separately. At check in we were told we would have to pay for parking at the park.


Thanks! Thats the answer I was looking for.

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^^So that means Steel Vengeance is officially an up charge, then? I used to just leave my cell phone in the car, but,now that they have metal detectors, I can't exactly do that with my car keys...

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^Always do. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what this year's definition of "unsecured articles" is.


I'm guessing they won't let you in the queue if the metal detector goes off.

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Yep. Apparently SV is an "upcharge attraction" because of it.


Edit: Here's a trick - Make your required mask out of metal. Then when you go through the detector you can blame that.

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Are we bitching about $2 again?


Appears so... With everything going on, I feel like those who choose to visit any park this season should be prepared to compromise and roll with the rules and operational changes.

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Ride lines will be cut off early this year. Not sure which ones but I'm guessing the big coasters. Sign I saw appeared to at MF. Signs say the line will close before 8:00 due to low capacity.

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To some visitors, "it's all over" in their heads, and proceed to act

like anything that deters them is a Total Inconvenience. Bummer.


I do not miss those people at all, at any park, any time of day.

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I can't exactly do that with my car keys...


I use a magnetic hide a key under my car with the key.


I'd be more worried someone saw me do that or the magnet decides to stop working and falls and someone ends up driving away with my car lol


I'd rather pay the $1 or $2 if I can't keep my keys in my pockets lol

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I think this is the year to cut parks a bit of slack. There are going to be a lot of things that are annoying and disappointing. We're enthusiasts and should understand better than anyone why some of these changes are necessary.

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I agree 100%. I really hate that some of the enthusiasts that are back at the parks have already gone back to complaining about petty things like lockers, one train ops, etc. Frankly, with everything going on in the world right now, consider yourself extremely fortunate to be visiting a park/riding a coaster at all.

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Has anyone been able to cancel a reservation online with a Cedar Fair park? I logged in to CP website and was able to find a "Manage Reservation" button, entered my order number, but found no way to cancel. I really don't want to have to deal with a CSR on the phone if I don't have to. I have decided that parks just aren't going to happen for me this year.

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