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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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Forgive me as I'm not too familiar with these rides, but is this basically a clone of MaXair? If so thats awesome cause that ride was a pleasant surprise and kicked A$$.

Indeed it is!!! So pumped wow. This along with a probable coaster coming in 2017, KD is gonna need another revisit from me!

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Giant Frisbees are fantastic rides. A huge upgrade for a quiet section of the park. Interesting they chose the same name as Kings Island's version.

How does this model compare to Cedar Point's in terms of size?


Apparently Maxair is 25 feet taller... I'm sure the difference won't be noticeable at all.

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Giant Frisbees are fantastic rides. A huge upgrade for a quiet section of the park. Interesting they chose the same name as Kings Island's version.

How does this model compare to Cedar Point's in terms of size?


Apparently Maxair is 25 feet taller... I'm sure the difference won't be noticeable at all.


I have always enjoyed Maxair more than Delirium this may be the reason.

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I haven't tried the HUSS version, but the Zamperla Giant Frisbee at Tusenfryd is a great ride, and I assume the ride experience is pretty much identical. Really a great ride! I'm also not much of a flat ride person, but I love the giant frisbees.

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I'm thrilled with this new addition. Honestly, I wouldn't want anything else for Shockwave's site unless it were a larger coaster expanding outside the site's boundaries, but we all knew that wasn't coming. I really enjoy MaXair at CP and Delirium at KI and think this will be a very popular ride at the park. It honestly fills that last void in KD's flat ride collection.


Also, the bright colors will go great in Candy Apple Grove and since we know Bad Apple is getting repainted for 2016, hopefully Drop Tower finally gets some paint too. There are many other changes in Candy Apple Grove happening next season that weren't announced including renovations to Country Kitchen, Dinner Bell, new dining patios, a proposed building where Shockwave's lift and drop were, and more minor changes.


I might be biased, but I think Kings Dominion is in the lead for best 2016 Cedar Fair announcement so far with Wonderland not too far behind. I'm excited to see what the other parks announce soon!

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Flat rides are always a great addition. This looks to be the Mondial revolution.


Mondial to CF: "Sorry about the Windseekers, here's a free Revolution for your troubles."



Judging by the 40 seat capacity and the lower height, I think you're right. However, even if most still prefer the Giant Frisbee, the Revolution is still pretty forceful and this should be a pretty good addition to the park.

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Flat rides are always a great addition. This looks to be the Mondial revolution.


Mondial to CF: "Sorry about the Windseekers, here's a free Revolution for your troubles."


There are 3 ride manufacturers that currently make this type of pendulum swing ride with a 40 passenger gondola.


Huss: Giant Frisbee - 40 / 50 passenger models (Cedar Point & Kings Island have the 50 passenger models).


Zamperla: Giant Discovery - 40 passenger gondola


Mondial: Revolution - 40 passenger gondola model (Canada's Wonderland)


Does anyone know which manufacturer is providing the ride for Kings Dominion for 2016?

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Flat rides are always a great addition. This looks to be the Mondial revolution.


Mondial to CF: "Sorry about the Windseekers, here's a free Revolution for your troubles."

There are 3 ride manufacturers that currently make this type of pendulum swing ride with a 40 passenger gondola.


Does anyone know which manufacturer is providing the ride for Kings Dominion for 2016?

The Frisbee XL is just a little bit larger and swings just a little bit higher than the Mondial one, 118 feet and 130 degrees at max swing. The Zamperla one goes even higher, 147 feet.


I'm pretty sure this one's going to be made by Mondial.

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