the park JUST got two brand new rides (both of them amazing), and they rethemed crazy-legs to Harley Quinn.
why expect anything from them for at least a year or two?
if bumper cars show up, it's a bonus. . I seriously do NOT get the bitching from some people.
Two rides that the park did not spend alot of money on compared to some of the other parks. Also, I am expecting something from them because Six Flags adds a new attraction to every park each year. Six Flags doesnt just put in bumper cars theyve never made that small of an addition. It has been 14 years since we've gotten a big new coaster, (I dont count NTAG). Im not saying that i need a new coaster though. Im not saying that at all. Im saying that we need something besides bumper cars. If the bumper cars were maybe a part of a fanily ride package I would be grateful, but even for SIX FLAGS standards, just bumper cars is pretty low.