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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 377: Wild Oasis realm in Jungala announced for 2025!

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47 minutes ago, KIEnthusiast said:

Might be unpopular opinion, but it LOOKS like it isn't that unique. It does kinda make me mad that this is the tallest "hybrid" coaster------but the lift hill is all-steel!



(but hell, it's your opinion, and you're welcome to it - but I think most all would disagree.  As do you, since you note your opinion "might be unpopular")


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21 hours ago, boldikus said:

Looks great! Can't wait. :)

Also, guys remember: don't rush to judgement over a POV. We've been down that road many times before and the ones who complain a new coaster looks slow, etc are usually wrong.

Steel Vengeance is better than Iron Gwazi according to youtubers who haven't ridden either of the two.

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I actually agree with many of you talking about how the RMC's are all very similar.  And that's fine. There's nothing wrong with building a ton of very similar kick ass rides when most people who ride one will never even know of the other ones.  I've been comparing them to the B&M inverts of the 90's.  They're all awesome, intense rides, but they all have the same elements just in slightly different orders. I would also love to see some more unique elements in the future from them, but for now I'm quite content with their offerings. 

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2 hours ago, KIEnthusiast said:

Might be unpopular opinion, but it LOOKS like it isn't that unique. It does kinda make me mad that this is the tallest "hybrid" coaster------but the lift hill is all-steel!

Goliath at SFGAM was advertising fasted wooden coaster when built and its lift hill is steel 

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Iron Gwazi may be similar to Steel Vengeance in terms of height and speed, but I'm hoping the shorter length and lack of a MCBR will allow it to maintain its speed throughout and really provide that "out of control" feeling similar to Lightning Rod, Outlaw Run, or even Storm Chaser at times.  Should be a really fun ride.    

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Is anyone else unable to really get much from POVs? I mean I can obviously tell what is happening and where I might feel what sensation, but every single POV I watch gives me the impression that the ride will be significantly slower and less impactful than I actually get. I am not a good candidate for them as a marketing tool, I guess.

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40 minutes ago, abovethesink said:

Is anyone else unable to really get much from POVs? I mean I can obviously tell what is happening and where I might feel what sensation, but every single POV I watch gives me the impression that the ride will be significantly slower and less impactful than I actually get. I am not a good candidate for them as a marketing tool, I guess.

I kind of tend to agree with this somewhat. I've underrated my expectations for rides in the past based off their POVs, but after seeing the POV for Skyrush and then riding it in person, I've learned not to put too much stock in what Youtube shows. I have no doubt this will be an awesome ride like almost every RMC ever built, and can't wait to form my own judgment after riding it once it opens.

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18 hours ago, abovethesink said:

Is anyone else unable to really get much from POVs? I mean I can obviously tell what is happening and where I might feel what sensation, but every single POV I watch gives me the impression that the ride will be significantly slower and less impactful than I actually get. I am not a good candidate for them as a marketing tool, I guess.

I never really have an issue watching a POV, having an expectation and the ride meeting said expectation. As in, it is rare a ride is vastly different than I expect from watching the POV. For example, Steel Vengeance was actually a bit "worse" than I expected, while a ride like Silverstar was better than expected. Was it Drastic? Absolutely not. They met the expectation plus or minus some small fun points. 

Being on enough rides, you kind of just know what B&M's, GCI's, RMC's and so on will feel like. It's rare that a ride does something totally unexpected from what I think a specific element or transition will 'feel' like. This is also the reason it's very rare for me to be 'blown away' by rides anymore, because of the great POV's and animations taking away any unknowns like in the past before the YouTube era. An exception for me as of late was Taron at Phantasialand. I knew it would be an epic ride, but in person with the theming, amazing trains, etc... It just made that 'experience' better. 

These days, the things that will catch me off guard will be theming and small details that make up the experience, not so much the ride itself per say. If that makes sense.

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1 minute ago, anonymouscactus said:

If it takes away from the experience and the surprise for you then why watch them?

For me, it really doesn't take away anything from my enjoyment of said ride and doesn't bother me one bit to know what to expect. I just enjoy the rides for what they are. It's cool when things are unexpected and whatnot, but it won't make or break how much I enjoy a ride, especially beyond the first lap. Watching a POV ahead of time ruins nothing for me, but I absolutely get an idea of what to expect given the manufacturer, the elements used, trains utilized, etc... 


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18 hours ago, abovethesink said:

Is anyone else unable to really get much from POVs? I mean I can obviously tell what is happening and where I might feel what sensation, but every single POV I watch gives me the impression that the ride will be significantly slower and less impactful than I actually get. I am not a good candidate for them as a marketing tool, I guess.

Same for me!! I don't understand how people can watch a POV and solidly predict how forceful the ride is going to feel. Most of the time, I underestimate a coaster based on the POV. 

That being said, Iron Gwazi looks AMAZING from the POV and I can't wait to ride it in person! I will do anything to be there next year to ride it!

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22 hours ago, KIEnthusiast said:

Why is B&M bad for offering similar rides, but RMC good for offering similar rides???

For the same reason Togo was bad for offering similar rides, but B&M is good for offering similar rides.

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22 hours ago, TrippinBillie said:

Just wondering if anyone knows if there's anything pre-hill?  Original Gwazi had a cool drop and mini tunnel cross-over.  I was curious if they did anything with mini bunny hills or that tunnel as a nod to the original?

No there is not. 😢

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On 11/13/2020 at 2:06 PM, KIEnthusiast said:

Why is B&M bad for offering similar rides, but RMC good for offering similar rides???

New B&M’s are fun, but nothing spectacular.  RMC’s are non stop airtime and forces.

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After riding Twisted Cyclone, I’ve developed an appreciation for RMC’s that take more time to do less. Wildfire is another great example of this. I think Iron Gwazi looks to fall into that category of RMC, so I’m super excited for it.

Twisted Colossus, Steel Vengeance, Storm Chaser, Untamed, etc, while all being crazy and impressive coasters, pack in one compact element after the other and the result feels like I’m constantly getting punch in the gut in the name of “airtime.” I know these coasters have their die-hard fans, but I’m personally glad Gwazi appears to deviate from that formula a bit.

For the record, my favorite coasters are El Toro, SkyRush, and I305, so I clearly love being thrown around and into the sky. I just don’t think RMC has mastered the art of it...yet.

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1 hour ago, KIEnthusiast said:

What a world we live in where 300 ft roller coasters are “nothing spectacular”!!

Everyone has there own taste. I love the quick transitions on something like Maverick and Lightning Run. The rapid fire quick transitions. I also like strong laterals. The turn after the ravine drop on Phantoms Revenge and the death helix on Titan at SFOT are both very powerful elements. I am really excited to ride I305 because it seems to have both the quick transitions I like along with strong lateral forces! 

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There's going to be a 200 foot RMC at a park that already has one of the best coaster lineups in America. Even if it's the lamest RMC ever I mean... holy shit.

PS: That's not the vibe I got from that video at all. I think it's going to be amazing but I also suck at judging coasters from POVs.

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44 minutes ago, coasterbill said:

There's going to be a 200 foot RMC at a park that already has one of the best coaster lineups in America. Even if it's the lamest RMC ever I mean... holy shit.

PS: That's not the vibe I got from that video at all. I think it's going to be amazing but I also suck at judging coasters from POVs.

Agreed. With the addition of Iron Gwazi BGT will solidify, in my opinion, as the park with the best lineup of coasters in term of quality.  I am pretty sure this RMC will be pretty amazing, perhaps not the best one, but the drop alone in the back I can only imagine would be insane 

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55 minutes ago, BintamiM said:

Agreed. With the addition of Iron Gwazi BGT will solidify, in my opinion, as the park with the best lineup of coasters in term of quality.  I am pretty sure this RMC will be pretty amazing, perhaps not the best one, but the drop alone in the back I can only imagine would be insane 

Totally! Busch will rival any park in the country for the best quality coasters award!

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First people  are complaining about the computer generated POV for Ice Breaker,  and now people think it's bad that Iron Gwazi looks the same as all of the other RMC coasters that just so happen to be ranked all over the top 20 in every poll ever? Lol, wild times to be a coaster fan haha.

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