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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 378: New Wild Oasis details released!

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Hey everybody!


This thread is simple! Rather than having a million little threads about everything that goes on at Busch Gardens Tampa Bay, this thread is designed to consolidate it all into one user-friendly thread. Feel free to use it to post updates, trip reports, questions, comments, and of course, general discussion. For pictures and videos of the park as well as past updates, see TPR's Park Index Page.


Official Park Website


Below are some links to past updates from the park, you may be interested in. Enjoy!





February 14th, 2005 - Sheikra construction photos - SEE BELOW!

April 4th, 2005 - Sheikra is testing



January 11th, 2006 - Rumors that Python will be removed

January 11th, 2006 - Pirates 4D may be replacing Haunted Lighthouse

February 26th, 2006 - Old Sheikra construction photos

July 25th, 2006 - Man dies after riding Gwazi

September 19th, 2006 - Demolition permits arise that could mean the end of Python

October 29th, 2006 - Confirmation of Python's demise

November 21st, 2006 - Photos of Python removal



January 31st, 2007 - Sheikra to get floorless trains

June 16th, 2007 - "Floorless" Sheikra Media Day

September 6th, 2007 - Jungala announced

November 5th, 2007 - Jungala construction



May 26th, 2008 - Busch Gardens selling Quick Queue passes



June 16th, 2009 - Building permtis for roller coaster uncovered

July 19th, 2009 - Worker falls from Skyride

August 28th, 2009 - Land of Dragons to be rethemed to Sesame Street Safari of Fun (including the mystery coaster)



January 18th, 2010 - Sesame Street Fun Fair information

Feb. 12th, 2010 - "Bands, Brew & BBQ" information

March 5th, 2010 - Millenium Flyers spotted on Gwazi transfer track

March 8th, 2010 - Police charge cashier in theft of ticket money

March 17th, 2010 - American Idol's Jordin Sparks visits the park

April 1st, 2010 - CC Sabathia visits Busch Gardens Tampa Bay

April 13th, 2010 - Kinetix coming to Busch Gardens Summer Nights

April 14th, 2010 - 2011 coaster layout revealed?

April 18th, 2010 - Free Admission for Stranded Travelers

May 18th, 2010 - 2 endangered baby red-ruffed lemurs born at the park!

May 28th, 2010 - Walkabout Way Australian-themed area announced!

June 20th, 2010 - "Feel the spirit. Feel the speed." teaser sign now in the park!

June 26th, 2010 - Busch Gardens begins teaser campaign for 2011 ride

August 2nd, 2010 - Special construction tour video teases 2011 ride

August 3rd, 2010 - Baby flamingos hatched at Busch Gardens Tampa Bay

August 16th, 2010 - Mark Rose talks about the park's 2011 attraction

August 19th, 2010 - Howl-O-Scream 2010 details released!

September 10th, 2010 - Busch Gardens posts a coaster track teaser pic!

September 16th, 2010 - 3rd phase of 2011 coaster teaser campaign begins!

September 20th, 2010 - 2nd teaser video for 2011 coaster

September 23th, 2010 - Howl-O-Scream media day & Scream Cam coverage!

September 27th - 3rd teaser video for 2011 coaster

October 3rd - Howl-O-Scream 2010 "Bleedup" coverage!

October 7th - 2011 attraction to be announced on October 13th, 2010!

October 13th - 2011 coaster announced, named Cheetah Hunt!

October 17th - Tampa Bay Buccaneer Cheerleaders visit Howl-O-Scream!

November 6th - Cheetah Hunt title package graphic now online!

December 22nd - A look at 2011 for Busch Gardens Tampa Bay!



January 8th, 2011 - An official Cheetah Hunt photo update!

January 12th, 2011 - Millennium Flyers spotted on Gwazi

January 13th, 2011 - Busch Gardens announces Millennium Flyers for Gwazi!

January 15th, 2011 - Millennium Flyer testing

January 20th, 2011 - Millennium Flyer Media Event Coverage!

January 24th, 2011 - Busch Gardens Tampa Bay launches their new blog!

February 24th, 2011 - Meet the Cheetah Keeper at Cheetah Run

February 28th, 2011 - Cheetah Hunt trains have arrived!

March 16th, 2011 - Cheetah Hunt track is complete!

March 23rd, 2011 - Ride envelope testing photos!

April 15th, 2011 - Cheetah Hunt to begin testing this weekend!

May 24th, 2011 - Cheetah Hunt walls down, Sky Ride testing pictures!

June 13th, 2011 - Kinnetix! returns to Summer Nights

July 15th, 2011 - Howl-O-Scream 2011 website launched!

October 11th, 2011 - Free Serengeti Safari with FL resident admission!

October 28th, 2011 - Vampire Diaries star visits Howl-O-Scream!

November 1st, 2011 - BGT Special Event Lineup announced for 2012!

November 10th, 2011 - Grevy's Baby Zebra born at Busch Gardens!

December 30th, 2011 - Baby reticulated giraffe to join the Serengeti Plain



January 6th, 2012 - Busch Gardens/SeaWorld Preschool Pass Announced!

February 1st, 2012 - Iceploration media preview photo/video report

February 3rd, 2012 - Valentine’s Day Serengeti Night Safari announced!

February 26th, 2012 - Busch Gardens Tampa Bay launches Pinterest account

March 3rd, 2012 - BGT announces Christmastown extra ticket event

March 6th, 2012 - Drop Tower in the works for 2013

March 30th, 2012 - Summer Nights & Island Nights 2012 offerings revealed!

July 10th, 2012 - Christmas Town Media Preview Event Coverage!

July 18th, 2012 - Preparation begins for this year's Howl-O-Scream

August 4th, 2012 - Howl-O-Scream event lineup revealed!

September 17th, 2012 - Howl-O-Scream Scream Cam backstory video posted!

September 20th, 2012 - Howl-O-Scream Scream Cam Photos & Video!

November 30th, 2012 - Full Christmas Town event details released!

December 5th, 2012 - Christmas Town Media Preview photos & video report!



January 21st, 2013 - Bands, Brew & BBQ 2013 concert lineup revealed!

February 12th, 2013 - Madagascar Live! Operation: Vacation show announced!

March 13th, 2013 - Tiger half of Gwazi in an odd state of closure

March 31st, 2013 - Sandstorm retiring to make way for new attraction

June 11th, 2013 - Falcon's Fury Announced! 300+ Foot Tall Dive Tower

June 17th, 2013 - Howl-O-Scream 13 tickets now available for purchase!

June 17th, 2013 - Summer Nights 2013 details announced!

November 10th, 2013 - Fisher Price presents Live from Little People Place show in November

November 22nd, 2013 - Timbuktu to transform into Pantopia realm



February 6th, 2014 - Pantopia & Falcon's Fury Hard Hat Construction Tour!

February 28th, 2014 - Falcon's Fury Grand Opening set for May 1st, 2014!

April 18th, 2014 - Falcon's Fury Grand Opening delayed

April 28th, 2014 - First Falcon's Fury POV posted!!!

May 28th, 2014 - update on Falcon's Fury delayed opening

August 19th, 2014 - Falcon's Fury opens

August 22nd, 2014 - Falcon's Fury Soft Opening Photo and Video Report!

October 15th, 2014 - Colossal Curl coming to Adventure Island in 2015

December 19th, 2014 - Gwazi closure confirmed for early 2015!



January 9th, 2015 - Gwazi closing on February 1st

February 9th, 2015 - Generation Nature: Live! & Serengeti Safari photos!

March 5th, 2015 - Colossal Curl Media Day Report

May 2nd, 2015 - 2016 Project Update and Food & Wine Festival Report

May 28th, 2015 - Cobra's Curse Announced

June 17th, 2015 - Howl-o-Scream tickets go on sale

June 28th, 2015 - Summer Nights 2015 media preview photo report!

November 9th, 2015 - Expansion plans and resort hotels being considered



February 17th, 2016 - Cobra's Curse construction tour

April 4th, 2016 - New Food & Wine Festival and Cobra's Curse photos!

June 17th, 2016 - Cobra's Curse Media Day



September 22nd, 2017 - Howl-O-Scream Preview Trip Report posted!




March 8th, 2018 - Vanish Point report posted!

April 8th, 2018 - Busch Gardens Food & Wine Festival report posted!

June 23rd, 2018 - Summer Dining Series Media Preview Event Report!

September 12th, 2018 - Tigris (Sky Rocket II) announced for 2019 and park teases rework of Gwazi's location in 2020

November 30th, 2018 - Tigris track pieces have arrived!

November 30th, 2018 - Opening Night Critters show closing on December 16th to make way for a new show!

December 5th, 2018 - Tigris track installation has begun!

December 19th, 2018 - Real Music, Real Masters 2019 concert series details



January 3rd, 2019 - Free beer all 2019! 52 weeks of events announced!

January 16th, 2019 - Tigris construction update posted!

January 16th, 2019 - Tigris track installation now complete!

February 25th, 2019 - Critters Inn Charge show debuts at Pantopia Theater!

March 1st, 2019 - Record-breaking RMC hybrid coaster announced!

August 13th, 2019 - New Howl-O-Scream 2019 details announced!

September 12th, 2019 - Iron Gwazi video & info!

September 22nd, 2019 - Howl-O-Scream 2019 Opening Night report posted!



March 1st, 2020 - Busch Gardens Food & Wine Festival VIP Preview Event report posted!

November 12th, 2020 - Iron Gwazi POV!



June 2nd, 2021 - Howl-O-Scream returns in 2021 with two new houses!

July 19th, 2021 - "The Forgotten" Howl-O-Scream house announced!

July 28th, 2021 - Two new Howl-O-Scream houses announced!

August 12th, 2021 - "Witch of the Woods" Howl-O-Scream house announced!

August 23rd, 2021 - Iron Gwazi Officially Opening in March 2022!

October 15th, 2021 - Two new slides & more announced for Adventure Island!



March 11th, 2022 - Iron Gwazi opens on March 11th, 2022!

October 11th, 2022 - Serengeti Flyer announced!



February 8th, 2023 - Serengeti Flyer opening on February 27th, 2023!

October 2nd, 2023 - Phoenix Rising family inverted coaster announced for 2024!



September 18th, 2024 - Wild Oasis realm in Jungala announced for 2025!



January 30th, 2025 - New Wild Oasis details released!



Original Post:


Ok, ok, so we KNOW it's not called "Shakira" but that's all I can think about when I see the name in writing, and hence from here on out that will be my nick name for the ride.


Besides, I'll never be able to say "I got to ride Shakira last night" for real, so this kind of satisfies that fantasy! 😮


Anyway, when we were at BGT in January, we snapped a few pics of the constuction, here's what we got:


OMG does this ride look amazing!!!


Can't wait to ride it in November!!!

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So funky...So funky.


Actually, well, it would be close for me. Im highly looking forward to the twistedness that is Hydra. However, Shakira is going to pack a serious punch with 2 vertical drops and the splash down. Immelman wont be that special but still, its going to be pretty intense I imagine.

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^ Many years ago Vekoma bought the rights to Arrow's track design. They've made some changes to it, but essentially the old Vekoma's and Arrow's were VERY similar design because they were all derived from the same place.



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It was Werner Stengel who was responsible for the Dive Machine, after John Wardley's idea for a flying roller coaster was put on hold - in effect, Oblivion was the stopgap for Air and the Superman: Ultimate Flight rides.


I think the notion that Dive Machines weren't capable of much apart from dropping like a stone is the stuff of net rumors.

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If you still dont get the idea of how effing big the Immelman is... check it out with half of it's Carousel Curve completed;




Oh, and Johnnyupsidedown has posted another SheiKra update!



Also, BGTGuide has posted a small update of SheiKra's queue and stations area (remember, this has one station for exit and one for entering like DD at IOA).


Station Update:



-Carl "WHY THE F*** ISN'T IT MAY YET!?" F.

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