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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 378: New Wild Oasis details released!

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BGTGuide posted an exclusive update with 3 pictures including the test seat outside of the ride entry and the wheel assembly covers/fins.




Even more BGTGuide updates, the majority of the Carousel Curve after the Immelman has now been placed;




Remember a few months ago, a new restruant that was a part of the SheiKra project? When I went in December, the outside part was the only one open, now the inside has been done and Busch done an alright theming job on this.



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^ Wow...the whole area is really taking shape pretty quickly.


I'm hopeful that this ends up being one of the better B&Ms, but even if it's not, I think the whole 'package' looks good.


I don't mean to sound negative or anything, but a lot of the B&M's built in the last 5 years just don't have that "WOW!!!" factor that rides like Montu, Kumba, Dragons, Nemesis, etc, have.


--Robb "I'm hoping that this is one of the better ones!" Alvey

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I agree on that, they arent that good as the ones about 5 years ago, but intamin seems to be competing against them and building more and better coasters. I wonder if B&M will build a 400ft coaster?


I remember reading something once that B&M doesn't see a reason to go above the 300 foot mark. I'm sure once a park wants it and has the pockets deep enough to pay for it they will without hesitation! I wonder how much a 300 foot B&M would cost compared to Intamin... Anyone know how much did NITRO cost?


The Immelman looks HUGE. I was amazed at the Carousel curve when I saw it back in Jan. Have to get back there soon.


What kind of restraint system does this use?



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Ok im gonna ask, does anyone know when its suppose to open. The park site says in May but Im planning on going the weekend before memorial day and I would be soo pissed if its not open yet...


Jarvis "officially taking coaster trips this year ( 3 states (one visited twice), 2 countries, 11 parks, one person!)" Morant

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I am confident to say May 1st now, according to BGTGuide, SheiKra's circuit should be complete next Friday, then after that, they have about a month to test and put in the theming.


Cant wait til the 1st, not only is SheiKra opening, but it is 2 days before my 16th birthday 8) !

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I doubt that will ever happen. B&M have this thing about launched coasters or building coasters over 300ft high. Shame really. If anything it gives Intamin the advantage in the market for high and fast coasters.


May I ask you, is the three current highest rollercoasters, Top Thrill Dragster, Kingda Ka and Superman the Escape, by any means the best coasters? I'd rather have B&M return to their roots and build awesome intense coaster, perhaps only 13 m. of the ground, rather than those huge one-trick ponnies.


Or is that just me?


You must also consider that working as high up as for example Top Thrill Dragster, you are much more in danger of errors. I've personally never heard anyone going to Holiday Park and saying that Expedition GeForce was out the entire day with no excuses from staff...

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  • 2 weeks later...
I doubt that will ever happen. B&M have this thing about launched coasters or building coasters over 300ft high. Shame really. If anything it gives Intamin the advantage in the market for high and fast coasters.


I'm pretty sure the launch on the Hulk was designed mostly in house by Universal and B&M had almost nothing to do with that part.. at least that's what I hear.. at work.. which is IOA


I agree though, I'd choose the 75 foot tall Phoenix over many larger coasters. Height is far from what make a great coaster.. can have a huge impact though.


Eric "I'd be very surprised if Sheikra doesnt end up in most people's Top 5's" Geiple

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^Oh, so B&M just refuses to build a foot over 299 ft? Gimme a break. That sounds like crap. If a park threw, say, $200M at B&M for a launched coaster, they sure as hell would get crackin on the designs. Only thing I've ever heard Claude say about launchers is that 'LIMs are unreliable'.


Money makes the world go round, baby!




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Yeah, I'm not sure where that info came from, but I never got any impressions from talking to the B&M guys that if someone ponied up the cash, they would build it!


Hell, they built the worst wooden trains for one of the worst wooden coasters in the world!



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Do we even really want a 300+ foot B&M? Granted, I loved Apollo and Raging Bull; but, I thought Nitro was pretty boring, and Silver Star was - dear god - that ride sucked. The best part of Silver Star was actually the turn into the final brakes! It was all twisty and neato.


I dunno, I'm exhausted. I'll shut up now.




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