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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 378: New Wild Oasis details released!

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19 hours ago, KIEnthusiast said:

What a world we live in where 300 ft roller coasters are “nothing spectacular”!!

This world.  Sure they are awe inspiring to someone who hasn’t seen it before, but for us coaster nerds...you’ve been on 1 B&M Hyper, you’ve practically been on all them.  They are still fun, but nowhere near my top 10.

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On 11/21/2020 at 2:07 AM, coasterbill said:

There's going to be a 200 foot RMC at a park that already has one of the best coaster lineups in America. Even if it's the lamest RMC ever I mean... holy shit.

PS: That's not the vibe I got from that video at all. I think it's going to be amazing but I also suck at judging coasters from POVs.

I mean even the world's worst RMC would be better than Gwazi was at the end of it's life.

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On 11/21/2020 at 2:14 AM, Jew said:

This world.  Sure they are awe inspiring to someone who hasn’t seen it before, but for us coaster nerds...you’ve been on 1 B&M Hyper, you’ve practically been on all them.  They are still fun, but nowhere near my top 10.

Define the word "us." I like B&M hypers and I like B&M gigas. I find Diamondback, Goliath, Mako, and Raging Bull especially all ride different from one another. If you've ridden one classic wooden out-and-back coaster, have you ridden them all?

I'd be able to relate to your idea much more if we were talking about wild mouse coasters and boomerangs. Hypers just don't seem to be 'your' flavor.

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On 11/24/2020 at 8:48 PM, prozach626 said:

Define the word "us." I like B&M hypers and I like B&M gigas. I find Diamondback, Goliath, Mako, and Raging Bull especially all ride different from one another. If you've ridden one classic wooden out-and-back coaster, have you ridden them all?

I'd be able to relate to your idea much more if we were talking about wild mouse coasters and boomerangs. Hypers just don't seem to be 'your' flavor.

To each their own. B&M’s are what they are: they look pretty and are reliable, so parks will keep buying them.  The 2019 coaster poll results speak to what I am saying: the first B&M comes in at number 11. The next B&M hyper/giga is all the way at 27.  Intamin, RMC, and Mack dominate  the list since they push the envelope much more 


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Okay, maybe I'm dumb and just somehow missing it, but I cannot find BGT's ride maintenance schedule for 2021 anywhere on their website.  Am I missing something or is it truly not posted?

Reason for asking, is I was trying to decide between the first week of January or the third week of February for a trip down there, and Kumba is on my must-ride list.  I found the 2019 schedule, and that year it was closed from 2/4 - 3/1, and in 2020 it was closed from 2/24 - 3/6.  Going in February would be better for me for a variety of reasons, but if Kumba will be closed I feel I will be disappointed, as I don't have any plans of making another trip down there until 2022 at the earliest.  Maybe it might be better just to delay the trip until later in 2021.

Is there anyone on here with some inside knowledge that can perhaps shed some light?


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You're not missing anything, it would normally be here but this year is a shitshow so I doubt that they even know. Everything currently closed is likely closed for budget (aside from the play structures and climbing areas), not maintenance aside from SheiKra which is down mechanical and has been for weeks.

I'm assuming Congo is just closed because they moved the crew to Stanley Falls since it's a more suitable ride for the winter months (and also all other months but... lol).

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  • 2 weeks later...
10 hours ago, chschris1 said:

I was thinking about going to Busch on Dec 29th and 30th which are a Tuesday and a Wednesday. Do you think fast passes will be necessary? I am deciding between Universal and Busch and would love any insight or tips! 

We had friends there yesterday and lines were all at least an hour up to 90 min for all major rides. It's up to you if that's worth it or to buy the Quick Queue ($110-$130 per person next week).

I also responded to your Universal thread.  You have to realize, that going to parks next week is one of the WORST TIMES OF ANY YEAR to go to a park. So either go for it and be prepared to wait or shell out big bucks. 

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20 hours ago, SharkTums said:

We had friends there yesterday and lines were all at least an hour up to 90 min for all major rides. It's up to you if that's worth it or to buy the Quick Queue ($110-$130 per person next week).

I also responded to your Universal thread.  You have to realize, that going to parks next week is one of the WORST TIMES OF ANY YEAR to go to a park. So either go for it and be prepared to wait or shell out big bucks. 

Thank you so much for the responses. I think I am going to just go for it at Busch Gardens and spring for the Quick Que Unlimited. I wanted to go to Universal a bit more but Busch is amazing as well and the prices for Express of Universal are outrageous. I understand that they can charge this because of the demand but almost $300 dollars a person is crazy! 


Do you have any tips on how to navigate Busch in Tampa? I have only been once and it was years ago. I want to surprise my boyfriend with a little fun after Christmas and I think he would love the Safari and Quick Que is a definite based on how busy it will be. 

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The only strategy you need since you can get on every coaster without waiting with Quick Queue is that the train is making you exit at the next stop right now and is running at half capacity so if you want to take it to see the animals then make sure you board from the train station near-ish Cheetah Hunt (I think it’s Nairobi?)

It’s not on Quick queue so you may wait like 30 minutes or so.

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Given that they won't even publish their annual maintenance schedule for 2021 yet (and yes, I asked them), I don't think they have any idea.

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I’m thinking about taking a Florida trip this fall (October or November) with Busch Gardens Tampa being part of the trip. I’d probably be at the park on a weekday, I assume those aren’t that busy compared to weekends? Also wondering if they usually have any rides/coasters down for annual maintenance around this time, as I’d hate to go when a ride like Kumba or Montu is closed.

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The park is usually good about posting their ride closures a few months in advance.  I've gone the weekend before Thanksgiving and crowds were manageable.  The B&Ms were walk-ons and the worst line was a half hour for Cheetah Hunt.  It's also likely going to be 60-70 degrees that time of year, which sure beats the oppressive summer weather.

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If anyone's interested, the park has posted the ride maintenance schedule for the first quarter of 2021.


Jan 5-15 Sheikra
Jan 25-29 Scorpion
Feb 1-5 Elmo's Safari Go Round
Feb 8-12 Big Bird's Whirlie Birdie
Feb 15-19 The Count's Cars
Feb 22-26 Dessert Runners
Mar 1-12 Kumba

And on that note, my trip is booked for the 3rd week of February.  BGT on Thursday the 18th and SWO on Friday the 19th, with Fun Spot Orlando in the evening on the 19th and Fun Spot Kississimee before my flight home on the 20th.  Excited!

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