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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 377: Wild Oasis realm in Jungala announced for 2025!

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God, that name is horrible. Either come up with something new or just leave it as Gwazi.

Wow. It only took 16 minutes for someone to write some stupid pointless bitchy useless obnoxious dumb comment. Honestly, I'm surprised it took that long...


We need fewer idiots on our forum...


For the record, I'm glad they kept Gwazi in the name. The ride is going to seriously kick ass. If you have anything to complain about with this ride, you're dumb.


Exactly--they paid tribute to the old ride and still rebranded it as a new one.

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People called this thing RMC Gwazi for months and months and it's officially named Iron Gwazi and they loose their minds! ::Sigh::


I haven't been to BGT since I moved back to Cleveland from Tampa in 2009. I really need to get back!

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I like the tribute to the original Gwazi by using 1999 graphics for the POV.


Robb according to the wiki the height should be 48 inches. They referenced the 48 inch height for Ice Breaker, any reference to what the expected height requirement would be for Iron Ghawi?


I know that SV was changed to 52 inches just weeks before opening.


Can't wait to ride it.

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My only issue with the name is one of semantics... I believe the name "Gwazi" was in reference to a part lion, part tiger beast, but Iron Gwazi is crocodile-themed. Nevertheless, I always thought the name "Gwazi" was really cool, and that crocodile-themed lead car might just become one of my favorite lead cars on a coaster train! Plus no one really cares about linguistics except English majors...

I'm very excited for this addition, and I think both of these coasters will be solid additions to the two SEAS Florida parks! Can't wait to ride them.

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To keep in line with their African inspired names, such as Montu, Sheikra, Kumba, etc., a better name would have been Twisted Mamba since Mamba in Swahili means crocodile and their theming this after a crocodile. There's no sense in naming it Iron Gwazi (NOT saying I don't like the name because I do) when it's being themed after a crocodile and Gwazi was themed around being a hybrid of a tiger/lion creature haha but, I do love that they're paying homage to the original coaster by keeping it's original name, nonetheless. I'm totally digging what we could see of the trains and the logo looks awesome, too! That purple track with the green trains is going to be a sick contrast. This is gonna be a HUGE hitter for BGT! It looks bad ass for sure. I'll definitely be making my way down there next year!

Edited by CarolinaJay
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I really like the logo, this ride looks so awesome. Florida 2020 is absolutely crazy with all this new rides coming next year. I really think I'll end up going to Florida way more now, I already love the parks down there but finally have more time to actually get down there more often.

Edited by Satans Hockey
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This park needed an air-time machine and now it's officially announced. I can't wait!


As for the name, it 100% makes sense to put something like Iron in the name. We know these hybrids are steel coasters, but to most they look like wood coasters from a distance. And considering old Gwazi's reputation, you want to hammer home that it's steel.

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At least based on the concept art, the purple / dark green / light green / yellow color scheme looks really good. It'll be fascinating being able to keep up with the construction of an amazing new coaster for once, since I go to Busch Gardens pretty often.

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48" height restriction is great, glad to see something else in the park under the B&M's. I can't wait to take my kids next year for the first time!


YES! This exactly! My kiddo is way past Rollerskaters, but it'll be a couple more years before we get to 54", let alone him wanting to do 7 loops... but he is going to be super excited about Ice Breaker!

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God, that name is horrible. Either come up with something new or just leave it as Gwazi.


Exactly! I'm so confused how a crocodile is the theme of Iron Gwazi. Gwazi means Tiger's head and Lion's body. So....


An African Swahili name meaning beast or something similar would have been better. Like how Kumba means roar.


Busch Gardens has failed at naming ever since Cheetah Hunt, which should have been named Cheetaka. Their branding fits so much better with one word names. Their next coaster will be named "Hang Gliding Safari Adventure" and the theme will be a Flamingo, lmao

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I doubt the average park guest knows or cares what Gwazi means. Or Kumba or Montu for that matter. It's just a name for a ride.


It's poor marketing and doesn't fit their brand. Makes it look like they hired a marketing team from craigslist. I mean, at least have the logo and theme be the old Gwazi logo but in a steel shiny emblem so it looks like it's made of iron.

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