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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 377: Wild Oasis realm in Jungala announced for 2025!

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The bf and I visited the park the other day for Christmas Town and crowds were non-existant, per usual for a weekday just about any time of the year. I love having this park just an hour down i4 and almost always being guaranteed unlimited walk-on rides on Kumba and Montu.


The Christmas Town Village area, which opens at 4, was very cute and their waffle sandwiches were bomb. Unfortunately, I forgot to get a pic of the one we got, but it was the one with turkey, cheese, and cranberry on it.


Iron Gwazi looks very imposing entering the park and really dominates the skyline. I can't wait for the aforementioned weekdays with no lines to ride this over and over again.


Iron Gwazi's lift, sans-chain right now, has been completed. Track has made it's way about 3/4 of the way down the first drop as well.


I'm happy to report that Gwazi: Tiger was spared demolition and will live on in Jungala.


Going down


The Skyride was open again, making for some good views of Iron Gwazi's progress


Same Skyride, different angle


The sun beginning to set behind the new RMC tower


As the sun set, we were starting to freeze our a$$es off (it was like 55 degrees, for you non-Floridians), so we ran to the car to grab jackets for the rest of our night rides.


The new view of the park's skyline when walking into the park


Now that the Christmas Town Village area was open, we were able to get some unique looks from right under Iron Gwazi


The bf and I awkwardly posing for a photo in front of some Christmas trees at the far end of Christmas Town Village


The entire park really looked beautiful with all the Christmas lights illuminated with the sun going down


The quieter side of the park near the kangaroos and flamingos was lined with these cute little trees


They had the SheiKra-Kumba shortcut path open, which was covered with this tunnel decorated with lights, which were coordinated to change color to music


The Crown Colony House was also decked out with music-coordinated lights. When we were nearby, it was jamming to Christmas Eve in Sarajevo


You can get your nuts cracked, if that's what you're into


Even the alligators had this cute little Christmas tree to look at


And lastly, the park's entrance area was also fully illuminated with lights, holly, and wreaths.


Busch Gardens Tampa is a beautiful park and Christmas Town really makes it come alive at night. We really enjoyed our visit and hopefully we'll make it back again before the event ends. I highly recommend the food/drinks in Christmas Town Village!

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I love not knowing what's really coming next in the layout and that they never released a full POV. I don't really avoid "spoilers" for coasters but I'll probably have a chance to ride this not long after opening so I might try as hard as I canto not look at any mroe new pics of this thing. Absolutely can't wait to get back over to BGT this summer.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So... this just came up on my news feed (from July, sorry if this has already been torn apart)...




This might be the stupidest reading I have **ever** seen (and not just because of the spelling of Scorpion). -- Also: I think Coasterbill may have 3 actual, full-fledged heart attacks. (*Cough* #5, #3, #1) -- Warning you now.


"You are then instantly brought back up into an upside-down loop before speeding off through the seven inverted tacks." -- huh? Tracks doesn't even make sense either. WHAT DOES IT EVEN MEAN.


I mean, besides the list itself.

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Allow me:


Busch Gardens is known for it salient wildlife conservation practices as well as its rides.
The climb and the drop are the most intense parts of this ride, but with theater-style seating and a floorless car, every minute of this ride the SheiKra
Skip: Scorpian
Passenger's feet dangle as they are brought up a deliberately steady climb which lingers just briefly enough before dropping into a steep sloop.
Skip: Kumba
The cart, instead of slowly climbing the tracks, is risen on a platform to face the majestic, col0ssal cobra.

Whomever "wrote" this article needs to actually go to a theme park instead of reading website ride descriptions, reading Wikipedia articles, and looking at the layout of that park on Google Maps.


Also, some of the wording makes me think that the article was originally written in a foreign language and then run through Google Translate.

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Articles like these make me envy the model Europe has with tour guides where you're only authorized to act as a historical guide guests in a region if you're properly certified. That sad fact is that some unknowing general guest will find this article and think it is the gospel truth when it is full of nonsensical descriptions and "advice," planning their visit with these "insights" in mind.

Edited by jedimaster1227
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If Cheetah Hunt is busy all day I’d definitely hit that right when we get there, but I don’t think we’ll be there at opening since we’re catching the shuttle from Orlando that leaves at 9:15 am. I’ll probably play it by ear and get the Quick Queue if it looks bad cause $30 is really reasonable. Thanks everyone!

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