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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 378: New Wild Oasis details released!

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^ What he said. I went on a field trip on a Thursday when I was in like seventh grade and the park was a ghost town. I lost count on how many times I rode SheiKra that day.


While we're on the subject of refurbishments, any word on Phoenix? It's been closed for almost a year now, I think... maybe longer than that. Is it officially SBNO? Are they doing a complete overhaul of the ride mechanism or something?

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^ From that article: "The track is designed to "mimic the awe-inspiring agility of the world’s largest and most powerful cat – the tiger.""


I thought it mimicked an electric eel, or maybe a zombie, or Superman...

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^ From that article: "The track is designed to "mimic the awe-inspiring agility of the world’s largest and most powerful cat – the tiger.""


I thought it mimicked an electric eel, or maybe a zombie, or Superman...

Zombie tiger eel Superman.

on fire

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I blocked coasterbill a while ago, but I saw that JRice92 fed the troll for some reason. Sorry that I wanted to make an honest unbiased comment about a coaster. I don't see what part of "It was what it was. Tempesto South. It was meh. Kinda fun, but too short. It was what it was" makes it unridable. But whatever. The lines were short, and I know that it'll have two hour lines after the official opening so I wanted to some laps in on it when I could. I guess that Mr. Bill's opinions are the only ones that matter, so that's cool.

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I got 9 laps in on Tigris yesterday. It was what it was. Tempesto South. It was meh. Kinda fun, but too short. It was what it was.


Man, BGT is gonna have to find some way to redeem themselves in 2020 to make up for this travesty. What could they possibly do to dig themselves out of this abomination of a hole? What a shame.

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^ From that article: "The track is designed to "mimic the awe-inspiring agility of the world’s largest and most powerful cat – the tiger.""


I thought it mimicked an electric eel, or maybe a zombie, or Superman...


. . . or a famous Italian daredevil's bicycle stunt.


But, yes, your average park guest isn't going to make the connection with Tempesto.

Edited by cfc
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It is nice that, despite these rides getting cloned a lot, they are all in completely different areas of the country. Now we just need one in the midwest - maybe Worlds of Fun or SFSL?


But to stay on topic, Tigris looks great and seems to be a nice addition. LOVE the color scheme.

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Got my one ride on Tigris last night, first row of the last car. It's what I expected, but it's still fantastic. It's a clone, but the location is fantastic and the ride is crazy intense despite it's length. I love these rides, they're probably my favorite clone model and even with the comfort collars this is still a huge win for the park.


Now to wait until next spring.

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I blocked coasterbill a while ago, but I saw that JRice92 fed the troll for some reason. Sorry that I wanted to make an honest unbiased comment about a coaster. I don't see what part of "It was what it was. Tempesto South. It was meh. Kinda fun, but too short. It was what it was" makes it unridable. But whatever. The lines were short, and I know that it'll have two hour lines after the official opening so I wanted to some laps in on it when I could. I guess that Mr. Bill's opinions are the only ones that matter, so that's cool.



"it was meh"



then you say you rode it 9 times. if it was "meh" then why ride it more than once, no matter how short the line is?


go look at the Wallabys or Flamingos, or Hippos. . or you know.. ride something "better" (Kumba, Cheetah Hunt, Scorpion, Shiekra, Montu, Falcon's Fury, Stanley Falls, the skyride, etc. . )



and it's absolutely hysterical that you think bill is a "troll". . .

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I've never considered Bill a "troll" ever. More of a voice of "reason/humorous logical sarcasm."


Actual screenshot of the first (private) discussion we ever had:


The rest is history.

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I've never considered Bill a "troll" ever. More of a voice of "reason/humorous logical sarcasm."

Honestly I don't even understand why he could ever be considered a troll in the first place.


"I don't agree with this person on something trivial, so he can't be trusted! BLOCKED!"

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