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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 378: New Wild Oasis details released!

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Damn!!! We visiting the park one year to early.

Don't feel bad, I missed out on Lightning Rod. That's going to change in 2020, hopefully.

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^ Don't worry. You are going to have a blast even though the next coaster is not ready. BGT is really a cool place that is all about the experience of the moment. Not of the future, but what is there will wow you, and will keep calling you back like a mythological Siren. It has for me and I live here.


Yes this. I was there last month and it was a blast!



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Dear SeaWorld Parks and Entertainment:


Busch Gardens Williamsburg has Tempesto, and would like one of these RMCs, too.


Thank you.


BGT's already stellar coaster lineup is just getting better.


In fairness, you're getting some cool multi-launched thing with a 315ft spike.


But both Busch parks have exceptional coaster lineups.



On an unrelated note, I for one am glad to see that the (obviously inaccurate) fan-created No Limits layout that the rest of the enthusiast community is currently fawning over/arguing about isn't being entertained here.

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Dear SeaWorld Parks and Entertainment:


Busch Gardens Williamsburg has Tempesto, and would like one of these RMCs, too.


Thank you.


BGT's already stellar coaster lineup is just getting better.


Thats exactly what I was thinking!!!

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My first job in Florida was Gwazi ride operator (they were going to give me Rhino Rally but I still had a NY license at the time) .... not at all sad at all to see it go, lol, but it's what started me down the career path to SeaWorld! And subsequently out of the industry all together, lol.


That ride was horrendous to operate, especially in the heat. Bye, Felecia!


Can't wait to make it back in 2020 8)

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After years of remaining steadfast in my declaration that Gwazi would eventually get the RMC treatment, at long last the naysayers have been silenced!


As for BGT, what more can be said that hasn't already! The park is simply phenomenal, and one of the best in the entire country, hands down! I already considered it my favorite place in Florida, yes, even more than Disney and Universal, and that was before Tigris and now this. I was already planning on returning to Florida sometime in 2020 with my kids for a vacation, and Disney trip, as most of them have never been, and BGT is definitely going to be on the itinerary as well!


Star Wars Land, or RMC Gwazi... Even as a huge Star Wars fan, I genuinely don't know which addition I am more excited for!

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Okay, I think I'm breathing again. Let me just say a few things.


This is probably the most amazing news ever. Gwazi was my ride back in the day, I probably rode it more times than most could tolerate. It was my first "big" coaster, so seeing the ride close almost half a decade ago (!!!) was very bittersweet. On one hand, I knew the ride wasn't very popular despite the recent addition of the new trains. On the other hand, yeah, it was time for a change. Whatever went in that spot, I'd be pretty happy.


This... is beyond what I expected. Like, miles above.


Even when the park confirmed they were "re-doing" Gwazi, I thought it would be a pretty basic conversion; y'know, take the track out, keep some of the support (or rebuild what's unsalvageable, what with the ride sitting dormant for that long), add a few inversions, good to go! Even if it wasn't the best RMC, it'd still probably be my favorite in the park. But this... this is incredible. I mean, it's a hyper coaster with a beyond-vertical drop. What even. I'm so excited for this, 2020 can't come soon enough.

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After years of remaining steadfast in my declaration that Gwazi would eventually get the RMC treatment, at long last the naysayers have been silenced!

SAME!!! I was saying this back in 2015 when I worked at BGT and no one believed me. I just wish I could see the reactions when the people who thought I was crazy find out I was right about this after all. Okay I might still be crazy...

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Hey everyone,


So as some of you know, I'm visiting Busch Gardens Tampa on Friday the 29th, and I need advice! We'll be staying the whole day from open to close (10:00 to 7:00), so keep that in mind when responding.


1. What is the best order to hit up the coasters and thrilling flat rides?


2. What are the best restaurants for lunch and dinner? (best snacks in the park would be a nice bonus too )


3. "Magic" seats or the best rows/seats on coasters? I love trying multiple seats for the best possible ride so I always ask those questions when trip planning.



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Cheetah Hunt and Cobra's Curse often get the highest wait times. Cheetah Hunt is close to the front, and Cobra's Curse is new hotness family coaster. Consider doing one of those two right as you enter.


The others? It's hit-or-miss, really, with the exception of Kumba, which rarely has a wait longer than a few train loads. Scorpion moves slowly because they only ever run one train. SheiKra can sometimes move slowly if they are only staffed for one station platform. I personally have never had any issues just going around and doing the coasters in a loop, and that's on a weekend.


Kumba and Montu are really great on outer seats because they have elements that whip you around. SheiKra is pretty freaky in a front row outer seat because you're basically hanging over the edge with nothing anywhere.

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Cheetah Hunt and Cobra's Curse often get the highest wait times. Cheetah Hunt is close to the front, and Cobra's Curse is new hotness family coaster. Consider doing one of those two right as you enter.


The others? It's hit-or-miss, really, with the exception of Kumba, which rarely has a wait longer than a few train loads. Scorpion moves slowly because they only ever run one train. SheiKra can sometimes move slowly if they are only staffed for one station platform. I personally have never had any issues just going around and doing the coasters in a loop, and that's on a weekend.


Kumba and Montu are really great on outer seats because they have elements that whip you around. SheiKra is pretty freaky in a front row outer seat because you're basically hanging over the edge with nothing anywhere.


Yeah, Shiekra probably is best in the front, but the the middle and back aren't that bad. The train does have stadium seating, so you get a pretty great view no matter where you sit. It can also be kind of cool sitting over people and watching their reactions. Drop coasters are just pretty underrated all the way around.


Pretty spot on analysis of the wait times. Monday through Friday the park is pretty dead. But all of the sudden it gets Disney level crowds on the weekends and holidays. If you're traveling through, definitely make sure to prioritize going Monday-Friday. Also, for being a big 365 park in Florida, the operations and staffing is pretty pathetic. They really can't get a dispatch out without stacking and they'll leave a bunch of empty seats. Surprising considering the fact that they fully staff each ride with greeters, crowd control, and restraint checkers.

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I would also recommend doing the train ride and/or skyride to get around the park. They are both very fun rides that I loved as a kid. Kumba is definitely worth doing in the back, it’s incredibly intense! So is Montu. I’m thankfully going to be able to revisit my childhood stomping grounds (this park) in April 2019, after nearly 4 years of not being back.

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Keep in mind that it's a Spring Break week for some Florida districts (including nearby Polk County) so the park may be more crowded than normal.

This! Also Spring Break for many 'damn Yankees' who will be invading Florida for the week. I was there during that week last year (on Thursday, I believe) and the park was very crowded. As a credit whore (your words), if you want to have any time to see animals or enjoy any of the non-coaster things that this park has to offer, I would recommend budgeting for Quick Queue, in case you feel like you need it when you get there.

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Thanks for the advice everyone!


So as of right now, here's the plan.

1. Cheetah Hunt

2. Cobra's Curse

3. Montu

4. Skyride

5. Kumba

6. Sand Serpent

7. Falcon's Fury

8. Scorpion

9. SheiKra

10. Air Grover


Anything I should change?


The animal exhibits will be sprinkled in as we go along (unless there are some that get busier than normal?)


Lastly, what are the best places for food? I appreciate all the attraction strategy help, but my family would love recommendations for when it comes time to eat.

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Bacon Pretzels by Falcons Fury. Pure heaven. Also, feeding and mingling with the Kangaroos and Wallabies is a whole lotta fun! If the Crown Colony, (or whatever it's called now) has the buffet open, go for it. It is usually only open seasonally , and being spring break, it might be open.

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It's Busch Tampa, not Cedar Point. You're overthinking this.


Ride Cheetah Hunt, ride Cobra's Curse, ride Montu (because it's there, not because it'll actually get lines) and then just do whatever.

Edited by coasterbill
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Oh, I almost forgot. Eat the pretzels near Falcon's fury or the BBQ near the Sheikra splash. If anyone in the group is over 21 they get free beer at the Garden Gate Cafe so go there because they'll need it after going along with you while you whore Air Grover when they'd all probably rather ride Serengeti Express Train and see rhinos and giraffes and sh*t.

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