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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 378: New Wild Oasis details released!

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Hate to derail this thread, but just wanted to say I am stoked for my first visit to this park next Tuesday.


I don't really care about Sky Rocket II clones, but will be happy if Tigris takes people away from the other coasters' queues. We may be doing two days at BGT. I can't imagine we'll need a full day at SWO, as we really only care about coasters. If we get coastered out, we may check out some animal stuff, though.


Back on topic, we have four different Choice hotels lined up for our four nights in Tampa/Orlando area thanks to the heads up from TPR's resident troll, coasterbill.

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Back on topic, we have four different Choice hotels lined up for our four nights in Tampa/Orlando area thanks to the heads up from TPR's resident troll, coasterbill.

I laughed so hard at this. I hope you'll be doing a full review/ranking of them.

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Hate to derail this thread, but just wanted to say I am stoked for my first visit to this park next Tuesday.


I don't really care about Sky Rocket II clones, but will be happy if Tigris takes people away from the other coasters' queues. We may be doing two days at BGT. I can't imagine we'll need a full day at SWO, as we really only care about coasters. If we get coastered out, we may check out some animal stuff, though.


Back on topic, we have four different Choice hotels lined up for our four nights in Tampa/Orlando area thanks to the heads up from TPR's resident troll, coasterbill.

Love it!


Also, if you're going to Seaworld you should definitely see some of the animal exhibits and shows! You also never know how much longer you'll have that chance. Take pictures of the whales for me and post them. #ISupportSeaworld


And on the topic of BGT since this is the BGT thread... the Skyrocket II coasters are very fun and even have some airtime. I wouldn't call them "meh" at all. It just so happens that Tigris is at a park where every other coaster is phenomenal and unique so having a clone seems less interesting, but tons of parks have clones and literally no one notices except enthusiasts. This is absolutely a great addition for BGT regardless of it being a clone.


Also it wasn't too long ago that the park was having to close down rides and whole exhibit areas due to budgeting issues so getting two coasters in two years is outstanding news for them.

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I've yet to ride any of the 'Sky Rocket' clones, but I hope to once I make I finally make out it to BGW someday. To me they look like pretty solid rides.


Or at least, allow me to say this....


It seems that there is a fine line between so-called "gimmicky/cookie-cutter" cloned coasters and what would could also just seen as an elaborate/top-notch flat ride.


Now yes, obviously this is objectively a coaster, but if it takes up about the same footprint and cost about as much a good flat ride, then why must it carry the denigrating label of 'gimmicky clone', as some would call it.


I mean, you're getting a damn 200ft RMC next year for crying out loud. They could have just given you nothing for 2019.

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I can't imagine we'll need a full day at SWO, as we really only care about coasters. If we get coastered out, we may check out some animal stuff, though.


My lady and I just spent the equivalent of 2 full days (spread over 4) at SWO and never got bored. Granted she is not into coasters as much as me, and we did spend one of those days basically just doing the Food Fest all day with me throwing some rides in, but overall we LOVE the park and both agree its all worth checking out. I highly recommend Atlantis and Infinity Falls in addition to the coasters, but just know that on the latter you will get head-to-toe drenched. Its a great ride though!

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Hate to derail this thread, but just wanted to say I am stoked for my first visit to this park next Tuesday.


I don't really care about Sky Rocket II clones, but will be happy if Tigris takes people away from the other coasters' queues. We may be doing two days at BGT. I can't imagine we'll need a full day at SWO, as we really only care about coasters. If we get coastered out, we may check out some animal stuff, though.


Back on topic, we have four different Choice hotels lined up for our four nights in Tampa/Orlando area thanks to the heads up from TPR's resident troll, coasterbill.


If you only go for coasters, SeaWorld can be done in a half day. I did that my first visit, but all my subsequent visits have been full days. As great as SeaWorld's coasters are, the animal exhibits make it extra special.


I've yet to ride any of the 'Sky Rocket' clones, but I hope to once I make I finally make out it to BGW someday. To me they look like pretty solid rides.


Or at least, allow me to say this....


It seems that there is a fine line between so-called "gimmicky/cookie-cutter" cloned coasters and what would could also just seen as an elaborate/top-notch flat ride.


Now yes, obviously this is objectively a coaster, but if it takes up about the same footprint and cost about as much a good flat ride, then why must it carry the denigrating label of 'gimmicky clone', as some would call it.


I mean, you're getting a damn 200ft RMC next year for crying out loud. They could have just given you nothing for 2019.


Sky Rocket II's are one of the best clones out there. It has some awesome spots of airtime, great hangtime, and launches. Sure it's not as good as a custom Intamin, but these rides have a small footprint, are super reridable, and are a wet dream for marketing teams.

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:lol: I don't know how this became the Bill appreciation thread but I'm cool with it.


Well I mean there was that time your avatar changed from the paratrooper so I didn't realize to stop to see your posts.

I think this was in the dark time of 'Henry M' when I was scrolling past a lot for the sake of my sanity.

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Great video, and your bubbly enthusiasm inf the "face/front" view is contagious. . . . I was grinning like a loon while watching that part.


Tigris really *looks* great! I prefer the colors on this, than on Tempesto.


a good fit for the park, in that space over there.

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I've always wanted to try one of these. They look fun. Tough to judge POVs but looks like decent whip-iness in the back.

But I will not drive 4 hours to BGT, partly to try this new coaster.

*Already planning trip*

Edited by JJLehto
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I ride Tigris today! Here's our full video with lots of different shots from different angles!


Thanks Robb for the awesome footage!!


Can't wait to eventually give it a go! These clones are by far my favorite clones!!

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The only model I've been on so far has been Tempesto, but I remember it being a lot of fun. Sure, these models are probably not going to crack anyone's top 10 lists, but I personally love how these can deliver a fun, thrilling ride for people while taking up barely any real estate. Colors pop, too!

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  • 3 weeks later...

So a mini TR from this past Tuesday. We had friends in from out of town and they wanted to do the park. Great timing as right now you can buy tickets, no restrictions, for half price until June 6. ( yes, it is off season here) Got to the park about 20 minutes after opening, went to Cheetah Hunt, posted 20 minute wait. Wow. Um, it was even less, running only one load station, 2 trains. Next went to Cobras Curse expecting a line similar, but were greeted with a posted 5 minute wait time. Um, again way less. Walk on. I had never ridden. My take, fun and weird. I knew the layout and all, but was surprised by its weirdness. We would have rerode but Montu was boasting walk on. Yep, no wait, one train, pick your seat. Dang good ride as always. 2x.

Next up, hydration, as it is hot as heck here already, then onto Falcons' Fury. Again, walk on. BUT, now Falcon shows us how temperamental it can be. We get to the top, the seats tilt, aaand stay there. After a few minutes, the seats return to the upright position and an announcement comes on that there is a technical difficulty. There we are, at the top, stuck, and stuck, and stuck, and stuck. All the time the recorded guy is saying, tech trouble, engineers are on their way, yada yada. Then suddenly, without warning, it just drops. The scare factor was great ! One of our party was upset that we didn't get to fall in the normal position, but I was more than pleased. It was a truly F*** with you ride if there ever was one. Great IMO.

As anyone who has been to BGT knows, the next stop is those wonderful Bacon Pretzels. Yup, still yummy. Then the free beer stand in Pantopia. They stamp your hand, (2 free beers max, we had one) but being Fla in the summer heat, the stamp wore off in about 5 minutes. More later.

Logical progression, Kumba, great as ever, just getting a little rough. Surprised me, I never found it rough before. Rapids were closed and Tigress was down, so hey, Shiekra! Still love this coaster. The loose restraints on the drops are Primo! Got off, went to Tigress which now opened and had a 15 minute (overstated, again ) posted wait. Fun ride, comfort collar is totally useless, but the lap bar does get a bit tight in the gut during the ride. did a few other break things like the bird cage. Really cool as we had birds landing all over us. also did the kangaroo and wallaby feeding. I just love those cute arsed wallabies and they delivered ! The baby one is too cute. Too cool.

Ooh, time for more free beer in the Gardens area. We all were only going to get 1 beer each, but when the "bartender" went to stamp us, she saw no stamp and just gave us each 2 beers. Oh boy, Bingo !

It was getting late so we ran to Cheetah, but they were doing an Evac on the launch going into the tower so, onto the Skyride as any good park fan should. The Skyride is a sin to be missed. ( and the train)

That meant, Shiekra again ! We did it 4 times in a row without getting off ! Kinda sorta. The station was empty upon return so we asked if we could stay on. The Attendant said yes as long as you get up off the train, wait a second and return. Must have something to do with the resets. Dunno. We got 4 rerides without leaving the loading station.

We still had 12 minutes of park open time so we hurried back over to Falcons Fury to catch one more ride to appease the guy in our party who was upset he didn't get the real experience on it. We made it into the que line just as the announcement came on that all attractions were now closed. Phew, just made it! Had a great ride.

All in all, great day, no waits really. Gawds I love off season in Florida !

Edited by djcoastermark
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Oh, and for those wondering, yes, there is a crane moving about on the remnants of Gwazi. There is also several piles of purple RMC track placed around Gwazi. Not enough going on yet to warrant any pics yet. I didn't have a camera, but 1 in our party did, tho they only took pics of animally thngs.


Busch birds doing Busch bird stuff.


More birds doing more birdy stuff. Sadly no Wallaby pics. (my fave)

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