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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 377: Wild Oasis realm in Jungala announced for 2025!

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Do I hear a bad wheel already at 3:10? haha. Oh this is so Maverick-like already!


Actually that sound occurs a few times. Maybe just the fiberglass rattling? Either way, it's a bit odd. Every shot of the ride looks different. There are a lot of speed variations going on. I'll be interested to see what it looks like when it opens.

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Actually that sound occurs a few times. Maybe just the fiberglass rattling? Either way, it's a bit odd. Every shot of the ride looks different. There are a lot of speed variations going on. I'll be interested to see what it looks like when it opens.


This is the point, the ride is testing, this is how manufacturers test launch coasters, they slowly get it up to speed then boost it slightly more, then back it off a bit to get a reliable ride, didn't anyone watch the Kingda Ka documentary, this is also true for Stealth @ Thorpe (Advertised for 0-80mph 2.4 seconds, but in 2009 season it was reliably doing 0-80 in approx 1.9 seconds) I know they are hydraulic launches and this is linear, but the principle is the same.


Also, for all the "haters" moaning about speed, look at the following list for examples....




California Screamin

Desert Race

Speed Monster

Superman Escape (Warner Brothers Australia)


These are all launched coasters that run at either 60mph (give or take) or less, and they are certainly not bad coasters, it is not all about speed, it is about pacing, layout, visuals etc....


Quit moaning until you have the right to complain if you've ridden it and didn't enjoy it, until then, look at the damn thing, it looks gorgeous!!!!!!!!!

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From what I take it, most are just observing that it's not as fast and furious as they expected to be. The promo video makes it out to be an adrenaline rush that never "gives up" till the end and the testing video does not look like it offers that. Yes, We wont know till it officially opens, But I've yet to hear "it's not fast enough so it's crap". lighten up a bit. No one said this ride was a POS. Complaining and observing are two different things.

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From what I take it, most are just observing that it's not as fast and furious as they expected to be. The promo video makes it out to be an adrenaline rush that never "gives up" till the end and the testing video does not look like it offers that. Yes, We wont know till it officially opens, But I've yet to hear "it's not fast enough so it's crap". lighten up a bit. No one said this ride was a POS. Complaining and observing are two different things.



Someone obviously hasn't been reading the whole thread........

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I want to clear out, that i'm not complaining at all, i'm not bitching, etc...


I still love this ride. And also love the world, because everyone in the world has their own personal opinion...


This is just my opinion, yeah i'm a bit disappointed with the speed, that was all i said. I did not say that it was a bad coaster, and i did not say that it was not going to be fun.


This is probably one of the most beautiful coaster i have ever seen!


Also i'm not judging at all. Still just a bit disappointed about the speed. Please don't get me wrong!

Hope you understand.


- Kian

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Scored two tickets to an event the evening of the 27th to ride Cheetah Hunt. Scott also won, so I'll see him there. I wonder how many rides I'll get in.


Yep! Should be awesome! Would have posted sooner but I was distracted by Texas Giant Bash! Can't wait for that weekend!

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Went to Busch Gardens Tampa yesterday. Lots of Cheetah Hunt testing. Yes, it looks slow. But I'm kind of okay with that since I hate the restraints so much.


Forgive me if these photos don't offer much new. I've actually kind of been staying away from this thread. But I assume that more Cheetah Hunt photos are always welcome.


They've done a really good job updating the look of the old Sky Ride/Monorail building, in my opinion.


Some trains have been completed with cheetah decals, while others haven't been yet.


Good ol' Intamin.


I've never seen such hip, cool-looking water dummies before.


Pretty easy to get photos now.


The last element.


Love the banners, love the supports, love the color scheme. It's just a gorgeous ride. And...I'll end there.

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I want to clear out, that i'm not complaining at all, i'm not bitching, etc...


I still love this ride. And also love the world, because everyone in the world has their own personal opinion...


This is just my opinion, yeah i'm a bit disappointed with the speed, that was all i said. I did not say that it was a bad coaster, and i did not say that it was not going to be fun.


This is probably one of the most beautiful coaster i have ever seen!


Also i'm not judging at all. Still just a bit disappointed about the speed. Please don't get me wrong!

Hope you understand.


- Kian


Same I wasn't bitching. I just think after Mitch Hawker poll I have come to expect so much more from an Intamin. I was just saying I hope this isn't the final speed, it looks a lot slower than the simulation. People thought that Raptor would be totally awesome but reviews came out OK. Still I can't wait to ride either of them (definitely riding Raptor in Summer), they both look beautiful coasters.

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I wonder if any Busch Gardens employees out there have an early review of the ride for TPR? It does look a little slow in the videos but oh well, wait and see. If anything else it looks freaking amazing.

One of them put a comment up somewhere on the BGT facebook page saying it was a lot of fun, but that's the only one I've seen.

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I think possibly BGT was trying to recreate the way a Cheetah stalks it's prey. You know, sneaking up slowly and then the chase. Looks like a great addition to their lineup. I'm glad it's not too fast, so I may like it with those restraints (unlike Maverick). I can't wait for it to open and ride it for myself. I think they should release the cub and hound to chase the trains.


I'll be at BGW on Sunday to play. Just making my early season rounds.

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