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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 377: Wild Oasis realm in Jungala announced for 2025!

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The theming on this ride is just gets even more amazing day by day. I've only visited once, back when Montu was the new kid on the block, but it's one of those parks with great, consistent theming. I feel that too many parks have really gotten away from keeping consistent theming. Busch parks are definitely some of the best at doing proper theming! I can not wait to go back this winter and ride all the new rides they've added since my last visit. Peace! KC

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^Oh, trust me...we're working on a super BGT event!



Please Please Please let the super event be during Hall-o screams! I hear Night Rides on Air Grover are the best


But seriously a TPR event at BGT would be awesome! New Gwazi Trains, Cheetah Hunt, Sheikra, Kumba, sign me up!

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Please Please Please let the super event be during Hall-o screams!


I think you mean Howl-O-Scream.


That's the only thing I'm NOT looking forward to. I don't really do Halloween stuff because I can't stomach the gore these events seem to love to rely on. I'm all for a good scare, but when there's too much gore I just can't take it. Yes I'm a wuss and I'm proud of it!


BTW, Busch Gardens just posted on their blog that Kasi & Mtani are going to be on Leno Tuesday (the 10th) night!



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HELP !!!!


I heard through the grapevine that the Cheetah Hunt track goes OVER the Skyline ride. Is that true?

I live here and cant WAIT to get on that thing !!!

Cheetah Hunt goes over the sky ride. They had to shorten a couple of the towers for there to be enough clearance.

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BTW, Busch Gardens just posted on their blog that Kasi & Mtani are going to be on Leno Tuesday (the 10th) night!




Busch are getting some great press coverage on this whole section of the park! They're doing a great job marketing it.


Thanks for the info. I hate Leno, but I'll record the show to see the animals.

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^That drop off the tower does look to provide some very nice air time in the back. Hopefully there will be ample air time throughout. Speaking of which, I don't think parks put enough emphasis on air time in general. Good sustained floating and ejector air time is what coaster riding is about, it's not a gimmick however and therefore not very marketable.

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Thats a great coaster commercial, I really like everything about this attraction except the name. The whole attraction ara is really starting to look fantastic, I just hope the ride doesn't suck (although I doubt it will, Intamin coasters are usually never a flop, except Millennium Force). Cant wait to get down there in a few weeks.

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Check out the new Cheetah Hunt commercial airing on TV!




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