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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 377: Wild Oasis realm in Jungala announced for 2025!

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Someone obviously hasn't been reading the whole thread........


Someone obviously can't read a post. I said " MOST people are just observing that it's not as fast and furious as they expected to be."


Not to mention who cares what they think. If they think it sucks and doesn't want to ride it because it's "slow", I guess there's one less person in line.

Edited by Maylene
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Speaking about coasters that don't look as fast as they are, my favorite has to be Furius Baco. The POV we shot makes it look like it goes about 25MPH, when it reality this thing launches to 83MPH!


Have a look at the POV starting at about 1:10.


Edited by robbalvey
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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay has sent us a new press release and accompanying photo about Cheetah Hunt's latest exciting milestone!


It was nearly a year ago that Busch Gardens Park President Jim Dean donned a hard hat and stood on a pile of dirt to record a YouTube video teasing the park’s new attraction.


Today, Dean had the opportunity to ride Cheetah Hunt for the first time with Busch Gardens’ VP of Marketing, Gerard Hoeppner. Following their front-row ride, Dean commented “We have another winner here.”


Cheetah Hunt opens to the public on Friday, May 27.


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I'm going to be at the park this coming Saturday (the 21st) for awhile to see if I might catch a soft opening. If not no biggie.


Any other TPR-ers going to be there?


Quite possibly. I'm playing this week by ear to see any reports of a soft opening. That would be awesome. But if it doesn't happen I'll definitely be there opening morning and will also hit up some of the ERT's in June.

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Haha, you guys should check out some of the comments being posted on the employee testing video on Youtube. Apparently, Cheetah Hunt is already the worst, most dissapointing ride on the planet... and it hasn't even opened yet!!

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Good point, Cheetah Hunt is bad beyond repair...


In all reality though, I'm joking. I think it will be a great ride, just not quite what I hoped for - yet I can't say this until I ride it.

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Just want to say I won tickets for Cheetah Hunt ERT also. Can't wait!

How much can I bribe you for one of those?


I am so bummed I didn't win either of those contests on the BGT blog. I wanted to go to that night time ERT SO bad.




Oh well.


/done whining

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Just want to say I won tickets for Cheetah Hunt ERT also. Can't wait!

How much can I bribe you for one of those?


I am so bummed I didn't win either of those contests on the BGT blog. I wanted to go to that night time ERT SO bad.




Oh well.


/done whining


There were ERT contests on the official Busch Blog? And one of them would have been composed entirely of night rides?


If I actually lived close to BGA, I would probably have stayed up as long as I could in order to nab tickets. Hopefully, a trip in 2012 will be close enough for me.

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Was at the park this morning. They were finishing up al the small details. They had just started pressure washing the main entrance area and will begin applying sealer today and tomorrow (18May). After that it is really the home stretch. Also, got to meet Mark Rose and Jim Dean this morning at Crown Colony. Made my day.

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Mark Rose was cool the time I saw him as well. Building coasters and other attractions with someone elses money would put me in a pleasant mood as well. You can tell he is a man who likes his job for sure. For a top notch park like Busch Gardens, it's guests first.

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