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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 377: Wild Oasis realm in Jungala announced for 2025!

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Looks like a damn good ride to me!



This is the official POV from Busch Gardens. Wonder why they didn't have audio? Oh well, hopefully we'll get a fun onride with Robb and Tyler tomorrow!


YAAAY!!! Love how Robb is doing POV's! Can't wait!

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I kinda dig the lack of audio, means I can run it with whatever song just started without having to fiddle with volume controls.


As for the ride, it looks pretty kickass and yet graceful at the same time, and that second launch...just, wow.


Can't wait to ride this!

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I'm so excited to ride. Can't wait til Friday! It does look abnormally long. That 3rd launch with the airtime hill after leads me with some questions. How exactingly did that feel, Andrew. You said it messed with your head, right?


What? Messed with my head? Nothing on this ride messed with my head, what I said the hill feels like is an almost as intense moment of airtime as Maverick's first air hill. The turn around and return portions of the ride are definitely my favorite though, and...


Looks like a damn good ride to me!

...yes, yes it is.

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Wow! I didn't realise how long the ride was!


Same! It's the sort of 'coaster that would scream 'value for money' to me, if it was actually a case of having to hand over cash at a ticket booth before riding, like the 'good old days'.


As it is, Andrew, when you said the launch reminded you of Volcano, I was immediately sold, and having watched that POV - I wish I could be there right now. Sigh.

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This ride does look very fun. I have one question after having watched the POV several times: Where is the area that the riders will be able to view cheetahs running? For the life of me, I can't seem to find it.

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I also didn't realize how long it was. It looks much faster onride than offride, so that's a good sign. And I can definitely see the hill after the third launch giving some insane ejector.

Is Cheetah Hunt considered an Intamin Blitz Coaster just like Maverick and ispeed?


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It looks somewhat slower than the animated video, well at least the first half. The Rhino Rally portion looks amazing and the third launch to the brakes. The first 2 launches look really slow and I just hope it's the best thrilling ride there because I'm getting really tired of Kumba and Montu is getting a little boring too. I just rode them too many times. How would you compare Cheetah Hunt to Manta?

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