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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 377: Wild Oasis realm in Jungala announced for 2025!

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This seems like a semi terrain based version of California Screamin... which is AWESOME! To everyone complaining STFU seriously! I mean... most everyone loves Cali Screamin and this is like a faster more awesome version of that ride... I personally think this looks AWESOME! Can't wait to get down there someday.

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Ok something a bit fun!


In my Aerospace Engineering class we are making rockets, I took mine home to decorate it. I decorated it as a Cheetah Hunt Rocket! It looks awesome!


I attached some photos!



That was impressive!





So Funny - Im in bits LOL

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It almost seems as if Intamin built the first half of the ride, planning on two launches, then realized they needed more speed, so they put in a third launch to get the ride through the rest of the course with decent speed. Being an avid Roller Coater Tycoon player, it almost seems as if Intamin pulled a real life "RCT" move with this coaster.

Ok, the track is 4000+ feet long, and after the first half of the ride, in a park that's as flat as an ironing board, how else was it going to get back to the station?

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^I agree, the water around the canyon area was a nice surprise. Unless they told us from the get go that it was going to have water, in which case I must have missed that memo......


It does crack me up, however, that everyone seems to LOVE this ride now.


Not me. I am none too impressed. I think it will be a little fun but thats about it. I am more excited for our DDD than this.

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I have a feeling that the general consensus on this ride is going to be that it's very good, but not great (not a top 10).


I've always wondered if that jumping over the sky ride maneuver was in the original design or if at some point halfway through the project they said well we could lower the sky ride a little and raise that camel back a little and make it work? If I recall correctly that was strangely one of the later track sections to get installed, and when it was official that it was going to jump the sky ride it was kind of a big surprise based on the previous videos and art work. I wont judge the ride until I've ridden the thing but it looks like the ride really slows down after that camel back over the sky ride and stays at that "tame" pace until the mid course, maybe as a result of raising that camel back.


This still looks like an overall absolutely amazing attraction. I'm sure everyone ranks Tatsu as a better flying coaster than Manta but the entire overall "attraction experience" that Manta gives is superior, I expect Cheetah hunt to be the same kinda thing when compared to Maverick or I-Speed or whatever.

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larrygator wrote:

The SETGO Guys wrote:

Ok something a bit fun!


In my Aerospace Engineering class we are making rockets, I took mine home to decorate it. I decorated it as a Cheetah Hunt Rocket! It looks awesome!


I attached some photos!




That was impressive!



Dude, don't bash my work! It's a school project and considering the materials we were given, I think I did a pretty good job, I wasn't aiming to be Impressive, I was just having a little fun with my rocket by decorating it! I was not trying to wow anyone, I've built way better Rockets before, but the constraints for the project required me to build it that way, Sorry if you don't LIKE it....But its my Rocket not yours!


(Oh and a Ride Op is seeing if he can hang it up in the ride office)



Edited by The SETGO Guys
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^^Dude, you're obviously NOT above it if you post this.


Also, you put something out on the internet saying how awesome it was, and in reality, it didn't look that awesome and had nothing to do with the thread so just move on and let it go.


KT can glue a bunch of pictures on a paper towel tube too!


Also, not the best idea using the report a post button on a moderator.


^You are the LAST person on this site that should be giving advice on this or getting involved in more drama.




Ride looks great, I know Robb and Tyler are riding right now, can't wait to hear what they think!

Edited by SharkTums
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I think the ride looks fun! One of my top 5 coasters is Goliath (walibi, nl) and that just proves a ride doesn't need to be 200ft tall and 80mph to be a lot of entertainment value! I think this could be one of those sort of rides, enough speed and elements (trenches are generally underused for sure!) to make it enjoyable and pure fun!

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I've always enjoyed how Busch seems to adjust the terrain around the ride to make it seem like the coaster wasn't just "plopped" in place. Montu with all the trenches and tunnel, Kumba and how they morphed the terrain to conform the the ride track, especially in the interlocking corkscrews, and SheiKra's Tunnel and trench after the drop.


Now, with Cheetah Hunt, the Serengeti doesn't even look the same. Going from a basically flat stretch of land, to an area filled with trenches and tunnels. I think more parks should take a look at Busch and realize that editing terrain at a rather flat park (if affordable), can make a world of difference to a coaster experience.


I can't wait until next week when I can finally ride it!

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Cant wait to ride it tomorrow, as we planned our vacation here in Florida i wasnt sure they gonna finish the ride timely


We were there yesterday and not one photo shows how amazing cheetah hunt looks, im really excited to ride it and i still hope bgt is not getting to fully tomorrow

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I too hope the park won't be too bad, but with the new coaster & animal habitat getting its grand opening, plus the Friday starting a holiday weekend... we'll see. Hopefully most people will be at work and school for at least half the day. I got the day off so....


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Hard to believe that this ride is opening tommorow! I've been following this ride since the day I heard about the leaked layout, and to believe it's been over a year since that! The amount of space the ride takes up is just plain amazing, and it seems they did a great job with the Rhino Rally section at the end of the park where it sorta shows off a terrain-ish design.


And as for that Robb POV Video... awesomeness! It was a lot more fun to watch than the standard POV, that was for sure. I also loved his overjoyed reactions of the "Twisties" as the ride went through the Trick-Track on steroids! *Pokes Fujiyama*

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Ride looks amazing! I am little curious though why each POV always starts at the beginning of the first launch without showing the train leave the station. Is there something Busch Gardens wants to keep as a surprise or am I looking too far into this one?

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Its clear that this is the same POV - robb probably has just edited some sound on to it


The same guy walks past at the start and the shadows seem the same ...


Robb, why wasn't there any sound the first time?

Edited by jrch123
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We have posted our full media day coverage here:



Photos, POV Video, Rider Cam Video.... ENJOY!

Here's the POV and the Rider Cam POV:


POV (With Audio!)


Rider Cam POV!


Interviews with Mark Rose & Jim Dean!

Edited by robbalvey
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Looks like Intamin has achieved yet another great "extreme family coaster". These milti-launchers seem like a great addition to any park (smooth, thrilling, but not intimidating) I hope to see more rides like this and Maverick soon!

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