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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 377: Wild Oasis realm in Jungala announced for 2025!

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I'm reserving judgment until I ride it 12 days from now. Imagine that. Quite a concept, I know.


For the record, 60 mph really isn't that fast to begin with.


The Incredible Hulk goes 65 MPH, and it seems like you are hauling some butt on the ride, it's all about perspective, seriously though, I'm not disappointed with this at all, I believe this is the first Intamin in Florida, and I'm excited just to ride it because I've never been on one.

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Seriously, all you people that are complaining about the ride are sounding like complete f**king morons. You're making Theme Park Review members look stupid. Shut up until you've ridden the damn thing. If you want to make idiotic complaints, do it on another forum that has dumber people.


Thank you!


--Robb Alvey

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^Well said Robb


Was there all afternoon watching the tests. Looks fantastic.

Too all the complainers out there: Do you realize that not everything a park builds is built just for the thrill seekers?! Come on. Be happy with what we have. I know I am thrilled to have a multi-launched Intamin less than 10 min from home.


WIll be heading back tomorrow morning. Rumor is they MAY soft open sometime this week.

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And how are people proposing it will go faster anyway? It can't go much faster on the tower (due to the tight curves and transitions) and it's gravity from there (until the third launch), so even if you boost the speeds to maybe five or six mph higher on the tower, it's not going to change the rest of the ride much at all. I'm pretty sure this is about where it's going to be at. That's my theory, but I could be wrong.

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Im glad they got a solid Intamin. It has a great layout, and looks fantastic in the park. Im glad the BGT has a launch coaster, I really am, however, I wish that BGW would be getting an Intamin.... Other than that bump in the road, Cheetah Hunt looks great. Im not going to complain about "how slow it looks". Diamondback looks slow as crap on the air-time hill beside Crypt, but it feels pretty fast and awesome. Just because it looks slow doesn't mean it will feel slow.

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And how are people proposing it will go faster anyway?


Can't they get Superman to push it, like Superman Escape in Australia?


I say they get the cheetah's to push it. They can run faster than 60 mph!


Only in short bursts. They then slow and sleep.

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Well said Robb.


Ah the usual "I have not ridden it yet, but it is crap" stuff. Happens every time a new ride opens.


With CP as my home park, I read a lot about the "awful" rides there. But I keep going back because the rides and coasters are fun. Yes, Magnum is not the fastest, smoothest, highest coaster, but I still ride it because it is fun. Once you know how to ride Mantis, it can be fun as well. One of my faves is Wicked Twister, not the highest, fastest, most forceful. but it is a ton of fun, at least to me. I even ride Mean Streak once a year, whether my spine likes it or not.


Cheetah looks fun, isn't that what it is supposed to be?


I guess Intamin will read this and say "S^%t, gotta tear it down and do it all over, some people of great importance on TPR said it is not fast enough"

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Looking forward to more complaints about speed.


All I will say is from seeing the testing in person, this looks like a very fun ride that I cannot wait to experience. And it is by far one of the best "themed" areas I have ever seen. The attention to detail is amazing in person, and that's just from looking at it from Crown Colony and the other outskirt areas. I can't wait to actually walk around the area up close. The whole experience has me excited.

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