Hello, Going to Universal during spring break (in parks 4/9-4/11), yes, I know, horrible idea, nevertheless, tickets, air fare, etc all bought.
I usually plan things to the nth degree, but with the crowds they way I think they will be, planning order of attractions may not be for me on this trip.
I would appreciate any suggestions or tips from those more experienced.
A major attraction for us is both Harry Potter areas and I have purchased park to park tickets.
My plan is to go to either Hogsmeade or Diagon Alley first thing on the first day, and then the other on the 2nd day. As we are not staying on site, we will not get in early, but it is what it is. We will then stay in that HP area until we have done everything and seen everything for as long as it takes. Repeat for the other HP area the next day.
I have bought unlimited express passes for Saturday 4/11 to make sure we get in everything else.
I would REALLY appreciate any feedback/tips/changes/suggestions on my plan.
Spending some dough on this so I want to make the most of it.
Oh and I will be packing my handy dandy zipper pocket shorts for the trip. Every coaster nerd needs zipper pocket shorts.