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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

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^^ Saw a few BGT staff members last weekend and as they walked by they were talking about how they may be riding Cheetah Hunt soon since it was opening for GP in a few weeks. They were saying they should hear something about staff rides in a week or so.

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I think Kasi was terrified of that huge chin Jay Leno is sporting lol I've only heard Kasi making those chirp noises but the growling it was doing with Jay lets you know that thing is a wild animal lol it's still the most adorable thing and I want one

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Just checking, does anyone here know that back in May 3rd a human being has actually ridden this coaster? In fact a few park workers and executives have been seen riding it.


Sandor Kernacs was almost definitely the first rider. Dude has a pretty cool gig.

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Truth be told, I don't remember it exactly! I just made something at 11:30, and I just saw my name. I know it said something about BG is the best and their coaster are better than the rest. Then something about how I'll be there to ride it. The end.

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My poem didn't get picked. Sucks but oh well. Now I'll have to get up at the buttcrack of dawn for the morning ERT for passholders every weekend in June. I wanted nighttime ERT! I can't get that Friday off work to cover the opening so I'm all kinds of miffed. *shrug*


I'll get over it. *twitch*


FYI, I heard the park had the coaster open for employees to ride today til noon.

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Yep. Here's a video of those lucky employees.



And some pictures:

Photos courtesy of BGT Nation. TPR would like to make sure that everyone viewing these photos please visit http://www.bgtnation.net/ for even more amazing photos, videos, and information about Cheetah Hunt!





Seriously, you looked at the photos, now please give http://www.bgtnation.net/ some love!


EDIT: Sorry before for not giving credit to BGTNation. I didn't want to seem like they were mine, I just forgot to give credit where credit was due. So enjoy them on BGTNation!

Edited by jjune4991
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Is this the final speed?!?!!?




And, yeah i have not ridden the ride yet so i can't judge, but i'm not judging the ride, i'm just saying that i am disappointed about the speed.


It's kinda odd though, the layout and the track looks to could have a faster coaster on it, i mean it does not looks like it's designed to this speed!

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^I agree that it looks like it could go a lot faster than it currently is, but if this is the final speed then I guess well just have to deal with it. It's still nice to have a launched coaster in Busch Gardens for once.

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I do have to agree with you Gerstlauer1... I really hate to judge, but I have lost pretty much all excitement for this coaster now. If this is the final speed, it does sort of prove the family thrill aspect of coaster. I think I have to agree with other TPR Members it is a well themed, newer version of California Screamin'. It kills me to think I am judging but it now just looks meh.


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I do have to agree with you Gerstlauer1... I really hate to judge, but I have lost pretty much all excitement for this coaster now. If this is the final speed, it does sort of prove the family thrill aspect of coaster. I think I have to agree with other TPR Members it is a well themed, newer version of California Screamin'. It kills me to think I am judging but it now just looks meh.



I doubt that's the final speed. Who knows, but most of us have yet to see it test in person, and a ride can feel a lot different than it looks. Also, the point of having the employees ride it is to see if any final touches need to be made, and one of those may be the final speed of the ride.


So, don't say that you're disappointed with a brand new kick-arse Intamin based on how it looks in a testing video

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I'm reserving judgment until I ride it 12 days from now. Imagine that. Quite a concept, I know.


For the record, 60 mph really isn't that fast to begin with.


Crazy talk!


And seriously, the speed has been advertised from the beginning, not sure why everyone is shocked it's not flying through the course. I'm still looking forward to riding it opening morning.

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Don't get me wrong, i really love this coaster. And i think it's an amazing looking coaster, i'm just disappointed about the speed, and i know the speed was announced a long time ago, but i'm not the best at "speeds" i mean i just thought it was gonna go faster, thats all.


Cheetah Hunt is already rocking, and the speed disappointment, i'm sure, is probably over when we'll se a video of the CHEETAH HUNT TWINS!

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The thing is, when you realize what the mega-lites do with a 56mph top speed, you kind of think of what you could do with 60mph, you know? This one's just a lot more drawn out then what it could've been with all of that space.


I'm not complaining, really - I don't think this ride'll be all that thrilling, but it'll just be pure fun. And I'm loving how it's going over that first hill after the third launch now!

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