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Six Flags New England (SFNE) Discussion Thread

p. 337: Quantum Accelerator family coaster announced for 2025!

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so that probably means the white will be painted the gray blue color.


I think this ride looks great! they really did make airtime and inversions work. The inversions are great, and there's plenty of airtime!


RMC is the best.



Even though it's nothing like the classic Cyclone, I'm still really excited for this. Although I still wish they went with the white/blue color scheme like they did for Colossus.

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Why does there have to be a stall and several zero-G rolls? Is that really the only way they can market this coaster?


My hopes for seeing a new good old-fashioned airtime machine in the US like Bizarro or a Mega Lite continue to dwindle...

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After all this time of just watching all the different RMC coasters, wanting so badly to ride one, now one is finally coming to a park near me. I knew it was coming, but now seeing the layout and knowing it's real, I'm like seriously bugging out. I love the mix of airtime and inversions (especially the stall, looks a lot like that one sort-of-upside-down spot on Outlaw Run). And like I said before, I found this park to be very pleasant this year, I had no big complaints with the park itself at all. I look forward to being their costumer again.


Why does there have to be a stall and several zero-G rolls? Is that really the only way they can market this coaster?


My hopes for seeing a new good old-fashioned airtime machine in the US like Bizarro or a Mega Lite continue to dwindle...


I guess it really is true, no matter how awesome the announcement, somebody will complain. I never believed this up until now. But I mean... jeeziz.

Edited by neil009
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This is easily the most exciting announcement of the day for me. Colossus looks great, but this is much closer. Glad I didn't kill myself trying to get up to SFNE this year, now I have this great reason to make it a point to get there next.

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Why does there have to be a stall and several zero-G rolls? Is that really the only way they can market this coaster?

Just ask all the RMC fanboys. It becomes a bit cliche after a few coasters, sure, but it's still popular enough for a few parks to keep getting them. Frankly, this layout does look like one of the better, but that's just my personal opinion.

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