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Six Flags New England (SFNE) Discussion Thread

p. 337: Quantum Accelerator family coaster announced for 2025!

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I guess it really is true, no matter how awesome the announcement, somebody will complain. I never believed this up until now. But I mean... jeeziz.

Yep, it's totally true.


Wicked Cyclone looks bonkers crazy (Twisted Colossus too), which will probably make for a fantastic ride. But again, the vast majority of Rocky Mountain's coasters just do not look like my kind of coaster. I'm willing to take some heat for "complaining" and willing to be proven wrong if I were to visit, but if I were to choose a "must ride" coaster based on looks and reactions alone it would still be Bizarro.

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Wicked Cyclone looks to be an amazing coaster. It seems to have lots of awesome airtime, and the inversions look like they'll be intense. Some enthusiasts might complain about the addition of the inversions, but the 200-degree stall looks great, and also, who doesn't like a good zero-G roll? Within the park, I think it could quite possibly end up being better than Bizarro, but I could be wrong. I'm not sure if I like this or Twisted Colossus better. Both of them will be insane. RMC never fails to amaze me. I think that anyone that gets to ride this beast is in for a treat.

Edited by VF15
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Layout looks great!

This will be a monster ride -- I'm sure it will be a smash.

I like the layout of Colossus a little bit more, just because I slightly prefer out and back-ish, open designs more than twisters. But this one looks amazing.

That said, i am still pretty confident that Bizarro will remain my favorite there -- I LOVE that ride.

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I was a huge fan of the original Riverside Cyclone -- season pass holder in 1991 or 1992, can't remember -- and spent a lot of time riding it.


I gotta say that this looks like a really cool re-imagining of the original. From admittedly faulty memory, the layout seems very similar to the original, but obviously they've changed quite a few things here or there.


To a PP, there always was a certain amount of steel used in the structure, especially where the trains were running through the supports, so the additional steel is certainly in keeping with the original ride.


I am pleased that it looks like the original first turn -- off the first drop -- looks like it is being kept more or less intact. For those who rode the Cyclone when it was running well, there was a very interesting section in that first turn where the train really kind of jumped sideways and down, the turn started out swooping and curved, but then became a sharp right angle down. Super exciting at speed. They've obviously smoothed that off but still that high overbanked maximum speed first turn should be awesome.


Glad that they didn't try to make this what it isn't... Cyclone was never a big airtime machine, it was always a twisted curved mess, and a bit violent in terms of lots of transitions piled up quickly with each other... and a relatively short ride, all things considered. It seems all of that will stay intact, with the smooth new track, plus inversions.


Hadn't planned a trip out there, might have to...

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But how about Texas Giant? No inversions, just turns and airtime hills. And Lightning Run is essentially a Megalite.

Would you believe that I completely forgot about Lightning Run?


New Texas Giant would probably end up being my favorite Rocky Mountain coaster, honestly. But, again, I'm willing to be proven wrong!

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I was a huge fan of the original Riverside Cyclone -- season pass holder in 1991 or 1992, can't remember -- and spent a lot of time riding it.


I gotta say that this looks like a really cool re-imagining of the original. From admittedly faulty memory, the layout seems very similar to the original, but obviously they've changed quite a few things here or there.


To a PP, there always was a certain amount of steel used in the structure, especially where the trains were running through the supports, so the additional steel is certainly in keeping with the original ride.


I am pleased that it looks like the original first turn -- off the first drop -- looks like it is being kept more or less intact. For those who rode the Cyclone when it was running well, there was a very interesting section in that first turn where the train really kind of jumped sideways and down, the turn started out swooping and curved, but then became a sharp right angle down. Super exciting at speed. They've obviously smoothed that off but still that high overbanked maximum speed first turn should be awesome.


Glad that they didn't try to make this what it isn't... Cyclone was never a big airtime machine, it was always a twisted curved mess, and a bit violent in terms of lots of transitions piled up quickly with each other... and a relatively short ride, all things considered. It seems all of that will stay intact, with the smooth new track, plus inversions.


Hadn't planned a trip out there, might have to...



Actually, they got rid of the double-dipping first drop in favor of a miniature version of Millennium Force's drop and overbank.

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Is this the first RMC to have white supports with its orange track. I think that'd be a great change of things, and a better color scheme compared to its brother/sister coasters.

It won't have white supports. All of them are being painted Blueish-gray.


Diamondbacker27 is correct as I was at SFNE this past Sunday (August 24th) and the supports are a blueish grey.


As for my opinion about this coaster, I don't like the name of the coaster to be honest. However, I think it will be a great addition to my home park in 2015. I cant wait to give it a try when it opens next summer.

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Well, damn. This sucks. I'm gonna have to go back to SFNE now...


Seriously, Wicked Cylone looks amazing. Cylone was my first "big" coaster as a kid, so I've always loved it, even in its recent, rather pitiful days, and this looks like a near-perfect re-imaginging for it. Seems like everything RMC touches turns to gold.

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This looks, well, WICKED! I just hope that RMC does not make the entire structure steel, as it looks like in the pictures.


I personally like twisted collosus more because 1. Its more unique 2. I have ridden the original Collosus so I respect it a bit more, and 3. Has a crazy long ride time, you pretty much get to double ride.

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I personally like twisted collosus more because 1. Its more unique 2. I have ridden the original Collosus so I respect it a bit more, and 3. Has a crazy long ride time, you pretty much get to double ride.


I don't know that TC is really going to feel that long, honestly. The two halves by themselves will probably feel pretty short, and then you get another lift hill thrown in the middle. It might end up feeling like you're just riding the same ride twice. Regardless, I'd personally take one continuous ride with non-stop action over a ride with 2 lifts any day of the week.

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Sorry about going off topic, But can someone tell me about the "Bring a friend free days" at SFNE. This is the first year I have had a season pass for any Six Flags and this whole week at SFNE (August 24th through 29th) has been "Bring a friend for free days" And this past Sunday, August 24th. I brought my wife on the Bring a friend free day and my wife and I are planning to go tomorrow to SFNE which is another bring a friend day. Can I do it again this soon? Thanks in advance...

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I'm usually not critical when it comes to new ride announcements as I usually love what I'm seeing/reading but this year's crop of Six Flags 2015 additions leaves A LOT to be desired. Of all of them the only thing that somewhat stood out is Wicked Cyclone, and it didn't stand out as much.


I'm anticipating a backlash as I say I haven't ridden an RMC yet and I'm sure they are incredible rides but between Twisted Colossus and Wicked Cyclone they both seem cookie cutter. Personally it's almost like the RMC novelty is wearing off because looking at both rides it's like the same thing over and over again - steep angled first drop, lots of overbanked turns, and an inversion or two (or three). I would love to see RMC do something a bit more "traditional", if that's a good word to use, instead of using "tricks" to improve a lackluster ride.

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^To be fair though, a lot of companies use the same thing over and over again, most of their coasters with inversions start out with a spiraling drop, loop, zero G roll, immelman/cobra roll / dive loop, followed by a MCBR, then a corkscrew or two and a helix then brakes.

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I don't have as much to say about this addition as the other additions. Maybe it's because we all knew what to sort of expect, or something. The coaster looks like it will be a great ride. It reminds me of Goliath (SFGAm) as it has a lot of the same elements and does so in a more compact space. I'm sure that the hometown fans are ecstatic about this, but it is nothing that I would go out of the way for immediately.


Once SFNE makes another big investment, then I will come to ride it. Other than that, the coaster looks pretty good.

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RMC should change their name to "Raining Money Corporation"


Seriously though, I LOVE this layout. It's compact, tight turns, high speed hills, and a few zero-g rolls for good measure. I'm glad the east coast is getting an RMC creation at last. I'll DEFINITELY be making the 6hr drive next summer.

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Is this the first RMC to have white supports with its orange track. I think that'd be a great change of things, and a better color scheme compared to its brother/sister coasters.

It won't have white supports. All of them are being painted Blueish-gray.


Diamondbacker27 is correct as I was at SFNE this past Sunday (August 24th) and the supports are a blueish grey.

Still far better than red track, brown supports! Yay for blue and orange!

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Based on the video and overview of the layout, I have to honestly say I'm very impressed. It's like I actually got more that I was expecting. This ride will be absolutley PACKED with elements, and it might end up being a very "enduring" coaster. What stands out to me is the ending, as appears to have a very low(height wise) profile guaranteeing a very speedy and possibly disorienting experience. I also feel that this ride appears to embrace traditional coaster elements in a great way, 14 negative g-force moments says it all. The inversions will just be an added bonus of pure awesomeness. It's safe to say I'll be making the trip to SFNE in 2015.

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