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Carowinds Discussion Thread

P. 417 - Fury back open now with 100% less crack!

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^ Nothing just run it as a regular park with all the rides open as it typically near 60-75 possibly 80 degrees during the day. Of course with Christmas plays and maybe a day parade. idk. It’ll def be opposite of Scarowinds as the night is geared to teens and adults for the haunt. This time night time will be geared towards families as of course most rides will not be in operation during winterfest. Idk. Just me wanting the park open more lol

Edited by pproteinc
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Yeah, Scarowinds crowds are typically people who don't go to the park during the day. Winterfest crowds are the same families that would be at the park during normal hours. If I had to pick, based on bang for my buck, I would opt out of night time at the park for winterfest as it would seem redundant to do both in one night. I say just open at normal times in the day and close rides are the temp drops.

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They’re 3 or 4 hotels near the park. Comfort inn is directly across from the parking lot. As which is the best I’m not certain as I have no need to stay living 5mins away. The quality inn is across Carowinds Blvd behind the QT station.

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Yessss! This name is wonderfully silly, and helps Carowinds maintain the distinction of having three separate roller coasters with an airplane theme.


The new colors are also a massive improvement over the old ones.


Now would it be too much to ask for a new train that actually makes it rideable?

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It’s so fitting for the Carolinas. Though the ride is in SC the play on words for Kitty Hawk, NC where the first flight of the Wright brothers took place is brilliant. Plus of course it’s next to Nighthawk and of course the Carolinas have a few Hawk species flying everywhere. Good job Carowinds.

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If CF does give us a wood coaster, my hope is that it is an RMC ground up and not a copycat Hurler re-do. In addition, I think it would be awesome to re-incarnate the "White Lightnin" name somehow for nostalgia sake.

Although, that name may be too confusing with the GCI hybrid down at Fun Spot Orlando.

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