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Carowinds Discussion Thread

P. 418: Camp Snoopy expansion announced including new family coaster

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My opinions about the coasters at Carowinds are pretty much the opposite of everyone else's. For example, I didn't think Fury was all that great. Maybe it was just because I rode in the back half every time, but it felt very rattley. The first drop was great, but everything else just seemed kind of pointless. There were very little forces, it was mostly just about going fast. Afterburn was awesome and I thought it was tied with Fury for best coaster in the park. Intimidator was really nice and I really liked it for some reason. I think it's better than Goliath at SFoG. Vortex was my first stand up, and I really enjoyed it. I rode in the front seat... or whatever you call it... and it was decently smooth and the headbanging wasn't too bad. Nighthawk was good too. I didn't think it was rough and I actually liked it more than the B&M flyer I've ridden (S:UF at SFoG) because of the more creative layout.


(Carolina Cobra and Hurler sucked as expected though)

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I feel like people exaggerate the whole B&M rattle thing so much, but I have to say I could only ride Fury a few times in a row because it was so jarring to my brain.


I can ride the roughest craziest wooden coasters without issue but can't handle too much of a new B&M giga due to rattle ...go figure.

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Yes, people really do over exaggerate on B&M rattles. Its amongst some of the biggest nitpicking that I've seen for any coasters period. Its not a big deal, and it doesn't take away from the ride experience. I rode Fury 8 times this past month, and although I did notice a rattle in some of the right end seat (minus front and back row), it didn't make the ride worse than I previously thought.

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I feel like people exaggerate the whole B&M rattle thing so much, but I have to say I could only ride Fury a few times in a row because it was so jarring to my brain.


I can ride the roughest craziest wooden coasters without issue but can't handle too much of a new B&M giga due to rattle ...go figure.

Strangely enough I have experienced the same thing. I've ridden extremely rough rides and only three have given me headaches, one of which was gatekeeper (in 2013). I used to think people were making this rattle issue up and so I was extremely surprised when that happened to me. I still consider most B&Ms very smooth, though. I find it amazing how I've ridden 20 year old B&Ms which were as smooth as it gets and perhaps that's why I find it odd that there have been these reports on some of their newer rides.

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Fury rattled a bit on that first low hill, but other than that it was glass smooth and the little bit of rattle wasn't enough to detract from the ride.


I know what people are talking about with regards to the rattle, but it's never been enough to ruin a ride for me. The only B&Ms that truly stink are the stand-ups, like the steaming pile of poop near Fury known as Vortex.

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Something people have to understand about the whole B&M rattle situation; Every ride will be different, even on the same coaster within minutes of the last ride. Sometimes all it takes is another person sitting in your row to turn a completely rough rattly ride on a certain B&M into a glass smooth one. Weight (full train vs empty), weather, temperature, maintenance, all of these things affect the ride vastly and are constantly changing.


In my personal experience, Fury has seldom given anything but glass smooth rides. However, even the smoothest coasters out there have their bad cycles.. Hell, I've even had a ride on maverick that had rattle!

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I can't put my thoughts into words about this topic so here is a picture of a baby. This thread really needs more babies




Seriously though, if a B&M rattle is bothering, then how do you ride or enjoy any wooden coaster out there? Not directed at any single person, but I guess i just don't get it.

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Something people have to understand about the whole B&M rattle situation; Every ride will be different, even on the same coaster within minutes of the last ride. Sometimes all it takes is another person sitting in your row to turn a completely rough rattly ride on a certain B&M into a glass smooth one. Weight (full train vs empty), weather, temperature, maintenance, all of these things affect the ride vastly and are constantly changing.


Well said!


I can't put my thoughts into words about this topic so here is a picture of a baby. This thread really needs more babies




Nina Kleppe actually LOVES this!


Almost all of my rides on Fury were in the back row... ZERO rattles! Of course, they were on the Left side mostly, so maybe that's it... Honestly, I think CPmillenia94 hit it on the head, because I have heard a rattle on other B&M's here and there sporadically, but it's certainly not the epidemic one might think from some enthusiasts!

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LMAO, that's hilarious to me, since...

A) My two-year-old daughter is currently wearing her bright orange "Just Wait Til I'm Taller!" shirt for Fury 325

B) She just got a new set of maracas as a present from her grandparents and is annoying the crap out of all of us with them



For what it's worth, when I rode it on opening day 16 times, I didn't feel any "rattle" any of the times. One of the smoothest coasters I've ever been on in my life.

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Bumping, in an attempt to get a quick answer regarding this question.^

Just went last weekend and my friend bought a new pass. You go to the season pass processing center and get you card. Just take it to the front gate and tell them you want to use your free ticket for today. They scan your card and you go in.

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So I know Carowinds is only open until 5 this upcoming Saturday, but this would be the first and only chance I've had to make it there, and the only chance until who knows when (at least 2 years), how insanely busy does everyone think that the park will be this weekend? The main piece of advice that I've heard about the park is ride intimidator before Fury 325.

I know the park is open longer on Sunday but unfortunately that is not an option for me on this trip down south.

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how insanely busy does everyone think that the park will be this weekend?


If you are going to the park during the day you will have station-waits and walk-ons on nearly every ride in the park.


Nighthawk and Ricochet being the main exceptions.

Thank you very much. Station waits are no problem at all. First non Dorney, Hershey, or Waldameer park in like 10 years (odd as that seems to me) I'm very much looking forward to it.

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So I know Carowinds is only open until 5 this upcoming Saturday, but this would be the first and only chance I've had to make it there, and the only chance until who knows when (at least 2 years), how insanely busy does everyone think that the park will be this weekend? The main piece of advice that I've heard about the park is ride intimidator before Fury 325.

I know the park is open longer on Sunday but unfortunately that is not an option for me on this trip down south.


Yes Scarowinds starts this weekends so the park closes at 5pm for 2hrs and reopens for the Halloween event at 7pm to 12am to enjy night rides and the added haunted mazes and scare zones. They are to separate gated prices unless you have a season pass of course.

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If you want to do Nighthawk, hit that first, before the line becomes the only significant wait in the park, and then hit Intimidator. After that, I'd go to the back, and do Afterburn, and anything else back there you'd like to ride. After that, just work your way back towards Fury, riding whatever else you're interested in, and then marathon Fury with the rest of your time there! Oh, and despite what coasterbill says, AVOID VORTEX AT ALL COSTS!!! Your body will thank you!

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If you want to do Nighthawk, hit that first, before the line becomes the only significant wait in the park, and then hit Intimidator. After that, I'd go to the back, and do Afterburn, and anything else back there you'd like to ride. After that, just work your way back towards Fury, riding whatever else you're interested in, and then marathon Fury with the rest of your time there! Oh, and despite what coasterbill says, AVOID VORTEX AT ALL COSTS!!! Your body will thank you!

I'll see how my body feels that day after driving 10 hours to SC to see if I think I can manage a ride on Vortex. I've only ridden 2 stand up coasters, Mantis (which was uncomfortable) and Shockwave back in the 90s (which was just unpleasant). I'll try to make Nighthawk my first ride just to get it out of the way, last flying dutchman style coaster that I was on was X-Flight at Geagua Lake, they seem similar. I'm interested to see how I feel about those now that I'm not a teenager anymore.

I'd like to get on all of the coasters but the main goal is to make sure I get a few rides on Fury and Afterburn because they just look great.

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