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Everything posted by CaptainUnknown

  1. Of the new for 2025 rides I plan on experiencing this year, I think this is the most intriguing. I love Premier layouts--their trains are ass. But this seems to have a redesigned train, so I'm hopeful it'll be open for me at the end of July.
  2. Everyone's pipe dream for Boss is the RMC Iron Horse treatment. But with how Cedar Fair loves Gravity Group's pre-cut track, I don't think anyone would complain too much if they came in and redid 90% of the thing. It would get me down to the park for my first visit.
  3. Let's be honest: other than Ka, all the removed attractions were mediocre to crap at best. It's addition by subtraction. Sure, the PR of the thing sucks, but they're attractions that people don't like or care about.
  4. So it begins. I'm at work. So I popped open a bottle of Sprite.
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sH0Qda32IKM&pp=ygUXd2h5IGNhbid0IHdlIGJlIGZyaWVuZHM%3D
  6. You say that as if it's no more inconvenience than having a wart removed.
  7. Why would anyone want old, rough, low-capacity, maintenance headaches when you could get something new, smooth, high capacity, reliable for 30% more? It's all about ROI. Right now, my biggest concern is how long some of these plots will be vacant for.
  8. You ever hear of flashbacks? The majority of the musical is told in flashback form. We go into flashbacks immediately after No One Mourns the Wicked. I was curious how the narrative structure would be addressed in the movie given that film part 1 is just musical act 1.
  9. Non news. All that article is saying is that SFStL wasn't mentioned immediately among the chain's 2026 confirmed capital plans. Fiesta Texas isn't on that list, but they're not getting rid of it.
  10. GL is nearly 30 years old and already has been relocated once. While it would be a short-term boon for most parks, I question its long-term prospects without extensive refurbishment/retracking.
  11. I've said that Oz is lucky that the sentient being made of metal that lacks a heart didn't decide to go all Terminator on the Emerald City. So, in honor of Wicked part 1 coming out next week: Spoilers for part/act 2.
  12. But not for Ka. So either they plan to reopen it in some form, or they don't have the cash to remove it and will leave it SBNO for a year or 3. Fingers crossed for the former; betting on the latter.
  13. If it was a new ride, sure, give it to someone else. But the ride has already been relocated once and produces high positive forces, so I question its longevity at any park if it was to be relocated instead of scrapped.
  14. I agree with this to an extent. Even with ticket prices being as high as Snoop Dogg on April 20th in a White Castle parking lot, the parks get a metric assload of visitors per day. So it's no question that a corporation would rather price some people out than lower ticket costs and cap attendance.
  15. Hey, I just met you. And I am crazy. So I will eat you. You're so delicious.
  16. So I'm working ValleyScare this year in the CarnEvil scare zone. Be sure to stop on by, I'll be pleased to m-eat you!
  17. I picked up single use fast lanes for Copperhead Strike, Thunder Striker, and Fury on Saturday the 21st. All were walk ons with it. I did 2 houses stand by, waited maybe a combined 20 minutes for them. The bigger thing is the line to get in. I arrived 2 hours after Scarowinds started (walked across the street from my hotel) and the security line was well beyond Fury's treble cleft if you're familiar with the park.
  18. Is this confirmed? I know the popular speculation is a hyper that uses the Dinos plot at least in part. When was this said? And if not B&M, do they go with Mack or Vekoma?
  19. I wonder if the combined chain will retain any of those IP for Haunt in the future. Or if Legacy Cedar Fair parks will have access to them. I'm working Valleyfair's haunt this year and I'd love to work in an IP house.
  20. ^I hate how right you probably are. Partly because I've been considering this park to be the final stop on a June 2025 road trip. Whatever; I've been to this park before and live within reasonable driving distance.
  21. Hopefully, the park takes this time to add a turntable for increased capacity.
  22. RMC restraints are notoriously difficult to raise in the station. Just how intense would the airtime have to be for it to happen mid-ride?
  23. That mouse queue better include a meet and greet with Christian Bale in full costume as Batman.
  24. Right now, I'm expecting to make a trip out to the park (and BGW) for Haunt 2025. After Twisted Timbers and I/P 305, there's a good drop off in Quality rides. This should be a less intense ride than the aforementioned 2, which the crowds will love. Even if it's not Volcano. Now when will the permanent new theme be announced for the ride Formerly known as I305?
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