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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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I need some advice here.our 5 year old daughter has finally hit the 48 inch mark.she is a coaster junkie just like us.this year shes been on every coaster with the 48inch height requirement at six flags st.louis,atlanta and Chicago.even took her to Disneyland and only complaint from her was the rides were not fast enough.she even rides with her hands in the air on all the coasters.we have been coming to cedar point for the last ten years from st.louis.and this year our daughter is going to make the trip with us.we plan on taking her on magnum and millennium force.were so excited and proud of her that she shows no fear of roller coasters.and enjoys them as much as we do.im just wondering if im pushing the limit on her at 5 years old on a coaster that goes 93mph and the fastest shes been is around 65 on a coaster.the decision will be hers to get on.but her exact words are going to be''lets do this dad'.what do you guys think?

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^ Granted I am no five year old (lol) but when I rode MF the only point I really noticed the high speed was the first drop. Other than that it didnt really feel much different than any other coaster to me. I dont know if that helps or not.

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I took my 6yr old daughter, that just barely made the 48" mark, on MIllennium Force during the 4th of July weekend! She loved it! She loves going fast, her reaction after the ride..."I couldn't even talk!"


Just pull the seatbelt as tight as you can get it! I pretty much watched her the entire time, expressions on her face, the restraint and seat belt, had my arm going across the front of her.


Have her get in the train first so she is on the same side as the camera in the last tunnel, less chance of being blocked by someone's hands if you aren't in the front seat. We sat right behind the front seat.

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I think MF would be fine for your daughter. Magnum is much rougher and I'm not sure I would put her on that one. Or at least explain to her that its rougher and can seem scarier than MF due to the long lift hill. I've always been a supporter of 'just because they're tall enough doesn't mean they should'. For example at 48" you can ride X2. I would never put a five year old (or six or seven!!!) on that ride.

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I think MF would be fine for your daughter. Magnum is much rougher and I'm not sure I would put her on that one. Or at least explain to her that its rougher and can seem scarier than MF due to the long lift hill. I've always been a supporter of 'just because they're tall enough doesn't mean they should'. For example at 48" you can ride X2. I would never put a five year old (or six or seven!!!) on that ride.

I rode X when I was six!

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I need some advice here.our 5 year old daughter has finally hit the 48 inch mark.she is a coaster junkie just like us.this year shes been on every coaster with the 48inch height requirement at six flags st.louis,atlanta and Chicago.even took her to Disneyland and only complaint from her was the rides were not fast enough.she even rides with her hands in the air on all the coasters.we have been coming to cedar point for the last ten years from st.louis.and this year our daughter is going to make the trip with us.we plan on taking her on magnum and millennium force.were so excited and proud of her that she shows no fear of roller coasters.and enjoys them as much as we do.im just wondering if im pushing the limit on her at 5 years old on a coaster that goes 93mph and the fastest shes been is around 65 on a coaster.the decision will be hers to get on.but her exact words are going to be''lets do this dad'.what do you guys think?


My daughter did MF at five and has been a coaster junkie ever since. Just get her in there nice and tight and make sure you buy the picture.

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" @TonyClarkCP: Gonna need some help with the 2014 announcement. You in?"


" @TonyClarkCP:It's clear you all want to help - but I can't choose everyone. The details on how you can be a part of it coming tomorrow. #CP2014"

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" @TonyClarkCP: Gonna need some help with the 2014 announcement. You in?"


" @TonyClarkCP:It's clear you all want to help - but I can't choose everyone. The details on how you can be a part of it coming tomorrow. #CP2014"


Darn it you beat me to it! i was literally just about to post this:



But I'm thinking with the coaster addition to Kings Island; and GateKeeper being placed this year, I wouldn't expect anything too big. Of course because this is the 3rd teaser I've been waiting for this year (Kings Island, Darien Lake, Cedar Point) I'm Just glad they're getting something!

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I visited Cedar Point for the first time today and WOW!!! I live in kansas city and my home park is worlds of fun. Why cant kansas city have something like Cedar Point. Worlds of fun is like planet snoopy to Cedar Point. Ill be going back in the morning to finish all the rides I didn't get in today. Ill leave you with an awesome snapshot I got of Gatekeeper.


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I'm re-posting this because I think it got overlooked.

The POV video of Witches Wheel made me think of what the future of Cedar Point holds. I understand the season is only half over and we should all just enjoy Gatekeeper, but I like to speculate of what may be next. With Gatekeeper, CP refreshed the park entrance and the area surrounding GK. With Maverick/Skyhawk/Shoot The Raids, they updated the Frontier and Frontier Trail areas. One area of Cedar Point that it the most bland and outdated is the Gemini plaza. I think in the next few years we will see a new attraction or two be placed in the nearby area between Magnum-XL200 and Gemini. That area only features a few major rides. I could see the smaller rides such as the Frog Hop and Bumper Boats being relocated to the kids area, or just removing them entirely.
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^ The other option is they could remove those huge game stands across from Gemini. They never seem to be terribly busy, though the arcade gets decent traffic. Plus with Camp Snoopy nearby it'd be an easy way to keep the kids entertained while Mom or Dad waits in line for Parent Swap. There is a lot of under utilized space on that midway, I'm sure they're already looking at it for different reasons.


Edit: After looking at some satellite images there's actually quite a few options the park could take with various areas. The few glaring points the park may look to upgrade in the near future (in my opinion) are the Cadillac Cars and Blue Streak dead end area, Corkscrew and Golds dorms, and the aforementioned Gemini midway.


Looking at the maps, you can see there is a ton of space that is ripe for the picking if both Corkscrew and Golds are removed, in addition to that they could use the land all the way up to the Magnum queue line for an attraction or two. The Cadillac cars area next to raptor at the front of the park have been rumored to be on and off the chopping block. I could see them doing a nice area in that space in addition to looping the path toward the Marina entrance as well as refurbishing/repurposing/demolishing the old Pirate ride building. Finally with the Gemini midway in addition to the games area I mentioned, I could see it being likely that they remove the two or three little flats for kids that are older and using that entire space - while relocating the queue of Jr. Gemini and re-theming it to fit Camp Snoopy better.


I also looked at Frontier town, but the only space that could really be messed with is the stuff by Thunder Canyon. Given that it would probably be a huge pain to remove and that its a fairly popular water ride I can't see them getting rid of it any time soon. If they were to remove Mine Ride though it would open up a huge plot of land in the area by the lagoon.


Point being is that there is plenty of space for them to choose from. The future looks good for the park.

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Planning on Visiting CP August 12 with a group of 4. Should this be a busy or slow day? I just want to know if I'll be able to ride (Maverick,MILF, GateKeeper & TTD) at least once.


I've been keeping an eye on the webcams to get a better understanding of how busy each day is. Just like to know from a fellow enthusiast.

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^ The other option is they could remove those huge game stands across from Gemini. They never seem to be terribly busy, though the arcade gets decent traffic. Plus with Camp Snoopy nearby it'd be an easy way to keep the kids entertained while Mom or Dad waits in line for Parent Swap. There is a lot of under utilized space on that midway, I'm sure they're already looking at it for different reasons.


Last time I was there a few of those game stands were closed. With a lot of attention paid to the front in recent years (Celebration Plaza and now Gatekeeper) I can see the next area of redevelopment would be Gemini midway. More than likely I can see a Camp Snoopy expansion/remodel more than adding any newer big rides.


Having done Dinosaurs Alive it was a lot larger than I expected it would be and with Paddlewheel Excursions long gone that part of the island could be used for something when the dinos leave.


Looking at the maps, you can see there is a ton of space that is ripe for the picking if both Corkscrew and Golds are removed, in addition to that they could use the land all the way up to the Magnum queue line for an attraction or two. The Cadillac cars area next to raptor at the front of the park have been rumored to be on and off the chopping block. I could see them doing a nice area in that space in addition to looping the path toward the Marina entrance as well as refurbishing/repurposing/demolishing the old Pirate ride building.


Since they moved the maintenance building onto the mainland I can see something done there as well. You might as well include relocating Matterhorn and Scrambler to make a little more room for something. A custom Euro-fighter maybe?


The Blue Streak area is sort of an odd dead end area that could use some reworking. Though I don't ride them much I'd rather they keep the Cadillac Cars and remove Turnpike since Turnpike takes up more space. How much longer will Calypso be around? Could remove or relocate it to make way for a path to the marina gate. The Pirate Ride space should be reutilized for something else, mainly bring it back by putting in an interactive shooting dark ride.

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Or they could be planning on turning Camp Snoopy into a Planet Snoopy by taking out some of those Gemini midway games and expanding the entire area from Dinosaurs Alive over to the French fry stand?


I think this could be a feasible project as I think that area could definitely use a refurb and their kid's areas aren't nearly as nice as the one's at KI, KD and CW.

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^ Cedar Point already has a Planet Snoopy. They completely refurbed the entire Peanuts Playground/old Berenstain Bears area near Windseeker about 5 years ago. If anything, I could see them expanding the existing Planet Snoopy into the Kiddy Kingdom area, before creating a second one.



This is more regarding the next 5-10 years instead of next year, but I do wonder how much longer CCMR has left. I remember hearing rumors that Snake River Falls isn't too far off from being removed also, and removing both of those would free up a lot of space in that area.

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One thing i actually noticed on my trip in June is how many kiddie rides there are. They have SO many. That whole section behind MaxAir and then Planet Snoopy and other ones throughout the park. If they only somehow got all of them in one spot! "Kiddie Land at Cedar Point"


But i could see there next ride being a Euro-Fighter or a Premier compact launcher. But lets not get too excited now!

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But i could see there next ride being a Euro-Fighter or a Premier compact launcher. But lets not get too excited now!


Why would they other putting in a Euro-Fighter, which is already a low capacity ride to start out with, when they have Maverick? Euro-Fighters are too rough for my tastes. A Premier launcher would be nice, but I don't really see it. Once again, they have Maverick to fill the launcher void. I think it will be a while before we see any new coasters at The Point.

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Just a quick question. Planning to go to Cedar Point on Tuesday or Wednesday. How much can I expect to pay for 2 fast-pass plus tickets? Thanks in advance.


It was $170 for two Fast lane Plus passes ($85 each for two) for me on Friday, July 26th.

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