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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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One thing i actually noticed on my trip in June is how many kiddie rides there are. They have SO many. That whole section behind MaxAir and then Planet Snoopy and other ones throughout the park. If they only somehow got all of them in one spot! "Kiddie Land at Cedar Point"


But i could see there next ride being a Euro-Fighter or a Premier compact launcher. But lets not get too excited now!


I haven't been to Cedar Point, though it's nice to have kiddie rides spread out in multiple locations rather than one location.

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My issue with all the kiddie rides at the Point is how many there are in all those different spots. They have the area around Maxair/GateKeeper, Planet Snoopy, AND the Gemini kids area. They can afford to give up one easily, maybe move some of the Gemini ones to Planet Snoopy or the Maxair area and demolish the rest. Planet Snoopy I get since it's the biggest one and it's themed, and I get having the ones by Maxair since it's near the entrance. But honestly, are you REALLY going to drag your kid all the way to the back to Gemini for some (pretty mediocre and outdated) kiddie rides? Clear out everything there bar Junior Gemini and that area could get a nice facelift.


It feels like that part of the park around Magnum/Gemini got frozen in the eighties and I like it, but they could do so much more back there while keeping the area's charm. Maybe put a very large drop tower back there? They already have Power Tower, true, but honestly, the drop side isn't exactly that scary and it feels wrong that that's all the best amusement park in the world has for a drop tower. I think its main selling point is launching you down, too, not the height. Maybe Cedar Point gets their own version of Falcon's Fury opening at BGT but a little taller.


Maybe I'm being stupid, but I feel like they could support a drop tower with guy wires like they do radio towers. Build a large antennae on the top and put some guy wires down and you could probably have free standing structures reaching as high as 375 feet tall. That would look great if they put a drop tower over where the park's Frog Hopper currently stands over by Gemini and painted it beige with red accents and supported it with guy wires. It would look nice and fit the area very well.


One ride I hope they don't mess with in that area is Junior Gemini. It still gives families something to do back there. I credit whored it last time we went (see that here:

) and as painful as it was (those bunny hills HURT) I felt like I was riding a piece of history on Intamin's first coaster and I think that doing something as simple as lifting the height maximum on it could draw in credit whoring enthusiasts enough to give the ride some popularity back.


As far as another coaster goes, they could probably fit one of those new Intamin loopers (like the one going up in Italy with 10 inversions) where Corkscrew is. Cedar Fair isn't that inversion crazy but they could test the water. After all, the best amusement park in the world deserves something with a lot of inversions and the national inversion record seems like their kind of thing. That, or somebody on RCTLounge had pointed out that the park has three car rides; one in the Frontier area, the other two right next to each other at the park entrance and that if they tore the two down, they could fit a GCI woodie there that could overlook the marina entrance.


Just a stream of thought about the park brought to you by Jarrett.

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^ Cedar Point already has a Planet Snoopy. They completely refurbed the entire Peanuts Playground/old Berenstain Bears area near Windseeker about 5 years ago. If anything, I could see them expanding the existing Planet Snoopy into the Kiddy Kingdom area, before creating a second one.


You're right...my fail. I forgot they named that area was called Planet Snoopy.


To the poster above me, I don't think that would be a good idea to move all the kiddie rides to one area. I think it's cool that they have two areas for kids because the park is so large you don't want to have all your kiddie rides in one compact area. Having two at opposite ends definitely makes sense.


I personally think that expanding Camp Snoopy in the Gemini area would be a good thing. I agree with others that the games in that area doesn't seem to draw in all that many people.


And yes, Snake River Falls certainly seems dated. Although we tend to go when crowds are light, it seems like the ride is either never open or there are not many people on it. I guess in the dog days of summer I could see it getting a fair line, but personally I would have no problem with them taking it down and putting something else in it's place. Doubt they would tear down that and Shoot the Rapids, but personally I would like to see them tear them both down and put up some kind of huge themed water ride like the one at Phantasialand!

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I am sorry, but Cedar Point has the best Tilt-A-Whirl in Planet Snoopy. I love that thing.


Some days, we have more fun on the darn Tilt-A-Whirl that the coasters!


I would love for KI to get one. It would fit nicely between Backyard Stunt Coaster and Diamondback.

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I've been wanting to see an awesome GCI at the point for a long time now. And now that RMC has made thier mark, I would love to see an RMC Iron Horse refurb done to Mean Streak. So much potential for both of these.

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I apoligize for the double post, but I heard all windseekers have been shut down chain wide again. Is this true, and if so what are the details on the story?
Was wondering the same thing... Knott's still hasn't re-opened. Just been sitting there, no work being done, for a long time.
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I've been wanting to see an awesome GCI at the point for a long time now. And now that RMC has made thier mark, I would love to see an RMC Iron Horse refurb done to Mean Streak. So much potential for both of these.


I totally agree!! From your keyboard to God's ears...

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I apoligize for the double post, but I heard all windseekers have been shut down chain wide again. Is this true, and if so what are the details on the story?


I don't think that is true. Windseeker is running at Carowinds as I type this according to the webcam. It was also running on Thursday night when I stopped by the park.

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The WindSeeker's all closed because the one at I believe Carowinds didn't clear the entire tower and sot stuck for a second time (total) to the point that after an hour they needed to do an evac. versus last year they were stuck for i believe it was 3 hours, which is what caused the last Chain-Wide windseeker shutdown. I would assume if its up and running again at Carowinds, where the problem originally occurred, it should probably start to re-open at the rest of the parks soon. (If it wasn't carowinds, I'm sorry, I read the news post about a week ago, its alittle foggy by now)

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I finally got the chance to visit this amazing park with my dad and friend from 7/16 - 7/18 (wanted the STR discussion to die down a bit before posting initially) and it completely met the high expectations I had for it. I live in Southern California so I visit SFMM and Knott's as my main two parks a few times a year and I try to fit a few roller coasters into family vacations if possible. However, this trip to Ohio was strictly for Cedar Point and I had to leave the beautiful 75-degree weather to some absolutely horrific 97-degree, extremely humid weather. People kept telling us it usually isn't this hot but on the upside, the park was much less crowded (most likely because of the weather). Everything was 15mins or less for majority of the 3 days aside from their main star attractions. The biggest lines I saw in the 3 days were MF at 1 hour and Maverick at 1hr 15mins.


Anyway, I have been a roller coaster fan for 4-5 years now and have lurked this website and been subscribed to the YouTube channel for over 2 years. I really enjoy the trip reports and the hilarious live commentaries Robb gives while riding the coasters. Now, the park I've always wanted to go to most was Cedar Point. The beautiful location, the crazy coasters, the high reputation... it all just looks so amazing. It sure wasn't easy to get friends/family to venture across the country to ride roller coasters though, which is why it took me 5 years to finally go... but I did! And I have no regrets on how much it costed! (I think that's enough background info for now)


But yeah, I often see this park compared to SFMM by the GP and Cedar Point is much, much, much better. It doesn't help the fact that I've been to SFMM a dozen times but for starters: the people working there are friendlier and more enthusiastic, the ride operations are crazy quick in comparison, and the place feels like a resort especially since we stayed in the on-island Hotel Breakers. I especially loved the first glance I got at the park when driving up the peninsula and seeing these massive structures floating upon Lake Erie. It's truly remarkable!


I got on a total of 41 rides in my 3 days there. The first day we only had 6 hours at the park since that was the traveling day so we got on 9 rides, the second day we got on 15, and last day we got on 17 (we got the Fast Pass Plus on day 3). The list includes:


Maverick x6

Millennium Force x5

Top Thrill Dragster x5

Magnum XL x4

GateKeeper x3

Gemini x3

Wicked Twister x2

Raptor x2

Blue Streak x2

Power Tower x2 (launch and drop)

MaXair x1

Mean Streak x1

Mantis x1

Iron Dragon x1

Cedar Creek Mine Ride x1

Shoot the Rapids x1

Woodstock Express x1


We skipped Windseeker because it's at Knott's Berry Farm and missed SkyHawk when it was down on day 3 all day. Other than that, we got on everything we wanted and the best ones multiple times! Below are my rankings and opinions for all of the roller coasters:


1. Millennium Force - This is practically tied with Maverick for me but I give MF the tiebreaker because my first ride on it, I got off thinking it was the best ride ever. It truly blew me away. The first drop is incredible and the ride goes so fast the entire time. However, after 4 more times, I started to get "used to it" and it didn't have quite the same impact. I enjoyed the floater airtime over the 3 other hills a lot. I wish there were 1 or 2 more of those placed throughout the ride.


2. Maverick - I got off it the first time with a couple of head-bangs and wasn't that crazy about it. However, after I got the layout memorized on the second run-through, I absolutely loved it. I had never experienced anything like that with those banked turns switching directions at such high speeds. We ended up riding this one the most and it became practically tied for #1 with MF. I was never able to get used to it, which is a good thing! Amazing ride, really grew on me.


3. Top Thrill Dragster - After 4 times riding it, we decided to wait a little longer since it was almost 10:00pm anyway to try the front and it was totally worth it. The front is absolutely exhilarating and a bit terrifying! However, there were around 15 dead bugs on my shirt when the ride finished! The launch doesn't give quite the jolt that Xcelerator does but it sure lasts longer and I overall liked it more.


4. Magnum XL 200 - I was worried with this one since I hated Desperado. But to my pleasant surprise, the ride was much better than Goliath at SFMM! The first half is great but the ending is what truly makes the ride. Getting ejected out of your seat and slamming against your lap bar on every single one of those bunny hills at the end is so thrilling. I especially loved the ones in the tunnels!


5. GateKeeper - The restraint vests are awful and squeeze you to death when the ride ends. However, I'm basing it on the ride itself and with that being said, it's a very fun ride. I liked it more than X-Flight at SFGA but wasn't too crazy about the ending half. The key-holing was cool and the drop was better than I expected.


6. Gemini - The gem of the park (no pun intended). I loved the "racing" aspect of it. People trying to high-five each other on the chain lift and people pretending like they're rowing is hilarious. There are plenty of good drops and it is so much fun in the back. It definitely exceeded my expectations.


7. Wicked Twister - Super fun, better than V2, the back is the best


8. Raptor - Better than the Batman clones and Silver Bullet, very intense throughout


*From this point, the coasters get much worse in my opinion. There are 8 really awesome coasters at Cedar Point but the rest don't do much for me. (I know some are kid rides and there's nothing wrong with those. I mean mainly Mean Streak, Mantis, and Corkscrew)


9. Corkscrew - A little better than I expected, there's a nice hill after the first drop. It's less painful than Revolution and Viper so that made me happy.


10. Iron Dragon - I like Ninja at SFMM a little more but this was still a decent ride. The ending half has a few cool parts while over the water.


11. Mean Streak - It looks so awesome and then you ride it... and it is not thrilling whatsoever. GhostRider and Apocalypse are much better. The ride didn't hurt as much as people say it does but it was a pretty uneventful, long ride.


12. Blue Streak - Definitely a disappointment, I got hardly any airtime and it rattled my brains out! I rode it again and the second time it was a little better but yeah, glad I didn't have to wait for it.


13. Cedar Creek MineRide - It is what it is, a little better than GoldRusher at SFMM


14. Mantis - Much worse than Riddler's Revenge and not enjoyable in any way. This ride's space and Mean Streak's could be used for much better things... I would be happy if Cedar Point's 2014 announcement was just them telling us they would tear it down! haha


15. Woodstock Express - Once again, it is what it is, a little better than Road Runner Express because of its length



And wow, that was a lot of writing. Overall, this is definitely my favorite park that I've been to and I had an amazing time! Thanks for reading the entire thing if you did, it ended up being much longer than I expected! I attached a cool picture my dad took of Maverick with his Nikon D40.



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Magnum was much better than Goliath at SFMM

To put it lightly, IMO...



It's great reading trip reports from first timers at CP. I'm from California, and have been to CP twice in the past 10 years. Having been used to parks like SFMM, CP has a wildly different atmosphere and overall vibe. I can't wait to go back.


I agree with you on nearly all ride ratings. The one rating that surprised me was Blue Streak. I was last on in 2007, and remember really enjoying it. Smooth...lots of airtime. Sounds like it's changed a lot.

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To put it lightly, IMO...


It's great reading trip reports from first timers at CP. I'm from California, and have been to CP twice in the past 10 years. Having been used to parks like SFMM, CP has a wildly different atmosphere and overall vibe. I can't wait to go back.


Haha yeah, I definitely agree.


I agree with you on nearly all ride ratings. The one rating that surprised me was Blue Streak. I was last on in 2007, and remember really enjoying it. Smooth...lots of airtime. Sounds like it's changed a lot.


But regarding Blue Streak, I was expecting a lot better from what I'd heard on the forum. I wasn't the only one who had bad rides on it. My dad said it was the worst coaster he'd ever been on. Now, I didn't think it was THAT bad but like I said, was pretty rough and gave me little air. That was the only disappointment I had though. The top rides at the park pretty much all exceeded my expectations (I haven't been on many good coasters haha).

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I really like Blue Streak!


Where did you sit? I always take back row and I always get good floater on Blue Streak! Not epic but for what it is, pretty good and it's not tooo rough.

Only thing I hate is being near Raptor the line is sometimes outrageous.

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I really like Blue Streak!


Where did you sit? I always take back row and I always get good floater on Blue Streak! Not epic but for what it is, pretty good and it's not tooo rough.

Only thing I hate is being near Raptor the line is sometimes outrageous.


I luckily had a walk-on both times. x)


Um, I sat in the very middle the second time and almost very back the second time. The second time through was a better ride (mainly because my dad was in front and we were watching him rattling/shaking like crazy in his seat). haha

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I really like Blue Streak!


Where did you sit? I always take back row and I always get good floater on Blue Streak! Not epic but for what it is, pretty good and it's not tooo rough.

Only thing I hate is being near Raptor the line is sometimes outrageous.


I luckily had a walk-on both times. x)


Um, I sat in the very middle the second time and almost very back the second time. The second time through was a better ride (mainly because my dad was in front and we were watching him rattling/shaking like crazy in his seat). haha


It is wood, could've been a bad day but yeah I've always found it a fun little ride! Shame you didn't.

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Depends on what seat you sit in for me. But, usually when I get on, Blue Streak steadily delivers a crazy, airtime filled ride. Dunno about you.


I totally agree! I'll only sit in rows 1 or 2. Always a great airtime filled ride! Maybe I should try the last row next time. Not bad for a 49 year old... I hope C.P. will do something for it's 50th birthday next year. It's my fav at the park.

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