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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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I was not expecting a new coaster but I am not happy with this announcement. I seriously thought, they would add more to soak city and be done. You could of even taken the next year off and just fixed up/painted things. Why add another Dinosaur Path when Kings Island is so close? I guess really I don't understand why not just add like 4 bucks to the ticket price and make it free. I was fine with the announcement yesterday but I bet after 3 years, the dinosaurs stop working and they end up just clearing the area out.

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I really don't care if they charge for it or not because I wouldn't bother either way but I'm not overly upset about this. They already have 17 coasters... they put in a 300 foot tall ride this year... who cares if they don't add much of anything next year?


I can't believe all of the whining on their Facebook... what do people want from them? lol.


Honestly, I think it's because everyone is used to Cedar Point building the biggest and baddest rides out there. It's understandable why people are getting kind of antsy (not that I am), because in the 9-year span from TTD to 2012, Cedar Point has only built one coaster which stands a mere 105 feet tall. I don't blame Cedar Point, though, considering they built 3 coasters (2 massive, 1 large) in a 4-year span at the beginning of the decade.

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I'm 3 for 3 now with DA at CP, the fast pass at KI, and the Leviathan ride name at CW. Anyone still wanna doubt???


Ok so if you know so much then tell us(in the KD thread) what we're getting already.


With the new CEO being a former Disney CEO I think it's safe to say the coaster wars are over,after all it was Kinzel's management strategy that dreamt it up in the first place but now that he's soon to be gone we'll probably see more of a balance coming to the parks.

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The only interesting thing about Dinosaurs Alive was seeing people amazed (including myself) with how much Kristin knew about all of the dinosaurs, including whether they ate meat or plants! Apart from that it was pretty a pretty terrible thing to have to pay for.

This would not bring me to the park...

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I really don't care if they charge for it or not because I wouldn't bother either way but I'm not overly upset about this. They already have 17 coasters... they put in a 300 foot tall ride this year... who cares if they don't add much of anything next year?


I can't believe all of the whining on their Facebook... what do people want from them? lol.


For me personally, I'd like to see a NEW COASTER (Breaking Wind doesn't count) at least every 2 - 3 years. This is a long wait for a new ride (a real coaster) until 2013. Bummer


Well it's only half as long as SFA had to wait...then again given the way UT "worked out" I just know they'll find some way to screw up their "new" for 2012 attraction too.

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Ok so if you know so much then tell us(in the KD thread) what we're getting already.


He has already said KD will get Dinosaurs Alive, but wasn't sure what (if any) ride they were getting.


I kind of thought the Dinosaurs Alive! thing was pretty obvious as soon as we heard the one at KI was making a good profit, so I'm not going to be shocked one bit when the announce it. I think we will either see Dinosaurs Alive with a Windseeker or Dinosaurs Alive with a new waterslide.


As for Dinosaurs Alive at Cedar Point, I feel like they could've atleast afforded a new little flat for the park as well so it would be a new little flat for Cedar Point, multi mat-racer slide at Soak City, and then the upcharge Dinosaurs Alive for those interested in that. But, it doesn't matter because the Cedar Point Facebook fans would complain if they were getting a 500' coaster...

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From the Article:

“We are extremely excited about introducing Dinosaurs Alive! to our guests next summer,” said John Hildebrandt, vice president and general manager of Cedar Point. “Our guests will have the opportunity to visit the Jurassic Age up close and see some of the amazing creatures that called it home. Dinosaurs Alive! will be educational but fun, too.”


Overall, Dinosaurs Alive! will feature approximately three dozen types of dinosaurs. The dinosaurs will range in size and height. The largest will be the Ruyangosaurus that will stand nearly 40 feet tall and 72 feet long. The smallest will be an Angustinaripterus that will only be two feet tall and eight feet long.


Other dinosaurs in Dinosaurs Alive! will include the vicious Tyrannosaurus Rex, Irratator, Baryonyx and Spinosaurus, the largest of all known carnivorous dinosaurs. A plated Stegosaurus and three-horned Triceratops will also inhabit the island. The half-mile-long path will feature more than a dozen themed exhibits and displays and will veer underneath several of the larger dinosaurs providing a very intimate encounter with the prehistoric beasts.


Wait, only two of those Dino's mentioned existed in the Jurassic Period (Angustinaripterus and Stegosaurus) I believe (but could be wrong). The rest I believe are from the Cretaceous Period. It looks like someone never went to the museum as a kid. Just kidding, I know what his intentions where.


Oh well, I guess Kinzel thought he needed to add Dino's to the park because he was leaving as the largest one wondering the midway.

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While the groups of people who actually pay attention to announcements like this, the coaster communities and locals, may be pissed and call Cedar Point silly for this choice. I actually commend their genius.


They are placing a Dino attraction with an up charge right in one of the major kiddie areas. Parents arms shall be rendered from their respective sockets until they take the kids over to Dino island.


I am sad that there will be no more,"Pier pressure," or Muddy rivers Banjo, but things need to change, it is life and I've accepted it.


On a better note I love Mat Racer slides and am stoked that Soak City will get one!

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^ I hope they go with an eight lane Octopus Racer or the new Kraken Racer model. I have been on an Octopus and regular racer and liked the Octopus a little better. It was kind of a nice little element to go into the tunnel curve prior to the bumpy down.

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I'm kind of curious if these Dinosaurs Alivie are permanent attractions or if they'll only be there a few years or so. I myself hope they're only going to be there a few years because I would much rather see a coaster using that land. At the same time I think Dinosaurs alive will be a huge hit with kids.

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I wasn't too thrilled when they came out with Dinos Alive at KI which isn't my home park, but when they confirmed it for Cedar Point which is my home park, I don't even know what to say. I feel like they are doing the same thing as what they did with Chaos; taking it out and putting in something that costs extra. I've been a huge fan of Paddlewheel ever since I was a kid. It's really upsetting to me that it's going. I went to the park yesterday (before the announcement) and there weren't that many people riding. I went to the park again today (after the announcement) and, not to my surprise, it had a good amount of people waiting; I was shoked at how many people already knew about its fate. In my opinion, if you're going to take out a ride put in another ride of some sort. I'm not saying a big a** coaster like many people want; I'm just saying a ride. However, since Cedar Point is a business they want to make money on an attraction and not lose it so they do stuff like this.

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I think the biggest question left unanswered is whether Terror Island will incorporate dinosaurs, be moved elsewhere, or be changed entirely.



Seriously though, I don't understand why there is so much complaining. If it's not your thing, the SKIP IT. But with so many families visiting the park, there is plenty of reason to add this there. Kids will want to go through, which means the park will be getting extra money from the up-charge costs. And the fact that it's right by the kids' area means that more kids will see it and want to go through. Which means more money the park is making.


Sure, it may not be the best new attraction, but even for the chain's flagship park,you can't expect a huge, new ride every single year. Besides, Soak City is getting a much-needed new ride - and even if it is only one ride, I'm sure it won't be the only thing to go in there within the next few years. Business-wise, this is a smart move. Just be patient - the coasters and giant rides will come, that's a guarantee. CF is a large chain, and they have to add to all their parks while maintaining a business - CP just can't be expected to get huge rides every year if the chain wants to be successful.

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I'm in no way sad to see Paddlewheel go. When i worked there for the summer of '05 I never even knew it existed. Went back in '06 for a visit and was still oblivious to it's existence. It wasn't until I took another trip in '08 that I stumbled upon it while taking pictures of TTD and remember thinking it was a giant waste of time.


I'm not one to bash on rides like this, typically I love when parks do stuff like this but it just felt like a cheap rip off of Jungle Cruise with worse jokes and less to look at. I think cutting the maintenance and operating costs of the ride and using that elsewhere is a smart move by CP.


I like the DA idea. SFDK had an exhibit like this called "Dinosaurs!" back in the early 1990's when they were still Marine World Africa USA. It was located on the hill where the 3D cinema, Taz Devil and Johnny Rockets are now. I remember it being a really fun exhibit and really made my day. I think I was 5 at the time which is exactly the demographic this one will appeal to as well. But I tell you what, if they had charged for the one at SFDK, there is no way my mom would have gotten out of it.

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Though I am saddened, I understand where they are coming from with removing Paddlewheel, but I do hope they relocate the props to the train, somewhere else, or send some down to Kings Island—last week the guy on the train (at Kings Island) was doing a spiel while we rode, but sadly, he didn't have much to work with.


I know they are moving money around a bit, but next year would have been nice to see a new family flat ride like a set of Tea Cups

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DA makes sense at KI because a typical family can ride almost everything in a single day and may have some extra time for DA. At CP, the typical family is able to ride a few rides because the lines are so long and will not have that extra time, now will want to replace a ride on Millennium Force with a $5 up-charge walk-through.


Detroit, Cleveland, Toledo, Columbus, they are the demographic audience for Cedar Point. They aren't doing too well financially, especially the first two. They just raised ticket prices to $50 and I am counting on a parking hike up to $12, there is no way a family that just got done spending $9 per burger basket for each member of the family is going to dish out ANOTHER $5 for DA. Just IMO.


How much do you wanna bet that they will try and sell "3D glasses" for $1.

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I'd rather see Cedar Point build something amazing and wait a year. Whether we like it or not Dinosaurs Alive is a GP magnet and will make a hefty sum of money for the park, which they can use to make something amazing for the following year.

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