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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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It's a 457ft launched inverted wooden aquatrax that rains down chocolate chip cookies at the block brake! Snoopy's been hinting at this for two years already, duh!


^They did say on their fb that it would be tomorrow though so we'll see. It seems like it will most likely be about something that isn't a ride...

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Would the park really make an announcement about Dinos Alive a year in advance? Didn't the Kings Island one happen like two weeks in advance or something?

If I had to speculate, they probably want to tell people about Paddlewheel closing so they can get their last rides in before the season ends.


I'm pretty sure they are announcing it early because the CP one will have REAL LIVE dinosaurs!


As long as they have a coupon day.

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I'm pretty sure they are announcing it early because the CP one will have REAL LIVE dinosaurs!



Just booked our flights.. you BETTER be right!



@Steve...best comment ever.



I cannot guarantee the realness of said dinosaurs.... you could check out the freaky giant bugs CP has if you want some weird nature and the dinosaurs are just scams.

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