Yeah only being able to play once a day (sometimes less) has me at barely getting half of the prizes. While on the one hand I'm glad for the power players, makes me miss out on a lot of the prizes (which makes me want to play even less haha)
The weather is supposed to suck on Saturday. Frankly I'm impressed they are going to still try and do anything at all and not just cancel it outright. Go Valleyfair! Can't wait to see what fun stuff they have planned for the short time we are there.
Yeah, this is why the change.
Whoo Hoo! Finally got my donations high enough to actually participate this year at Valleyfair, but my two friends Kristen (only $10 off!) and Brittany (Only $30 off!) still need some help getting there if anyone is feeling generous.
Saved my eggs for a few days and just cashed most of them in last night and got Father Shawn and Banana Dictatorship and a bunch of junk. Not as bad as I was fearing.
Is anyone else experiencing lag when visiting friend's towns? I seem to be able to tap two eggs then it "freezes." The animations will still run smoothly, but I can't tap anything else and the screen doesn't move for a few seconds.
Literally the only word I don't like in the English language, and will get me riled up, is the "f" word. I don't like hearing it in most contexts, I understand the cultural difference of a British person saying it in reference to a cigarette (also the accent ) but rarely outside of that does that word not cause me to wince.
My "base tile" disappeared and now I'm back to three day builds. Oh well, it was nice while it lasted haha.
Also included in this update is a person finder in the top left of the screen when your in town and buttons in your friend's town to go to the next town or previous town without having to jump back into the friends menu. That should help out a LOT with these tasks.