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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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I'm way more excited to see that they're FINALLY going to get something new for Soak City!!!!


That park was just BEGGING for a new slide.


^Steve, the dinosaurs can barely stay working for a season at KI, asking them to tell Jokes would certainly catch them on fire even sooner!

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Now, could you take the bragging down a notch?

I shall resist!


On a side note, I'm still pretty bummed about Paddlewheel. Maybe they can get some of the dinosaurs to tell corny jokes to fill in the void.


Aww, sorry if that seemed a little harsh.


I want to make it clear that I really appreciate your information. The more insiders we have on this board the better. It's just that one my big pet-peeves on message boards is that some insiders make it more about themselves and not about the information they are giving. Believe me, you are nowhere near as bad as some I have seen in the past on other boards.


So please, don't shy away from giving us your inside knowledge because of what I said!

Edited by ernierocker
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So Cedar Point is getting a Dinosaurs Alive attraction. Understandable, since Kings Island's is apparently making a ton of money. My only question now is are they going to make it a traveling exhibit and transport Kings Island's to Cedar Point, or build a brand new/permanent exhibit?


EDIT: Don't go anywhere near the facebook page if you don't want to see complaining. They're having a mini online protest over there.

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I'm bummed that Paddlewheel is coming to an end. We always rode this a few times with every visit as this is one of the truly family rides. My middle kid won't ride most of the roller coasters so this was one of the rides we could do together. I wouldn't mind the DA attraction if is wasn't an upcharge. We probably won't do it becuase of the added $25 for the whole family.


I don't mind upcharge attractions such as mini-gold or the go carts since they don't have the capacity to be free. DA should have a decently high capacity and for this reason I don't think it should be an upcharge.



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I really don't care if they charge for it or not because I wouldn't bother either way but I'm not overly upset about this. They already have 17 coasters... they put in a 300 foot tall ride this year... who cares if they don't add much of anything next year?


I can't believe all of the whining on their Facebook... what do people want from them? lol.

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Dinosaur's Alive is going to be a complete cash cow for the company. If this was around when I was a little boy, I would have totally nagged my parents to death until I could see the dinosaurs! And you can control them! Cool! Find me a 6 year boy that wouldn't want to see Dinosaur's Alive.


I probably check it out once next year. I would have preferred free, but maybe they want to minimize the amount of people going there at one time and create a better atmosphere?


And yay for Soak City actually getting new slides for the first time since 2004! They got a new water play structure back then. Other than that, I honestly can't think of any new slides at the water park since it opened back in the early 90s. I assume that it's going to be one of those head first Proslide mat racers with the tunnels and the hills like the complex at Kings Island. Not too sure where the slides might go... there isn't a whole lot of room for expansion.

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I think the upcharge for Dinosaurs Alive has more to do with the company that builds them rather than Kings Island or Cedar Point deciding to charge. By contract, they have to give 50% of their sales to the company that built the attractions, and I'm sure there's some stipulation in there that they are required to charge people money. The fact that it will limit over-crowding is just a nice bonus.

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I think they're removing Paddlewheel Excursions because of low ridership... and if that's true I can't complain about it. Most people probably didn't even know it was there.

We sort of "accidentally" rode it this year. Not because we knew it was leaving, it just happened to be right near a smoking section where Piers went and we were all "Oh...we should go on this...wait, is this a ride? Oh it is! Sure...let's do it!"


Honestly, it was a lot of fun! Too bad it's going, but I can totally see why....

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NO the paddle wheel excursion was one of my favorite rides i understand why cedar point would do something like this but at such a shocking cost why would you build an interactive attraction than a roller coaster?! especially for the price of a ledgendary boat !the only solace one could possibly gain from this was if cedar point put the boat in their museum. . .

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It's funny; just discovered the Paddlewheel boats myself this year, and they really were a nice break from all the running around. We had a great "captain," very amusing. So I'll be sorry to see them go as well.


I love dinosaurs, but I'll keep riding the Jurassic Parks to fill that desire, thank you very much.


^^ Also, Jeff Goldblum is a god. "The Fly" stands next to Carpenter's "The Thing" as the greatest remakes ever. EVER.

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Honestly, I don't think Dinosaurs Alive is a bad thing in general, but I do not think Cedar Point is a good park to recieve it. There is so much to do at that park I would easily skip it there even if it were free. Now, at another Cedar Fair park that has less to do (CGA, Carowinds, Knott's, maybe even KD, etc.) I'd consider checking it out if it was free.


The waterslide in Soak City, however, should be a good addition. That waterpark looked very outdated, and we chose to stay at Castaway Bay and use their small waterpark (which has a watercoaster) rather than visit Soak City because it looked worse than any of Southern California's waterparks.

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The Dinosaurs Alive will be alright with me if they include some Jeff Goldblum laughing.



Are these characters auto.....erotica?


So is Kings Island the Cedar Fair testing facility now? They were the first to get Dino's alive and are the first to get the Fast Lane system.

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I really don't care if they charge for it or not because I wouldn't bother either way but I'm not overly upset about this. They already have 17 coasters... they put in a 300 foot tall ride this year... who cares if they don't add much of anything next year?


I can't believe all of the whining on their Facebook... what do people want from them? lol.


For me personally, I'd like to see a NEW COASTER (Breaking Wind doesn't count) at least every 2 - 3 years. This is a long wait for a new ride (a real coaster) until 2013. Bummer

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