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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Didn't SFMM repaint FOUR coaster a couple of off seasons ago?


SFMM doesn't have to deal with real winter weather.


It's quite possible that they didn't start painting earlier due to the weather. Kind of hard to paint a 300 ft coaster in the middle of January during white out conditions.

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^The supports are nice and pretty again though


MF has needed some love in the paint department for a while. I'm also not surprised it's taking this long, like everybody has said, 6600ft of box track, inside and outside, it's going to take some time. Last time I was there I noticed WT and TTD need some love too, hopefully they're next.

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^The supports are nice and pretty again though


MF has needed some love in the paint department for a while. I'm also not surprised it's taking this long, like everybody has said, 6600ft of box track, inside and outside, it's going to take some time. Last time I was there I noticed WT and TTD need some love too, hopefully they're next.


WT's colors can fade and still look good.


But TTD...LMAO. If you look at Dragsters yellow crossbeams on the tower, the ones that run parallel to the ground, its hilarious. the bottoms are still SUPER BRIGHT yellow. The top? Not so bright. Actually, about the palest yellow you can find.

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^And the *white* piece of track where the cable runs over the wheels and drops down to the hydraulic room - that piece is just about completely black!


Yea but even if they power washed it and painted it, Id give it a month(that's generous) before its back to being black.

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^At least the rest of the ride would look nice again!


Wont disagree there. Even if they just did the tower it would look great. The white and red, its faded yea but it hasnt faded as bad as the yellow has. Its dreadful!

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There are so many far better rides than M.F. It used to be my #1 years ago, but now it's not in my top 10 and nowhere near it. It's deteriorated over the years. The partial and bad paint job (or lack of it) this year underscores how it's been neglected.

The rides I had on it last year and this year were probably smoother than any of the rides I had while working at CP in 2007 and 2008, and the ones last year were probably some of the fastest I've ever had (this year I rode in the morning during early entry and it hadn't warmed up yet). And the paint job has literally NOTHING to do with how good the ride is. The only reason it's a partial paint job now is because it takes a REALLY long time to paint 6400 feet of track (Intamin box track especially), and it takes a LOT of paint, which costs a LOT of money.


I know you have this apocalyptic view on everything involving Cedar Fair, but jeez.


Skycoastin Steve that's untrue! I know how good Cedar Point can be! It truly isn't right now. Much to my surprise, other Cedar Fair parks are much better than Cedar Point. I had a GREAT TIME at Kings Island the same week I was at Cedar Point. Their other parks that I've been to recently: Knotts, Carowinds, Dorney Park and Kings Dominion are good too. I'll be at Worlds of Fun this weekend (never been there) since I'm working up here this week and it's across the street from my hotel. I just hope the new CEO - Matt can return their flagship park to it's former glory days.

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It's the CF way. They painted Magnum over 2 seasons, they painted Steel Force over 2 years too right? They painted the supports on Talon one year but not the track, they've been painting Xcelerator for awhile. Say what you want about Six Flags, but they get rides repainted quickly. Didn't SFMM repaint FOUR coaster a couple of off seasons ago?


SFStL only painted about 1/5 of Screamin' Eagle a few years back and NEVER finished it (and trust me the rest of it needed it bad, half of the track and supports had never even been painted after replacements were completed). I'd say it's more of a cost vs. outcome thing than it is a "Meh we're lazy" thing. Paint the parts that get the most visual attention = biggest bang for your buck. Isn't that everyone's goal in this economy?

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If Millenium force has a brand spankin new paint job for my 2012 trip I will be a very happy boy. I enjoy a loving relationship with Millie, it always makes me happy to see it.


In June of 2012 I am taking a couple kids and their dad to the Point and had a question about Breakers. I am getting the standard suite and was wondering if anyone had some room numbers for a good view of the park. I plan to request a room on the ninth floor of the tower but would love it if anyone had a helpful tip. Hope it's ok to slip this into this thread.

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^Not likely, the project is scheduled to be completed in 3 years. Only 1/3 has been repainted so far.


Last time I was there I noticed WT and TTD need some love too, hopefully they're next.


Actually, Twister just needs to be washed. There's still shiny yellow track under all the grease. If you notice in the station, the rails are bright yellow now. That's just from a de-greaser and a washcloth. The paint is still in wonderful condition, it's just covered up by wheel spit.

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^I think that also may just be due to the fact that the station track isn't exposed to the sun like the spikes and therefore hasn't faded. The track still looks good on the spikes, but it wouldn't be as good as the station track even if it were to be properly washed.

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I'm swaying a bit off of the current topic here, hope no one minds. I was browsing the TRs in the park index and ended up on GeaugaDogs retro TRs, great pics of CP, KI, KD, GL in the past. I was fascinated by the pics of the Magnum area in 89-90 and how much it's changed, new Mean Streak pics etc. But the one thing that sparked this post was the pics of Avalanche Run before DT was DT. This made me realize how ugly Disaster Transports building really is. I'm now 100% behind getting rid of the building and still about 60% behind getting rid of the ride completely. DT is the only bobsled I've been on and I've only known it as DT so it has a somewhat special place with me but I now realize how ugly it is. Who's with me?

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^Only if they put in another 46" coaster


I would be cool to see them reuse the building and install a custom Gerstlauer Bobsled coaster similar to to something like Van Helsing's factory at Movie Park Germany. Maybe even put an enclosed flat ride below the coaster on the ground floor just to be unique, oh wait this is Cedar Point never mind.

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Quick Question:


How is Maverick not rated higher in coaster polls or opinions? I've been to Cedar Point before years ago when Top Thrill Dragster opened and it hadn't been built, and while I find Millennium Force and Dragster fun... neither warrant their waits when compared to Maverick.

We just got back from a small vacation to see family in the north and I somehow coaxed people into a CP trip... one where I could try out some of the rides they've added or that I didn't have a chance to ride...


Maverick is plain awesome. Now, I did experience it at night for the first time so that might add to the allure, but good god it was not at all what I was expecting. It never lets up and from the drop to the brakes completely fun and crazy...


I wish Cheetah Hunt was more similar so I didn't have to travel 16+ hours to ride it again...

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