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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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I have ridden all 4 north american wing riders and I can honestly say by the end of the rides they are generally overly tight. They may not tighten during the ride per say but after 2 plus minutes of the tight vest its enough. The only one of the 4 that I have been able to enjoy was X Flight. That was the last of the 4 that I rode and I purposely kept the vest as loose as the op would let me

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I have ridden all 4 north american wing riders and I can honestly say by the end of the rides they are generally overly tight. They may not tighten during the ride per say but after 2 plus minutes of the tight vest its enough. The only one of the 4 that I have been able to enjoy was X Flight. That was the last of the 4 that I rode and I purposely kept the vest as loose as the op would let me


I've ridden on 3 of them and I don't notice that it gets tighter until the ride is over and then I can't wait to be let out of them.

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Not sure if this is old or new, but she said it was on the news this morning.

Really, you're not sure?


The collision happened on the same day Cedar Point opened its newest roller coaster, "Maverick."


Cedar Point is one of the world's largest amusement parks by ride count, and currently holds the world record for most roller coasters with 17.

I mean, not hard to figure out if this is current.

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Anybody hear about an accident on magnum this past weekend?

News story....



A friend sent this to me. Not sure if this is old or new, but she said it was on the news this morning.


I did hear about this...when it happened 11 years ago .


As stated above, it is an old article. I was on Magnum this past weekend and she was running fine...right up to the ejector air on the return trip (and the bruised thighs to prove it...but still love it!)

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We had a blast at our first Halloweekends two weeks ago. I loved all the little details around the park, and honestly, now I can't imagine going back to Cedar Point when it's not Halloweekends. I'd miss all the extra atmosphere.


Anyway, I just wanted to throw a shoutout to my favorite detail from that weekend. As we were walking out of Midnight Syndicate, we just happened to glance off to the left and saw this...






Creeeeeeeepy. I honestly gasped when I saw them. It was such a small detail, back in an uninhabited area of the park. And I bet 95% of visitors never even saw them. But such a great, unnerving touch. Good job.

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I wonder if it could have been on Magnum's station roof...aren't there skylights on the roof?


Thinking about it (if this were the case), it would be hard to get a cherry picker or Lift-A-Loft to that roof given it's location, so crash/fall prevention could have been difficult.


The repair personnel probably just used a ladder and up they went. Probably have done it more than once.


It would be nice if the media would follow up with the whole story and outcome, but I doubt they will.

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Trying to make a last minute visit to Cedar Point next Saturday.


Fast Lane Plus - Platinum Passholders only get the discount when it's purchased in park.


Any reason to worry about it selling out before we get there? I'd hate to get all the way there and then it's unavailable.

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Trying to make a last minute visit to Cedar Point next Saturday.


Fast Lane Plus - Platinum Passholders only get the discount when it's purchased in park.


Any reason to worry about it selling out before we get there? I'd hate to get all the way there and then it's unavailable.


I've never seen them sell out, even on some of the busiest days. Enjoy your visit!

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Trying to make a last minute visit to Cedar Point next Saturday.


Fast Lane Plus - Platinum Passholders only get the discount when it's purchased in park.


Any reason to worry about it selling out before we get there? I'd hate to get all the way there and then it's unavailable.


You are a brave soul to go to CP on a Saturday during HW... Even with Fastlane Plus, I personally wouldn't touch the place lol. Depending on arrival time, you may be in a 1-2hr wait on the causeway to get into the park if weather is nice. Plan accordingly!

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Trying to make a last minute visit to Cedar Point next Saturday.


Fast Lane Plus - Platinum Passholders only get the discount when it's purchased in park.


Any reason to worry about it selling out before we get there? I'd hate to get all the way there and then it's unavailable.


I've never seen them sell out, even on some of the busiest days. Enjoy your visit!




Trying to make a last minute visit to Cedar Point next Saturday.


Fast Lane Plus - Platinum Passholders only get the discount when it's purchased in park.


Any reason to worry about it selling out before we get there? I'd hate to get all the way there and then it's unavailable.


You are a brave soul to go to CP on a Saturday during HW... Even with Fastlane Plus, I personally wouldn't touch the place lol. Depending on arrival time, you may be in a 1-2hr wait on the causeway to get into the park if weather is nice. Plan accordingly!


I know what I'm getting into. There are some positive reviews from recent Saturdays and I'm familiar with the park so I don't see how I can't have a good time at the park with 14 hours.

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Just a suggestion, marathon maverick until FL+ kicks in, then vengeance 2-3 times, then dragster 2-3 times. After 3pm, fuggitaboutit, go ride the rest of the park.


Sounds like a plan johnny.


If there's anyone going this Saturday please post about how it is! Greatly appreciated. It's supposed to be mid-60's and sunny so it'll probably be an accurate picture of how long the FL lines can get.



Thanks to @Hilltopper for reporting too.

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I know what I'm getting into. There are some positive reviews from recent Saturdays and I'm familiar with the park so I don't see how I can't have a good time at the park with 14 hours.


Usually September Saturday's are not bad. Come October, that is where it gets a bit crazy if weather is nice. I'd expect tomorrow to be the "transition" Saturday where it will significantly ramp up.


Being totally honest given my experience at the park, expect Maverick and SV to have 45min-1hr fastlane lines during the day. Again, highly dependent on weather. Ideally you hope for a chance of rain or something to keep crowds more manageable.


You can still for sure have a great time (as you will), but HW Saturday's in October are no joke. They literally fill beyond a realistic capacity in which they start parking people on the causeway, grass areas at the back of the lot, etc... It's just insane. If it happens to be that crazy when you go, don't wait until close to leave otherwise expect anywhere from 30min-2hrs to get off of the peninsula. It makes weekends in July/August look dead, lol.


Hope the weekend you go it's not nearly as bad as it has been in the past!

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^^Last Saturday the FL+ line for SV was pretty reasonable early in the day (around 1pm or so) just short of the stairs then at night around 10:30 was considerably longer but still probably under 45 minutes. Maverick was hit or miss all day, some times back closer to the FL entrance and other times halfway up the stairs.


Millennium Force's FL line should be about the same all day since the merge point is at the bottom of the ramp, about 20ish minutes. Felt like Millenium Force and Gatekeeper had the slowest moving FL lines because of where the merge points were, where as Valravn and Raptor's were practically walk ons.


But yeah that was late September so next weekend it may be totally different, I'd still say you'd be safer getting on Maverick/SV with shorter FL+ waits earlier in the day though.

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But yeah that was late September so next weekend it may be totally different, I'd still say you'd be safer getting on Maverick/SV with shorter FL+ waits earlier in the day though.


Absolutely. If there at open, you should have a solid 2-3hrs to really make the most out of the FL. When I would arrive at around 1-2pm to do photo shoots at the park, that is when the lot was getting near 100% and I was parked close to or on the grass lol. It's not a mad house right at open, so use that time wisely!

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I was there last Saturday (9/22) and the park was moderately crowded, but we also had FLP so it wasn't bad. Steel Vengeance was 30-45. Maverick was 20-30 most of the day. As mentioned above, Millennium Force was 15-20, because of where the FL line merges. All of the other major coasters were less than 15.


You shouldn't have a problem riding whatever you want.


We also popped in briefly on Friday night. In 2.5 hours we were able to eat dinner and ride Steel Vengeance, Maverick, and Millennium Force. Not bad.

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I'm glad this article used the most recent photo they could of Cedar Point. AP_030601011189_1494265462981_59276408_ver1.0_900_675.jpg

Source: https://www.news5cleveland.com/news/local-news/cedar-point-osha-violation




I honestly enjoyed the throwback photo lol! That is what the park looked like the last time I visited.


That had to have been TTD's first year as Iron Dragon still had white supports (its supports were painted yellow in 2004 or 2005)

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