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Dollywood Discussion Thread

P. 796 - Ride closing 10/30 to remove launch and install chain lift!

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LOL say I am not surprised. I'd laugh (as unlikely as it might be) if they did redo the main hill and add a chain lift as several have joked and speculated on here.


More realistically I suspect it may be some track work along with a new launch system/trains.

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Rumor around the park is that they are iboxing part of the track but not all of it. Just a rumor and probably very unlikely. I'd say it's very unlikely because they have already been redoing a lot of track this year, unless they found issues while redoing the track they have currently been working on


I'd say with the minor trackwork they've done this year, they have found more serious problems and what better time to fix than now?


Unsure why they are teasing us though with lightening strikes twice! Ha


Sent from my GM1915 using Tapatalk

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Replacing the launch track and high stress areas with IBox makes a lot of sense to me. IBox will hold tolerances a lot tighter then topper track and will spread the forces out across more of the support structure. For example if the train has had alignment issues with the launch or with the brakes IBox should help with those issues. It does not take much of a misalignment to cause serious issues on a launch. Plus the issues with what has been described by riders as potholes in the track, IBox would likely be a permanent fix.


Most of the track is likely fine, but I could definitely see sections get replaced.

Edited by kenban
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I wonder if this is more substantial than trackwork or general maintenance. The fact that they said "receiving an upgrade" and "lightning strikes twice in 2021" seems like it is something more. I could see them give it RMC's second-gen trains that perhaps work better at such high speeds and sustained forces, as well as potentially installing I-box track on the high G sections. Who knows!


I highly doubt they will change anything about the launch/lift though.

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Wow I'm glad I altered my planned October Tennessee/Texas trip to an Orlando/Texas trip last week. I still haven't been able to ride Lightning Rod and going back with it closed yet again would have been beyond frustrating. Easy for me to say, but if it turns out we'll see a partial or full i-box replacement I think it will be for the better. If it means LR has less downtime and (fingers crossed) can launch full speed again then I think everyone wins.

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Based on how the most recent issues have all seemed track related, I'm guessing this will be an I-box. However, the Lightning Strikes Twice part suggests there will be some sort of marketable feature in this. Retracking the ride alone probably doesn't make it more marketable, but for me, I just want to see the ride run reliably because I think it's the best ride in the world when it does.

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If it does get a full I-Box retrack, I would love to see the debates on whether or not it's a new credit
I mean, not to be “that guy,” but...


If it ends up going I-Box plus a reprofiling that introduces a new element or two...? That’s pretty compelling as far as “new credit” goes.


I suppose the threshold for “new credit” is going to be pretty subjective depending on what happens.

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Based on how the most recent issues have all seemed track related, I'm guessing this will be an I-box. However, the Lightning Strikes Twice part suggests there will be some sort of marketable feature in this. Retracking the ride alone probably doesn't make it more marketable, but for me, I just want to see the ride run reliably because I think it's the best ride in the world when it does.


Have you ridden Steel Vengeance at Cedar Point? It's by far the best coaster I've ever ridden.

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I wonder if this is more substantial than trackwork or general maintenance. The fact that they said "receiving an upgrade" and "lightning strikes twice in 2021" seems like it is something more. I could see them give it RMC's second-gen trains that perhaps work better at such high speeds and sustained forces, as well as potentially installing I-box track on the high G sections. Who knows!


I highly doubt they will change anything about the launch/lift though.

I don't think you can add I-box sections. The entire track would have to be replaced because I don't think you can go between the two types of tracks.

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I’ll wait and see what they actually do but if they end up having to re-track the entire coaster after four years of existence and like... 2.5 cumulative years of wear and tear since it’s always closed that’s pretty much unprecedented, isn’t it?


We all love RMC but that would be stunningly bad engineering from a modern coaster manufacturer. Then again, Steel Vengeance spent 2 years opening late and having tons of issues while people worked on the structure in a lift multiple times a week so I guess structural problems are on brand.


I love RMC but if I were a park looking at one of their rides as an investment that would be mildly concerning.


Personally I’d be really surprised if the ride were actually THAT f*cked up and if it is... woah.

Edited by coasterbill
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^A full re-track would surprise me for the same reason, but who knows I guess.


If RMC determines their trains can run on both types of track simultaneously I think we could see I-box replacing the highest stress areas first with more sections added in subsequent seasons if needed. I really have no idea, but I'm excited to see whatever this ends up being.

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My speculation has been the launch, and high stress areas are going to be replaced with I-Box. As far as I know the dimensions of the track are the same. So it’s really just down to how they are connected together and frankly that does not seem that difficult. GCI just did something similar to White Lightning. Retracting the entire coaster seems unnecessary, but I have no idea how often maintenance is having to work on the track and structure. It also depends on how much of the track needs upgraded. The lightning strikes twice makes me suspicious of just how much work is planned, it gives me this feeling it’s going to be a lot more then I originally thought, or I am trying to read too much into a simple sign.


I believe we will see the original front to the train return as well, I would think the removal will no longer be needed once it has been fixed.

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I just hope for more uptime. I haven't visited since 2014 and I've had the chance to visit many times since then, but I couldn't bring myself to risk spending a lot of time and money to get to a park that's kinda tough to get to and the star attraction could be down for a whole 3 day visit.

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