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The Knott's Berry Farm (KBF) Discussion Thread

P. 651: Montezooma's Revenge project terminated?

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^ It's not suppose to. From what I hear, knott's wants to beef up their "family" rides. I'm sure this ride will be fun and a return to the type of rides the Knott's family used to add, but this isn't going to be a "seasoned" thrill seeker type ride by any means.


Next, I really hope they redo the bumper cars. By far the worst of the worst!

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Behemoth is $26 million by itself. You have to remember that even though they are using "relocated" rides, there is a large cost to move the ride and rebuild it. A huge chunk of any coaster's cost is construction...


Behemoth is $26 million in Canadian, $21 million in USD.


I heard Firehawk at Kings Island cost only $750,000, so Dominator will probably be only $1-1.3 million, and Thunderhawk maybe $600,000.


That exchange isn't quite right anymore....... $26 mill CAD = $27.5 mill USD. Stupid dollar depreciation.

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Could be, they might have locked in at a certain exchange rate......


Totally veering from the topic........oops.


Anyways, I'm not sure you would tell your investors you're spending much more than you really are. I have a feeling there really is $88 million going in, but much of it isn't rides, it's all those repairs and improvements we forget to notice....

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So if this is a Zamperla, I take it it's going to be a custom design and not the traveling prototype? I'm excited for this actually. I liked the booster bike at Toverland and Sierra Sidewinder was a really good addition to the park, so with those two concepts in mind I think Knott's can have another fun family ride.


And hey that makes flywheel launch #2 for the park so hopefully not much downtime?

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It is nice to see an emphasis on family rides at this park now, and a unique coaster like this should be very appealing to families.(expect long lines) Hopefully there is some theming(even if as little as Viper at SFGAM) as it would improve the ride especially if scattered throughout the ride. I just hope it is low to the ground and not elevated like the prototype.

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That bastard. . . Doesn't mention VF at all in there. . .


If it makes you feel any better WOF & KI are also getting the shaft for 2008 as well,just think though there could be something better coming for you guys in 2009.Renegade is a nice looking woodie & I'd trade ya Hurler for it if I could.

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If you actually do ride "horseback" style I think Knott's should install an effect during Haunt that takes riders heads off so they can be the headless horseman.


I still miss the Soap Box Racers and are they putting this ride around Bigfoot Rapids? Does anyone know where they might fit it?

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^ Knott's size almost lends itself to launched coasters.


It's nice to see the park get something unique, as was Sierra Sidewinder, but I'm still disappointed that it's yet another coaster at the possible expense of flat rides.


Is it me or aren't flat rides popular with the crowds anymore?



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That bastard. . . Doesn't mention VF at all in there. . .


If it makes you feel any better WOF & KI are also getting the shaft for 2008 as well,just think though there could be something better coming for you guys in 2009.Renegade is a nice looking woodie & I'd trade ya Hurler for it if I could.


I didnt even see KI in the list of properties....


Oh well, something new for for '09 works too. It supports my Diamondback theory afterall (accellorator/maverick style coaster through the empty backwoods of Rivertown and around the lake)

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