I actually just got back from Adventureland, and while I can't compare it to the model at Six Flags(I haven't been to Great America since 2015), it is a lot of fun. I heard that about there being two different variations while in line the second time, but I didn't believe it at first. While what I heard was in line with what you said as to which side had what intnesity, what I found was the opposite. My first time - the side closer to the water, I flipped once with a couple near flips. The second time - by Tornado, resulted seeming constant flips(and a hit to the head). Although, on my second ride, I was also the only rider in my car, so I don't know if weight balance also played a role. I personally preferred my first ride as I was facing foreward and didn't receive the painful hit to the head. If my first ride flipped as much as my second, I'd say it was a great ride. As it is, it's fun, but it might be dependent on seat.