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The Knott's Berry Farm (KBF) Discussion Thread

P. 651: Montezooma's Revenge project terminated?

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Well I was hoping they'd get something major, new and unexpected. Just got on Sidewinder not too long ago and it was fun, but I thought with a family ride just open they'd be installing an Intamin or something larger next.


Probably won't be going to Knotts for another year or so now...there's just nothing new and exciting.


And its not like 2 or 3 flats would draw me in either.


Hopefully this one will do the park right.

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^Find it interesting that you say that Gav. After looking at the video before I got to ride it, my thoughts were the same. Now after the first ride I can say it is a nicely paced ride for the family based attraction that it is meant to be.


As far as the ride having "uncomfortable trains" I must say I don't agree, as I found them quite comfortable and that is rare for someone of my now very large size (don't ask, I am working on it )


To answer a question from the early stages of this post, yes the ride at Dreamworld does have 16 seat trains, with two of these seats being sidecars for the not so large kiddies.


P.S. Happy 8th wedding anniversary sweet....time flies when you are having fun.

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^ That's what I was thinking. The whole area behind the newly relocated Ranger Station is torn up. That said, I'm still not sure if the whole ride will sit there, it's not THAT big of a space and I remember seeing markers over by Bigfoot, so maybe it will travel above the walkways somewhat. Should be interesting to see what kind of layout its going to have.

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Knott’s New Pony Express Delivers!

– New Coaster Gets the Job Done, Delivering ''First Class'' Thrills –


BUENA PARK, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Knott's Berry Farm is on a mission to deliver “First Class” thrills with the opening of their new coaster, Pony Express, set to arrive Memorial Day Weekend 2008.


Named after the famous Pony Express which promised a faster mail service on the North American continent, Knott’s Pony Express promises a horseback relay at speeds never imagined in the Old West!


While sitting astride one of the team’s 16 horses, riders will leave their post with their stead launching them at a speed of 0-38 mph in less than 3 seconds. The terrain for the mounted riders will be rugged as they navigate an ascending banked turn to a height of over 44 ft. then through a series of heart-pounding 60 degree banked turns, camel backs and tight maneuvers. The team will cover a 1,300 foot route which will take them past Boot Hill and Big Foot Rapids resulting in an exhilarating runaway adventure!


Knott’s will be looking for robust riders over 48” tall who can endure the challenging journey and appreciate the autonomy of the freestyle ride.


Designed and manufactured by the Zamperla company of Vicenza, Italy, Pony Express will fit Knott’s Berry Farm’s Ghost Town area like a cowboy in his saddle!


Knott’s Berry Farm is owned and operated by Cedar Fair, L.P., a publicly traded partnership that is listed for trading on The New York Stock Exchange under the symbol “FUN.” In addition to Knott's Berry Farm, Cedar Fair owns and operates five other amusement parks and five water parks, and operates a seventh amusement park under a management contract. For media information, please call Knott’s Public Relations at (714) 220-5130.



Knott's Berry Farm

Michele Wischmeyer or Jennifer Blazey, 714-220-5130



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That bastard. . . Doesn't mention VF at all in there. . .


If it makes you feel any better WOF & KI are also getting the shaft for 2008 as well,just think though there could be something better coming for you guys in 2009.Renegade is a nice looking woodie & I'd trade ya Hurler for it if I could.


I didnt even see KI in the list of properties....


Oh well, something new for for '09 works too. It supports my Diamondback theory afterall (accellorator/maverick style coaster through the empty backwoods of Rivertown and around the lake)


That's what I've been hearing on the KI forums lately as well,although not a luncher but rather a hyper in that general area of the park.

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That's odd, the new press release says 16 trains instead of 12 trains. I'm still thinking that adding two family coasters in two consecutive years is kind of odd for Knott's.


As long as Pony Express delivers in thrills, I guess. But did CF have to use horrible puns in their press releases?


Pony Express will fit Knott’s Berry Farm’s Ghost Town area like a cowboy in his saddle!



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Why is there a 48-inch minimum height requirement? I though that this was supposed to be a family friendly ride, but with a requirement like that, it is more of a "thrill" ride. Oh well, it still sounds like a fun little coaster, and it is nice to see KBF putting in unique rides. Hopefully this continues as the park seems to have a bad reputation, and additions like this seem to be good improvements.

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So last year WOF got a Panda Express! Now we aren't getting anything? Man I need to run out and get my passport soon! Who in their right mind is running this mess! The built up the GP with Patriot two years ago and now their going two yeears with nothing. Six Flags, CC, and Sulver Dollar City are all very close, and Holiday World, and Six Flags in Dallas are less than 8 hours away. CF better wake up, with Slitterbaum coming in a year and a half the entertainment dollar is going to go else where! I'm pissed, my friends are pissed and the general Public will be pissed to hear this news! Other than Oct nights the park will be empty as always next year!!!!!!

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Does anyone know where the worst name thread is!


On a more serious note its nice to see a Zamperla Motocoaster finally being made but out of all the parks they could of built it. Knott's just got Sierra Sidewinder last year, maybe other parks might be better of with it!

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So last year WOF got a Panda Express! Now we aren't getting anything? Man I need to run out and get my passport soon! Who in their right mind is running this mess! The built up the GP with Patriot two years ago and now their going two yeears with nothing. Six Flags, CC, and Sulver Dollar City are all very close, and Holiday World, and Six Flags in Dallas are less than 8 hours away. CF better wake up, with Slitterbaum coming in a year and a half the entertainment dollar is going to go else where! I'm pissed, my friends are pissed and the general Public will be pissed to hear this news! Other than Oct nights the park will be empty as always next year!!!!!!


Can't agree more with you. They can't even say the bathrooms look new because they did that last year also. They did introduce the new scare zone this year, over by the auditorium, I guess there better be something big for 2009, or they might be in trouble. According to Screamscape when Renegade was announced, they mentioned that Cedar Fair likes to go down the line with their parks and that WOF may be in line for a GCI in '09. I don't know how much stock you can put into it, but they need something big.

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So last year WOF got a Panda Express! Now we aren't getting anything? Man I need to run out and get my passport soon! Who in their right mind is running this mess! The built up the GP with Patriot two years ago and now their going two yeears with nothing. Six Flags, CC, and Sulver Dollar City are all very close, and Holiday World, and Six Flags in Dallas are less than 8 hours away. CF better wake up, with Slitterbaum coming in a year and a half the entertainment dollar is going to go else where! I'm pissed, my friends are pissed and the general Public will be pissed to hear this news! Other than Oct nights the park will be empty as always next year!!!!!!


Can't agree more with you. They can't even say the bathrooms look new because they did that last year also. They did introduce the new scare zone this year, over by the auditorium, I guess there better be something big for 2009, or they might be in trouble. According to Screamscape when Renegade was announced, they mentioned that Cedar Fair likes to go down the line with their parks and that WOF may be in line for a GCI in '09. I don't know how much stock you can put into it, but they need something big.


My main issue is that the park is simply a regional park which is ok but, the other regional parks are doing something every year. Here are some major points that need to be considered:


1. (Bad ride conditions) Timberwolf a once proud woodie now is almost unridable. Yes, it was better this year than last, but still rough as hell!

2. (Bad Security issues) Going into the park on a weekend night could be compared to going into any Ghetto in America. It is dangerous, we went as a family to two Friday nights prior to Halloween and seen no less than two teen fights each time.

3. (Bad ride ops)I rode the Patriot and while I was exiting my wife screamed and said your eye. I instantly grabbed it and felt something gooey. It was a huge amount of Red Greese that had feel off the ride and into my eye. I asked the ride op for some help and he gave me a paper towel. Nobody, and I mean nobody even came over to make sure I was ok.

4. (Bad Marketing)The only commercials locally we saw all year were for the Halloween time frame. I can tell you that because of marketing both my kids bagged to go to SDC and CC this year. Not only did we get updated commercials for every festival on TV but we also got letter with special offers in the mail. Never once did WOF send anything and we were passport holders to both parks (Oceans of Fun) and a MAX option also.

5. (Bad Management decisions)With the entertainment doller in Kansas City being spread out more than ever these days WOF has chosen to not add anything to the park for two years now. In the past 5 years Kanssas City has added a Speedway with a whole entertainment district right beside it. This area includes a Minor league ball park, the future Slitterbaum Water park, Great Wolf Lodge, T-Rex restaurant the first one which is now being built in Downtown Disney, plus numerous other things for family's to spend their money on. They have built what is being considered a top level Arena and is attracting top artists. Since Kemper Arena was so bad we haven't had a major concert in Kansas City for 7 plus years. Now there is one almost twice a week and there selling out. The Royals Baseball team drew more people this year than they have in 12+ years, and the Chiefs football is still selling out every game. Add that both the MU Tigers and the KU Jayhalks are both top ten teams for the first time since like 1900. Finally add that the other three parks close to Kansas City are all going to get something new again this year and what do you have?



A Park being run by a company that doesn't understand the community that supports it!

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