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The Knott's Berry Farm (KBF) Discussion Thread

P. 651: Montezooma's Revenge project terminated?

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Never been on either Whizzer? That counts as a Jumbo Jet, in a JJ sort of way!


Been on the one at SFGAm. Pretty boring compared a real Jumbo Jet (or a Jet Star I or II for that matter). The only thing in common is the seating and the spiral lift. Whizzer meanders in between trees, where the Jets (all 3) take dives down to the ground level threating to take off your arms at the elbows if they're hanging out to far.


As far as "Pony Express" is concerned, I am amazed at how many people are already saying what a boring ride it is, or will be, having never ridden it.


"It looks boring."


"It's too short"


"If it's a family coaster, why is the height requirement at 48", not 42"? "


Jaguar IS a family coaster, and has had a 48" minimum for years now, and that is sitting in seats with a back and sides. Yet, how many of you complain about that??


I'm so glad so many of you are designers and can know exactly what a ride will feel like and ride like just by looking at a couple of the artist renderings?


Quit your damn whining people! Because you're REALLY annoying!


Until your name appears on the blueprints, or the patents, or signs the checks for those who will design, build and operate the ride, SHUT UP.

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^CF Fanboy?


Wow Cedar Fair. Way to take potential for a coaster and blast it into pieces.


I had hope. Honest I did.


Why even waste the money or space or time on this thing? There's so many possibilities and this is ALL they could come up with? You can't even convince me that some 10 year old would look at this thing and get excited, especially when Xcelerator or SB are sitting in sight only walking distance away.


Sorry for the negativity, but I feel nothing but disappointed. Not even originality! This has gotta be a joke.


Good bye Knotts Berry Farm!

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^CF Fanboy?


I don't know Jeff at all, but I think it's obvious that he's not a CF fanboy. Let's start a list for reasons why he's not.


1) He's not 15.

2) Nobody who has ridden that many coasters is a CF fanboy.

3) He's not 15.

4) He's traveled quite a bit. CF fanboys never want to leave Ohio.

5) He's not 15.

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I'm going to join the crowd that says wait to ride it. I highly doubt this is going to be the most thrilling coaster in history, however I believe that it is possble that ride might actually be fun.


Thinking back many years ago, Knotts had the Soapbox racers. If I recall the ride had a small drop, a top speed under 35 (check RCDB for actual stats) and was less then 2,000 feet long. Not exactly a thrilling ride by any means, however it still remains as one of the most missed attractions from the park! Give this ride a chance, it may end up actually being a fun coaster.

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Plus side: Custom layout, themed trains, first chance for us in the US to ride a motorbike style coaster.


Minus side: The length is my only beef. Usually a coaster this short can get away with it because you spend half the time climbing the lift (Soapbox Racers was short in length, but had 3 lifts). With a launch start, this ride will be over right when it starts getting going. I can't imagine the entire ride time will last more than 30-40 seconds tops. Xcel and Monte do it, but they pack as much punch as possible in those 30 seconds. Looking at the layout, I'm not confident this one will too, but let's hope so.


Kinzel once said he'd rather add a few more hundred feet of track rather than spend that money on theming. With that in mind, hopefully the theming will be spectacular and make up for the lack of length.

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While the layout looks simple, the main thing the ride has going for it,and which will make the ride more thrilling, are the trains. The trains will turn a relatively simple layout into a thrilling family ride. All of the motorcycle coasters have basic layouts, yet they are all good rides, and I expect the same for Pony Express

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^CF Fanboy?


Extremely far from it.


Sorry for the negativity, but I feel nothing but disappointed. Not even originality! This has gotta be a joke.


Until it's ridden, who really knows? Why be disappointed with something you haven't ridden? Why not be disappointed with Silver Bullet and the lack of forces on it? Or Ghostrider? The lack of maintenance has turned a world class woodie, to the next candidate for the fire pit. What about Xcellerator? Six seconds of bliss, followed by sixteen seconds of wandering back to the station. What a waste when it could have been so much more.


Other simple examples:


Black Mamba - Looks like it should be not only an incredible ride, but very visually appealing. Unfortunately, it's only visually appealing. It has less forces than SB.


Balder - Looks like a boring twister. Far from it. Incredibly awesome ride.


Thunder Dolphin - Looks like it should be really awesome, nice first drop and then boring as hell.


Steel Dragon 2000 - Looks like it should be great, with massive amounts of airtime. Far from it, and some floater air on the return run at best.


Furious Baco - Another simple figure 8, but because it's Intamin and it's new "wing walker" trains, it should be awesome. Yet, it's a painful POS!


Both of the Vekoma "Booster Bike" coasters that I've been on (Booster Bike at Toverland and Velocity at Flamingoland), look pretty tame, but they're a hell of a lot of fun. Not really high on thrills, but really fun rides.


If you're disappointed now, then I feel sorry for you. Because you've set your standard so high, that nothing but a record breaking ride will satisfy you. And, with a pretty much majority consensus from people I know here and on Mitch's polls, bigger and faster is NEVER better. Good luck to you.




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^ You brought up a good point Sean. We should be lucky that Knott's is even getting another coaster this year. Last year we got SS, and this year we're getting PE. I think we are really lucky compared to some other of the CF chain parks that people have discussed. Also, I agree with Jeff on how you shouldn't already have set your opinion on "this ride is gonna suck". Instead, you should be open and wait until you actually ride it to make a desicion whether you like it or not.

Brent "just my $0.02" Shenton

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As far as this ride not being the biggest or fastest, it might still end up being fun. People used to love the Soapbox racers, and those were (these stats are off the top of my head, so they might be a little off) only 1750 feet long, had a max speed of 30 miles per hour, and I can't believe that they had a drop of more then 40 feet. The ride wasn't the most thrilling, but it was fun none-the-less. This coaster could very possibly be the same situation, not the most thrilling, but offering a fun ride.


Over at SFMM my favorite ride has always been Ninja. It holds no records, isn't even that thrilling, but it's always just been such a fun ride in my opinion. Hopefully this ride will provide some fun.

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^^The chinese immigrants working on the railroads?


Over all I like it, the booster bike at Toverland was a really fun ride. Don't get me wrong, it's nothing amazing, but if this is anything like it, then it's a good addition to the park. I'll be honest though, I am a bit disappointed that it's not a little longer, but we still don't know what kind of theming (if any) and interactivity with the area it's going to be in.


And to those really surprised with this, how many other CF parks have a Disney park adding 1.3 Billion dollars worth of infrastructure (not to mention a completely new family ride opening this summer) right down the street?

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^CF Fanboy?


Extremely far from it.


Sorry for the negativity, but I feel nothing but disappointed. Not even originality! This has gotta be a joke.


Until it's ridden, who really knows? Why be disappointed with something you haven't ridden? Why not be disappointed with Silver Bullet and the lack of forces on it? Or Ghostrider? The lack of maintenance has turned a world class woodie, to the next candidate for the fire pit. What about Xcellerator? Six seconds of bliss, followed by sixteen seconds of wandering back to the station. What a waste when it could have been so much more.


Other simple examples:


Black Mamba - Looks like it should be not only an incredible ride, but very visually appealing. Unfortunately, it's only visually appealing. It has less forces than SB.


Balder - Looks like a boring twister. Far from it. Incredibly awesome ride.


Thunder Dolphin - Looks like it should be really awesome, nice first drop and then boring as hell.


Steel Dragon 2000 - Looks like it should be great, with massive amounts of airtime. Far from it, and some floater air on the return run at best.


Furious Baco - Another simple figure 8, but because it's Intamin and it's new "wing walker" trains, it should be awesome. Yet, it's a painful POS!


Both of the Vekoma "Booster Bike" coasters that I've been on (Booster Bike at Toverland and Velocity at Flamingoland), look pretty tame, but they're a hell of a lot of fun. Not really high on thrills, but really fun rides.


If you're disappointed now, then I feel sorry for you. Because you've set your standard so high, that nothing but a record breaking ride will satisfy you. And, with a pretty much majority consensus from people I know here and on Mitch's polls, bigger and faster is NEVER better. Good luck to you.





Funny you want to call me ignorant, then you sit there and tell me "nothing but a record breaking ride will satisfy you."


What satisfies me is when they take more than 5 minutes to decide the ride is going to be a figure 8 that's not even 1500 feet long. You're telling me a single helix wouldn't make this ride better? Taking advantage of terrain and those awesome open style "horse" cars would help.


You can stay positive all you want and make any ride fun if you try hard enough, I just think Knott's has missed another opportunity to take advantage of a having such a unique ride in their park.

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Yes, I saw it, I don't think it fits in with Ghost Town at all.

Who the hell ate Chineese Food in the Old West?


One of the best Chinese restaurants in California's Central Valley, On Lock Sam's in Stockton, started during the Gold Rush in 1849 (didn't shut down until a few years ago).

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  • 1 month later...

Knotts Update! I hope you enjoy it!






Pony Express
























Footers have begun to take shape, and from what I have heard, supports have started to arrive!









Panda Express


I must say that the new facades look VERY nice. Much better than what was there before it!

















Xcelerator is currently running the purple train, and the ride is almost as smooth as when it first opened. It seems that most of the wheels were replaced, and the chassis and wheel assembles got a lot of TLC.





Log Ride



I had a chance to ride the log ride to day and must say I was very disappointed. The cavern area after the second drop is no longer dark and the caverns that use to be there are gone. I really hope Knotts plans to finish fixing the Log Ride.






Christmas time in the park.




The tree in the front of the park has returned.








The Christmas Crafts village has also returned.




On a side note. The park was VERY busy today and ALL crews were hitting intervals. Silver Bullet and GhostRider were rarely stacking. And GhostRider is running the best it has ran in a while. Good Job Knotts!!



Thanks for reading my update!




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I was at Knott's all of yesterday afternoon and evening (from about 2:30-8pm). I usually go every Christmas Eve, but this year I needed to be home today (amazingly enough, employer gave us from the 21st-2nd off-well, not technically "off" as most of us are still doing a lot of work from home this week, but still.....)


The park was a lot more crowded than I had expected it to be, but the crowds thinned a little around 5:30-6pm. The lines for GhostRider and Silver Bullet were moving very fast, and even Xcelerator (with one train operation) only took about 30 minutes. I waited on the Log Ride until the line died down after dark, and that was also a 20 minute wait. The longest wait I had all day was a half hour for Supreme Scream, which was only running one tower towards the end of the night. Great ride, though-it's running better than it used to, in my opinion-it seems like in addition to the hold time at the top now being only about 3 seconds, the bounce back up after the drop seems more powerful. GhostRider was running smoother than it had been, although still a bit rough to me. Finished the night off on Silver Bullet, which is running even better than it was before the recent rehab.


The Panda Express really does look nice, and looks fairly close to being ready to open. They have some of the menu boards up inside. I am wondering if it will qualify as a sit down restaurant and offer the 20% passholder discount.....


I went in the recently reopened Nature Center, to find that they have taken out the display case full of walking sticks (which always creeped me out anyway, I HATE those things) although they still have an open cage of them out of the table-and they have taken out the Bigfoot stuff (including the "petrified bigfoot crap") they used to have just inside when it was over by the Rapids.


Pony Express-those pictures pretty much say it all. Some footers are set and ready to be poured, others they appear to be digging. I didn't see any sign of supports anywhere in the usual places in the overflow lots, etc. I was surprised how much of Boot Hill they have messed with but it looked like they plan on restoring it all when the ride is done. Hopefully, the grave of Lester Moore ("Who Died by a .44-No Les, No More") will be put back, to prevent any possibilities of angry imaginary spirits jinxing the ride.



While I was hoping for another big coaster at Knott's, I think the new addition will be great for the park, add to the theming, and bring life to an area of the park that needed it.


Overall, I had a really good visit to the park, considering how crowded it was and managed to get on about 10-11 rides in the short time I was there. Everything was clean, the park was well decorated for the Holidays and I have to say that I am pretty impressed with how they are trying to work on the theming with the Pony Express and the Panda Express.

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I was at Knott's all of yesterday afternoon and evening (from about 2:30-8pm). I usually go every Christmas Eve, but this year I needed to be home today (amazingly enough, employer gave us from the 21st-2nd off-well, not technically "off" as most of us are still doing a lot of work from home this week, but still.....)


The park was a lot more crowded than I had expected it to be, but the crowds thinned a little around 5:30-6pm. The lines for GhostRider and Silver Bullet were moving very fast, and even Xcelerator (with one train operation) only took about 30 minutes. I waited on the Log Ride until the line died down after dark, and that was also a 20 minute wait. The longest wait I had all day was a half hour for Supreme Scream, which was only running one tower towards the end of the night. Great ride, though-it's running better than it used to, in my opinion-it seems like in addition to the hold time at the top now being only about 3 seconds, the bounce back up after the drop seems more powerful. GhostRider was running smoother than it had been, although still a bit rough to me. Finished the night off on Silver Bullet, which is running even better than it was before the recent rehab.


The Panda Express really does look nice, and looks fairly close to being ready to open. They have some of the menu boards up inside. I am wondering if it will qualify as a sit down restaurant and offer the 20% passholder discount.....


I went in the recently reopened Nature Center, to find that they have taken out the display case full of walking sticks (which always creeped me out anyway, I HATE those things) although they still have an open cage of them out of the table-and they have taken out the Bigfoot stuff (including the "petrified bigfoot crap") they used to have just inside when it was over by the Rapids.


Pony Express-those pictures pretty much say it all. Some footers are set and ready to be poured, others they appear to be digging. I didn't see any sign of supports anywhere in the usual places in the overflow lots, etc. I was surprised how much of Boot Hill they have messed with but it looked like they plan on restoring it all when the ride is done. Hopefully, the grave of Lester Moore ("Who Died by a .44-No Les, No More") will be put back, to prevent any possibilities of angry imaginary spirits jinxing the ride.



While I was hoping for another big coaster at Knott's, I think the new addition will be great for the park, add to the theming, and bring life to an area of the park that needed it.


Overall, I had a really good visit to the park, considering how crowded it was and managed to get on about 10-11 rides in the short time I was there. Everything was clean, the park was well decorated for the Holidays and I have to say that I am pretty impressed with how they are trying to work on the theming with the Pony Express and the Panda Express.


Great little TR. Glad to see Knott's is getting the crowds still. The last time I saw it truly crowded (excluding Halloween Haunt) was I believe 2001. Not to say it's never crowded since then, but the park is losing its charm. At least for me.


I think they don't need another coaster. What I think they need is a TRUE family ride. A dark ride, if you will. I don't really know why they closed down the dinosaur ride, and I have no idea what's left of the ride inside, or what they intend to do with it. Anyone care to tell me?


Personally for me, Knott's would have been ideal if they stopped going for THRILLS THRILLS THRILLS. Even back when Xcelerator was made, I felt the park still was charming. They should have stopped there with the thrills, and instead throw in something a little different. I mean, clearly the thrill junkies are not enough of the theme park going population to run a theme park. (See: Six Flags)


But who am I kidding? Dark rides wont bring in the crowds. I'm just scared Knott's will become the new Six Flags, and in the future scramble to find ways to get FAMILIES in the park.


*sigh* Someday.

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