After so much time spent in anticipation, and POVs watched more times than I can count, I entirely expected Lightning Rod to be my #1 wooden coaster. Nevertheless, I didn't feel like it would beat Intimidator 305 as my favorite coaster of all time, and I was totally okay with that. None of us do combined lists anyway, so it really wouldn't matter... or so I thought. I was wrong. This coaster is truly perfect. Each element is excellent, and every second of the ride is without flaw. The Twist and Shout is incredible in so many ways, and the quad down is unlike anything I've experienced in my life. I feel so fortunate to have gotten five rides, but even that was not enough. I really don't think I could ever get "enough" Lightning Rod... I could visit Dollywood every year and anticipate my rides as though I'd been waiting a decade.
Dollywood's slogan is "Love Every Moment", and that is absolutely the way I feel when I'm on Lightning Rod. I think every RMC I've ridden is highly enjoyable, but none have delivered like this one. All that's left for us to ride is Wildfire... Until the next ones pop up. This era of coaster construction is so exciting; I can't wait to see what RMC creates over the next few years and beyond, and I'm even more excited to keep traveling around and experiencing them together!