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The Knott's Berry Farm (KBF) Discussion Thread

P. 651: Montezooma's Revenge project terminated?

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It would be better if you rode trashcans over concrete.


Actual content edit: The Intamin version also holds 16 according to the art released for the Motocoaster in Australia, so it could be either Vekoma or Intamin...or some company we haven't thought of yet.

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Chill, they just got Renegade! I don't expect them to get anything major for a couple of years now.


I'll be interested whatever this turns into. Although I'll be very disappointed if they rip out more of the old Knotts to put this ride in.

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I'm 99.9% sure this is a Zamperla Motocoaster, based on what we've heard from certain cool people.


Elissa, that looks right. Zamperla's model seats 12.....




Not that I'd doubt you, especially since your sources are "hot"....


That looks right, hopefully it is as smooth as I hear the Vekomas are.

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Am I the only one that thinks that the $88 million figure is based on pretending like Thunderhawk, Dominator, and Voodoo were new purchases? $88 million seems really high to me.


No, I think they are taking the origanal prices of the rides. The only "new and expensive" rides are Behemoth, Pony Express, and the wavepool for Carowinds.

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^Depending on how expensive Pony Express is (if there's theming etc....) that number is probably just using actual costs.


Behemoth is $26 million by itself. You have to remember that even though they are using "relocated" rides, there is a large cost to move the ride and rebuild it. A huge chunk of any coaster's cost is construction...

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Crap, nothing for the home park again. I guess WOF did get Patriot 2 years ago, so something will come next year.


This actually surprised me. They marketed Patriot as new for the 2007 season, I'm not so sure that they can do it again for 2008. They barely got me there last year, and with SFStL adding something new for 2008, I think I'd rather just go there. I wish they would at least get a new show or a new flat or SOMETHING. Another year of absolutely nothing is going to hurt them.

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Behemoth is $26 million by itself. You have to remember that even though they are using "relocated" rides, there is a large cost to move the ride and rebuild it. A huge chunk of any coaster's cost is construction...


Behemoth is $26 million in Canadian, $21 million in USD.


I heard Firehawk at Kings Island cost only $750,000, so Dominator will probably be only $1-1.3 million, and Thunderhawk maybe $600,000.

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