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Roughest coaster

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I'd have to go with Psyclone at SFMM and X at SFMM last time i rode it was rough too, but it was still enjoyable.


Ah another ride that i found rough was Python at BGA. Good classic ride but pretty rough!! Everyone complains about Viper at SFMM too, but i dont find that ride rough, I actually like it.

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Personally, I think Mean Streak at Cedar Point is the roughest coaster I've ever been on. CP should burn it to the ground and replace it with something that's at least somewhat fun. A close second would be the Anaconda at KD. That thing left restraint parts embedded in my ears!

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They should use Son of Beast as part of the finale for some Independence Day fireworks. Last fireworks go boom and all of a sudden SOB goes up in flames! It brings a tear to my eye just thinking about it.

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Hands down, Matterhorn Bobsleds @ Disneyland CA, especially back in the day when they were single 4 man sleds (instead of the two hooked together) The most wretched, violent and insecure (only a seatbelt and evil log flume seating) Im surprised I ever rode another ride after that, thank god for modern technology, even the worst woodie in the world couldnt compare to the Murderhorn in the seventies... yipes!

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Without a shadow of a doubt the back seat on Magnus Collosus at Terra Mitica, Benidorm, I have never been in so much pain in all my life, I genuinely though my chest was gonna explode inside my body!!!


Second to that though, probably Indiana Jones and The Temple of Peril: Backwards at DLP, that was frighteningly painful!

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Toss up between a few woodies:


The Villain -Geauga Lake

Big Dipper -Geauga Lake

Mean Streak -Cedar Point

Psyclone -SFMM

Ghostrider -Knott's


Because of these rides, I hate woodies. But, I do want to ride the Gravity Group and Intamin pre-fab ones, along with a few others (like The Beast), before I decide Woodies are evil

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I was just at King's Dominion yesterday and I have to say that they have some of the roughest wooden coasters I have ever ridden, depending on where you ride them....


* Rebel Yell - Fun, but yet a bit boring in the front seat (hardly any air time). Rode the back seat on the second voyage and got killed almost every time we bottomed a hill...OUCH!!!!! Front seat made us think that it was worth trying a trip on the back seat, being that it was a walk on...BIG mistake! DO NOT RIDE THIS IN THE BACK IF YOU ARE OVER 30!!!!! Gemini kicks this coasters ass for a racing coaster, despite his helix of death at the end!


* Hurler - The turn after the first drop has to be one of the most painful helixes I have ever endured on a wooden coaster. We rode in the second seat thinking it would be smoother in the front. I can only imagine the pain that this thing brings in the back!


* Grizzly - Rode in the front seat and it was by far the best wooden coaster at the park. Still a bit jerky (but that is to be expected), but I was not about to chance this one in the back, despite hardly any line. One good thing about this ride is that it looks like it might be fun after dark...but definitely not a "great" wooden coaster.


Photo trip report coming soon!

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(I won't go for the obvious SOB.)


Sooo...I had the chance to ride Wildcat at Compounce over the weekend. I sat towards the back of the train, and got the throttling of MY LIFE. I couldn't find any position to sit in, or any way to brace myself to avoid having my tailbone hammered on. ...AND I usually ENJOY being jostled violently.

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