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Roughest coaster

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I've only been on 29 coasters, so I'm not too versed. Though I have ridden Manhattan Express and I didn't think it was that rough.

For me it was riding in the back seat on Rattler at SFFT a few years ago. I seriously thought I was going to have brain damage from all the rattling. Nowadays that ride is just slow and pointless which is probably for the better.

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I rode Gwazi Tiger this past Monday. That was pretty bad (cough cough). Very bumpy but still had pockets of air time and very intense track change ups. I still had a good time. Left me with a shaken brain syndrome headache that kept me nauseated most of the day until I had snacks to eat and drink. Stop at the end of ride was way to hard. Should try installing new wheels at least.

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Vekoma SLC and Boomerang clones are all pretty rough. Why don't they just stick with smaller coasters, where they aren't so terrible?


CCI woodies are high maintenance and if they don't get a lot of attention, they can become quite bumpy, in my opinion.


But most of all:


I hate Son of Beast! That ride is pure garbage! So rough! Why, oh why, couldn't Cedar Fair remove that first helix along with the loop?

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