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About thrillgeek

  • Birthday 04/11/1989

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  1. I’ve never been to the park but with the nice additions in recent years I’ll for sure be making my first trip in 2020!
  2. I haven’t posted in years and I missed it. I’m back!
  3. I'm going to be disappointed if current six flags pass holders don't get in free like they did before.
  4. I hear the argument both ways but I'd love a copy of the new blue ray if you make another one!
  5. I'm confused... it says you register for the event by sending an email and picture of everyone participating in the event? That doesn't make any sense. You just show up no registration required?
  6. Haven't been on any that opened in my birth year. That kind of surprises me. Top 3 would probably be..... 1. Magnum XL-200 2. Goudurix 3. Timberwolf
  7. I didn't know that. Thanks! Since there is no extra charge I'd imagine it would get very busy. Ert lines would be crazy. Am I wrong?
  8. Am I reading that right? As long as you're a member of a coaster club and have a season pass the event is free? I mean besides having to buy the club membership and season pass.
  9. It's been a few years since I've gone on either New Years eve or day. From years past however both eve and day have been real lite. You can even leave the park early and get a great view of the fireworks from the bridge leading to the parking lot!
  10. Unless you've been living under a rock for the past 15 years Goliath, Tatsu, X2 and Full Throttle are pretty freaking awesome coasters. I'm glad they didn't add a million inversions on Twisted Colossus. Instead we have an airtime filled wicked coaster! Is it spring 2015 yet???
  11. I love the fact that they're getting a new ride. This however is way too much like Hammer Head Shark and is clearly not a roller coaster. Unless they're taking out hammer head I think this is a mistake to add a carnival ride like this to a theme park.
  12. I don't get payed till Friday. When it says ticket sales ending soon will that happen before Friday? A friend and want to do the Magic Mountain day.
  13. Went to the park yesterday 3/8 for the 1st time in over a year. Got there around 12 and went straight to get my gold "membership" processed. When I got to the season pass processing center it looked like a short line. Ended up taking me at least 45 min due to only 2 employees working. After finally getting my pass they told me the coupons are now attached to your card so no more having to carry around that coupon booklet which I thought was a well overdue addition. From there I went to Superman. I was hearing all the negative feedback about the seat belts effecting the wait times and wanted to see for myself. The reviews were right. Took what easily could of been a 15 min wait tops to at least 30. Other than that I didn't notice a difference in terms of the ride experience with the seat belt. Still my favorite ride in the park slightly beating out Medusa. Speaking of which I decided to take a stroll over to that side and see how bad that line was. Medusa had little to no wait as you moved to the back of the train. Only significant wait was for the front. I of course went for the back row for the amazing air time! After that I pretty much just walked around the "land" side of the park. I always loved that back corner of the park where the lions and tigers and giraffes are. Just wish I could of made it back there at opening. It's so peaceful and quite before all the people get back there. Overall it was a short but fun visit! The BIG surprise of my visit was that Roar is getting re-tracked! From what I could see at least the 1st drop and possibly some of the 2nd hill will have new wood! It looks so weird to see Roar with no 1st drop. Anyway on to some pics! Sorry if the photo's are too big or don't meet the requirements. 1st time uploading from my ipad.
  14. Only one I watch every time is Amazing Race.
  15. Since Flight Decks track is now red they should of done the supports gold since the Niners will soon be playing next door. If the Gold Striker name wasn't taken that would of been perfect! Anyway I'm looking forward to seeing it in person opening weekend.
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