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How many times the same ride in a day ?

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Rock N Roller Coaster at MGM I rode 15times in the matter of a couple of hours. "Make it a super-stretch.." (Let me outta here) It was media day which meant there were very few people in the park. I also rode the Dueling Dragons 16 times in one day (8 times fire, 8 times ice)....You got to love it when the re-ride entrance is open.

I know where the door is, and since its often unlocked, i check it, and if the line hasnt gotten past that point, I just use the re-ride door.


My highest all time record for a coaster is 36 rides on space mountain in my entire life.


The most in one day was 18 on the Incredible Hulk, the line was short, front row was 5 minute wait, the other rows were walk on, but I still had to walk around the line.

The only time they ever let me stay in the same seat on a coaster was kraken, my first and second rides, I just moved back one row.

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I did a short marathon on Medusa west. We rode it a few times throughout the day, but we rode it 32 times back to back. We had to get off and run around through the line and usualy got on the same train. Eventualy they just let us stay on. I think we did this in maybe an hour and a half.

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When I was at SFOT a couple of years back, I went on a weekday and was able to marathon Titan and Mr. Freeze. I started with Freeze and got 28 laps. Then I decided to go to Titan and rode that 18 times. I started blacking out so I had to quit that for a second, so I went to Freeze and rode it another 23 times, then I left the park. I think the weekend (could be two or more) after Greezed Lightinin' at SFKK opened I went to the park and rode that baby 68 times in a row (I was aiming for 69 but my friend was beginning to get sick; psh...light weight). By the end of the day I had 82 cycles. And finally, my most recent coaster riding rampage occured at Holiday World. My 13 yr old niece and I rode the Voyage 15 times in a row, took a break to catch 10 or so laps on the Raven, then I rode the Voyage another 25 times in a row...I was suprised I got to ride it that many times, I guess I can thank school being in session.

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I remember a day at Walibi World where I did 5 cycles in a row on Goliath. I probably rode in about 10 times that day.


At Holiday Park we rode Expedition Geforc 9 times. We planned on doing 10 rides, but the ride broke down at the end of the day and we wanted to get back to our camp site a bit early (it was a 120 mile drive and the next day we had to get up early to arrive at the gates of phantasialand (black mamba 6x) at 9.30 a.m.).

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lol lets see


Tatsu-25-30 times in one day

Mr. Freeze (SFOT)-37 times in one day 25-30 times in a row

The Beast (really long time ago PGA)-12 times in a row


I am to lazy to read all of the posts...... So anyone beat me?



edit: not really a coaster but ToT at californias adventure 15-17 times kind of in a row (had to run around and get back in the empty line and watch that video over and over and over and over.....)

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Laps in one day- 39 on Cannonball Run at Waterville USA


Consecutive rides- 14 on Rampage at Alabama Adventure


Most I knew of someone personally doing was 93 (yes 93) laps on Zoomerang at AAdv. I thought he was crazy but he seemed to enjoy it.

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I rode Giant Dipper @ SCBB 39 times in a row only because the park was closeing and I didn't have to get off the ride, that was one night. Also, I think I was crazy for riding Kong @ SFDK 11 times in a row, man I still have that headache from that trip.

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