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Kings Island (KI) Discussion Thread

p. 832: Camp Snoopy announced for 2024!

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Man, I had a Yuengling today for the first time in ages, simply out of desperation and... it was a nice reminder of what absolute trash it is.

Anyways, glad you had fun, Zach.

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Were you sitting near the back on Mystic Timbers? On my trip you could hear the music fine in the front of the train, but in the last 3 rows or so you're too far back and all you can hear is the creepy music from the first room.



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^That could be it. I think we were placed in row 3 both times.


If I'm going to be drinking throughout a large portion of the day, I have to keep it lighter or I'll feel miserable. I left out the huge pile of wings and two large tall Yuenglings at Roosters. By the time I had that blueberry deliciousness, I was stuffed. Damn it was good though. I would have liked to had more. The color was crazy.

Basically, my excuse is covering up the fact that I'm a midwesterner. Let's face it. A six pack of Coors Light and a gas station pizza is a good Saturday night. (God, I wish I were joking.)

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We were at the park yesterday and today and rode Mystic Timbers in the front, middle, and back sections of the train. Didn't hear the music from the radio on any of our rides.

We had a great time though. Ride ops were hauling for the most part. FL+ is amazing here and it's nice to take it easy, take breaks, etc. Everything that has already been said.

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  On 6/28/2021 at 11:05 PM, boldikus said:

Man, I had a Yuengling today for the first time in ages, simply out of desperation and... it was a nice reminder of what absolute trash it is.

Anyways, glad you had fun, Zach.


Jeeze where's all this Yuengling disrespect coming from all the sudden? I mean I know it's not top tier beer or anything but come on for widely distributed cheap commercial beer it's about the best there is. If a concert/theme park/sporting etc. event has Coors, Bud, Miller and Yuengling I'm taking the Yuengling every day and twice on Sunday's (where available, after 1 pm). 

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Hey, what can I say? I live in the heart of a major, east coast, extremely craft beer-centric city. Add to that that Yuengling is local to us and a beer we "grew up" drinking. It absolutely sucks.

You know why I even had that swill yesterday? I was having a very stressful end-of-day at the office, and in a moment of weakness recalled there were beers left from our first post-mask-mandate team meeting we had a few weeks ago. I shot up and breezed into the kitchen to rip open the fridge and... all that was left (read: what no one wanted to drink at the office shindig)?

You guessed it.

There is still half a case there. It won't be easy, but I'll slowly chip away at it whenever I don't feel like trudging two blocks down to the bottle shop.

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  On 6/28/2021 at 7:53 PM, prozach626 said:

Beer count: 2 Yuenglings, 1 Ice Cream Beer, and one Bud Light.


Why is light beer so popular in the USA? Maybe it's the British in me and what is usually in our pubs but that was a big culture shock for me when I visited. Maybe it was because everything else I was prepared for when visiting Pennsylvania to Ohio: The magazine racks of just hunting, guns, fishing and dirt racing, check. Giant slushies: check. Your gas station's (Sheetz) having more food served than most restaurants: check. But for some reason I did not expect light beer to be in the fridges of the houses I stayed in or so prominent in all the bars.

Although meeting some Armish who were on a 'field trip' to Sheetz was also a strange experience, considering their lifestyle, them thinking my England was New England yet they can order a sub from a touch screen just fine.

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American's, generally, like to drink large quantities of beer over a long period of time.  Light beer makes that possible without getting too drunk too quickly.

Personally, I'm more of a cocktail drinker, but when I'm drinking beer it's typically a light.

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Not directed at anyone in particular but its relevant to the conversation: there are plenty of really good light beers, but Yeungling is just not one of them.

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I remember a few years ago we were out to dinner with a big group and I had an hour drive home so I just looked at the beer list of like 40 beers and saw that Yeungling had the lowest ABV of anything respectable (see: Not Coors Light) so I ordered that. Yeungling is my boring "I have to drive later so I can't have much" beer.

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Non-beer related question (I know... I'm a buzzkill!), but if one has season long FastLane, does that person need to redeem it at the main FastLane booth at the entrance, or can they redeem it at any shop that sells it?  I am pretty sure the shop inside the main gate on the right side of International Street sells it and I figured avoiding the line at the main stand might get me to Orion and Mystic Timbers faster, but I wasn't sure if this was allowed.  I know CP allows redemption at the gift shops, so I'd assume KI would too.  Unfortunately, my assumptions have led me down the wrong path one too many times!  

Hoping to head down to KI again on Friday and this time, actually relax and enjoy some of the little things, like sitting on the patio by Diamondback and trying one of the Blue Ice Cream beers.  See, I got back to the beer topic, so I'm not all bad!  

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  On 6/30/2021 at 6:33 PM, BitterOldHag said:

Non-beer related question (I know... I'm a buzzkill!), but if one has season long FastLane, does that person need to redeem it at the main FastLane booth at the entrance, or can they redeem it at any shop that sells it?  I am pretty sure the shop inside the main gate on the right side of International Street sells it and I figured avoiding the line at the main stand might get me to Orion and Mystic Timbers faster, but I wasn't sure if this was allowed.  I know CP allows redemption at the gift shops, so I'd assume KI would too.  Unfortunately, my assumptions have led me down the wrong path one too many times!  

Hoping to head down to KI again on Friday and this time, actually relax and enjoy some of the little things, like sitting on the patio by Diamondback and trying one of the Blue Ice Cream beers.  See, I got back to the beer topic, so I'm not all bad!  


Any shop should be fine.  This season (and last), I got my wirstbands:

-At KI I did it at the dedicated FL redemption booth.  If you're there at opening there won't be a substantial line for the wristbands.
-At Cedar Point at the general redemption stand on the left as you enter.
-At Dorney at a gift shop in the water park.

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  On 6/30/2021 at 6:22 PM, coasterbill said:

I remember a few years ago we were out to dinner with a big group and I had an hour drive home so I just looked at the beer list of like 40 beers and saw that Yeungling had the lowest ABV of anything respectable (see: Not Coors Light) so I ordered that. Yeungling is my boring "I have to drive later so I can't have much" beer.


I guess I forgot about having a beer and driving later. As a teacher on a visa I need a spotless record so I don't touch any if driving but if I do, I've just got so used to Korea having 'replacement drivers' for your cars that I can just drink heavy since they are almost the same costs as taxis and I don't have to go all the way back to find my car hungover the next day.

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  On 6/30/2021 at 6:56 PM, Mike240SX said:

Any shop should be fine.  This season (and last), I got my wirstbands:

-At KI I did it at the dedicated FL redemption booth.  If you're there at opening there won't be a substantial line for the wristbands.
-At Cedar Point at the general redemption stand on the left as you enter.
-At Dorney at a gift shop in the water park.


I have All-Season Fastlane Plus but I've always gone in the morning.  If I show up in the late afternoon, will I still be able to pick up my wristband?

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  On 6/30/2021 at 12:58 PM, Garet said:

Why is light beer so popular in the USA? Maybe it's the British in me and what is usually in our pubs but that was a big culture shock for me when I visited. Maybe it was because everything else I was prepared for when visiting Pennsylvania to Ohio: The magazine racks of just hunting, guns, fishing and dirt racing, check. Giant slushies: check. Your gas station's (Sheetz) having more food served than most restaurants: check. But for some reason I did not expect light beer to be in the fridges of the houses I stayed in or so prominent in all the bars.


I think it’s because that’s what the whole country grows up drinking. Beer isn’t that accessible to Americans in their teenage years. So when given an opportunity they go with the 30 pack of light beers for $20. Not the 6 pack craft assortment from the local microbrewery for $20. 

Some people “grow up” in their own minds and move on from the “piss water”.  But for the most part people just stick with what they’re used to. 


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^ That and many places have been so far behind when it comes to alcohol laws. In Alabama no beer could be above 6% ABV until 2009.  Heck even views on alcohol in general have changed the last decade or so. Think about how many parks have started selling it the last few years.

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  On 7/1/2021 at 1:35 AM, jackinbox said:

I have All-Season Fastlane Plus but I've always gone in the morning.  If I show up in the late afternoon, will I still be able to pick up my wristband?


Yep, doesn't matter what time of day it is, if you've got it on your pass you get a wristband.  Unlike some places *coughSixFlagscough*.

EDIT:  Within reason.  I have seen the dedicated redemption centers closed an hour or so before the park; doesn't mean you can't redeem it, just not there.

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So today we did a bit of a stupid maneuver, we planned an impromptu day trip to CP, I wanted to go to Kings Island, but the weather in Sandusky looked good and the weather around Cincinnati looked horrendous all day. Mistake one for both parks: relying on any weather app or terrible meteorological models. 

Anyway in Toledo (came from Michigan) I had a feeling to just turn on 75 and go to KI, but didn’t follow it. Get to Cedar Point and notice the weather at KI got significantly better. The weather at Cedar Point? Significantly worse. Rode SV, joked about leaving and going to KI (didn’t because I said it was such a stupid idea). Got lunch (took like an hour mind to get lunch, CP was pretty busy lol), got in line for dragster because the weather looked fine, thirty minutes in it started to rain, dragster closed (didn’t open again until like 7 or 8 I believe). Forecast changed to heavy rain and severe storms for around three hours. With that knowledge, the idiot in us left Cedar Point at 2 PM, and drove to KI.

I won’t say if it was worth it or not, still neutral on it, but we drove the wild route you have to take to get there, ended up getting stopped at two railroad crossings, drove through a severe storm or two, a road about to wash out, and at a little after 6 arrived at KI. Anddddd, the storms were back in the forecast. Lol. Rode flight of fear (honestly liked it I won’t lie), then a wicked lightning storm hit and even that closed. Lasted about 45 minutes. By the time stuff opened it was 8. One of the most insane 30-45 minutes of coasters followed. Rode flight of fear again, rode Mystic Timber’s, Diamondback, Beast, Stunt Coaster (then rain came and ruined Orion and Banshee, with how short the lines were we probably could’ve done all of that by 9-9:10 at the brisk speed walk we were taking). 

I honestly had fun, it was/would’ve been my third trip to cedar point this year, so I wasn’t expecting an amazing trip, saw a lot of interesting places in Ohio I’ll probably never see again, and (I forgot to mention this, I’ve never been to Kings Island) got a lot of new credits at the same time (If gas or money spent was a concern for anyone reading this, the car we took is a hybrid and got around 40 MPG the entire time, spent roughly 35 dollars on gas round trip). Apparently Cedar Point cleared out too, and the rain did last until latish, and from what we saw most of the rides at Cedar Point were closed for nearly the entire drive to Kings Island (yes, even Gemini, Corkscrew and Cedar Creek apparently)

I’ll be honest, I had low expectations for The Beast, but I loved it, Mystic Timber’s was also significantly better than I thought it was going to be, but I also haven’t ridden a good wooden coaster in years. Diamondback was okay, I liked it but the part of the ride after the MCBR felt like it has a lot of missed opportunity, I definitely prefer Mako or Behemoth overall. Stunt coaster has a weird place in my heart, I honestly also love it.

In the end I’ll never let myself do this again, but it was a fun experience and something my friends and I have always joked about doing. I’ll also plan a KI exclusive trip so that I can ride Orion and Banshee, I want to see what all the commotion is about the vest restraints on an invert and what I think about Orion.

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^Glad you were able to make the most of the situation.  For those who are fortunate to live close enough, spontaneous day trips to the Ohio parks are always a good time, as long as your expectations beforehand are appropriate.  I'd definitely recommend coming back for Orion if you can swing it.

The weather is definitely a guessing game, I personally believe that a little rain in the forecast isn't bad by any means.  If the forecast calls for, say, roughly 60% chance of storms all day, that never actually happens, so it actually can be beneficial to visit then since crowds will likely be driven away.  

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  On 7/1/2021 at 7:30 AM, MiABeta said:

the car we took is a hybrid 


What's the fun in that???


I'm glad there was a silver lining and a mostly happy ending. I wish you'd ridden Orion. Don't believe the skeptics. It's a beast... but not The Beast.

KI is a phenomenal one-day park. CP is at least a two-day park, unless you're very local or it's part of a bigger trip. (IMO)

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The last 2 days have been the most brutal I can remember in Cincy. Tuesday was 103* with spotty storms and yesterday was still really hot and muggy with one of the most intense lightning storms I've encountered. Interested in seeing how many strikes to the ground we got. 

Good thing is after today it looks like sunshine and warm summer temps for the next week + for coaster stock!

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