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Hersheypark (HP) Discussion Thread

p. 438: Twizzlers Twisted Gravity announced for 2025!

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And with the custom train made for the NoLimits train, it has OSTRs. Not a big deal, though. I wasn't expecting the winged seats, I want to see how Intamin will incorporate this design for future rides! It already looks to be an improvement from Baco.




The no limits video shows the intamin looper lapbars with no otsr straps attached, I think.

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It's awesome that Hershey Park is getting a new coaster. But I gotta say; I'm not a fan of the layout.


It'll be interesting to see how these new trains fare for Intamin. This is the first time they are using 4-abreast right?


They did four abreast with their standup roller coasters back in the early 1990s. Also, I believe that Eurostar was/is an Intamin inverted roller coaster with 4 abreast seating.


For example, Shockwave at Drayton Manor is a 4 abreast standup roller coaster: http://www.rcdb.com/814.htm


-- Matty

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I think it is the PERFECT addition to Hershey and the new trains should solve the vibration issues. The video is horrible in terms of details, so I'll wait to pass judgement on the ride until I ride it opening day as a Jr. Researcher

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It looks like Intamin took a little inspiration from B&M's 2nd gen hyper trains, but removing the floor for the wing seats.


- Layout looks pretty solid!

- I feel the trains could've been made completely floorless instead of having just the wing seats, but that's a minor complaint.

- Name isn't too bad either considering the backstory of the ride.


I'm very sure this will be an awesome ride when it opens.

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I like the coaster, but I agree with everyone over the fighting of floorless seats. It's definitely going to slow down the loading unless Hershey does something unique with the queue.


And a minor complaint, the ride seems WAY too short. The statistics said 63 seconds for the whole ride I think?

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This is awesome, another SOLID addition coming to Hershey. Finally a hyper, not to mention easily the most unique one that will be out there, congrats Hershey! I still think it's amazing how they are putting this in around all that the park already has, it's going to be awesome seeing this tower over the rest of the skyline!


As for the specs, I'm quite excited for these trains. No matter how good or bad a video is, you can't judge the ride experience. It's a twisty layout and sure to bring some airtime, you don't feel the airtime watching a video, so don't say you don't like or expected more out of the layout then what is planned because until you get on it physically, you don't know how it rides! I'll surely be shooting to be there opening day for this, and to think this is one of MANY more 2012 announcements to come, great start to the 2012 new coaster lineups for the USA!

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Looks pretty fun and it seems like it will provide two slightly different ridding experiences depending on if you ride on the inside or outside, which is kinda sweet.


But is the ride going to be all white? What happened to the blue/yellow? I know that the picture of the train was colored.

Edited by Dietcokevan
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Looks pretty fun and it seems like it will provide two slightly different ridding experiences depending on if you ride on the inside or outside, which is kinda sweet.


But is the ride going to be all white? What happened to the blue/yellow? I know that the picture of the train was colored.



From the fact sheet:


Light blue columns

Yellow track

Deep blue trains with yellow accents

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Ok- I've yet to really do much talking about this but...




I'm quite pleased with this coaster all over. A -perfect- addition to the Sweetest Place on Earth, and I'm beyond thrilled to be on the first train out!

Didn't at the announcement they said the first riders would use the QR reader on their phone to get something around the park and enter a contest through that? Or something along the lines of that?

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This is a fantastic addition to Hersheyparks amazing lineup of coasters! Something that I love about hershey is that they have several really good roller coasters instead of some bs like some parks (KD: shockwave, anaconda, hurler,). I look forward to visiting hershey again with this amazing new addition.

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The in-park event seemed to be pretty popular, even though Hershey released the information to 25 media outlets about an hour before the announcement in-park. The contest to be first riders begins today, runs through Aug 16, and information can be found at http://bit.ly/portal2012. Not much was explained at the event other than the video showing the stats, but they did say they will be releasing some FAQs about Skyrush in the next couple of days, so keep checking http://www.hersheypark.com/skyrush_2012/ for more details.


I'm very excited about this ride, seems like a perfect ride for Hersheypark. Thanks to Hersheypark for doing the media event like this, as well as all the viral marketing!


Comparing Skyrush to Comet

Edited by DerekRx
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