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Hersheypark (HP) Discussion Thread

p. 438: Twizzlers Twisted Gravity announced for 2025!

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Well the animation is awful, just like on Fahrenheit (It might be worse this time, though, they left out THREE HILLS and added a helix...

But anyways, I'm pretty happy with this. I just hope the airtime is spectacular

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Oh man I'm psyched. What's going on in the live stream? I don't have access to a computer and tried accessing on my smartphone but it won't even load, guessing the traffic is insane


Yeah, I'm guessing hersheypark.com is getting crushed with traffic. Won't load here either.

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I can't get it to load either. The ride sounds really fun though. I haven't been following this thread very closely but Wing walker is a big surprise.


Ok, I see now that just the one seat is floorless. I don't know if I get the need to do the trains that way. I get that the wing seats will be a blast but are there really half of the people who would prefer a non floorless seat? Seems to me that it will cause delays in loading. People having choices doesn't add up to efficiency.

Edited by dragonskeep
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It's awesome that Hershey Park is getting a new coaster. But I gotta say; I'm not a fan of the layout.


It'll be interesting to see how these new trains fare for Intamin. This is the first time they are using 4-abreast right?

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The layout looks fine to me, not sure what else you would need. Looks like a nice combination of airtime hills and low-to-the-ground action. This annoucement definitely caught me off guard!

Edited by ernierocker
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I'm not finding too much to complain about here. The ride looks pretty sweet. The trains looks cool, hopefully the "wing" seats will ride smooth and not bounce. Looks like a great addition for HP.

In my very unprofessional opinion, it looks sort of like they learned their lesson with Baco, and modified the concept accordingly.


Time to head back to Hershey, me thinks.

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Magnetic Breaking System


^ Just one of the few errors I found on the fact sheet, and with that terrible NoLimits presentation, I felt the effort put forth for the press release was underwhelming... could they not have contacted Keith McVeen for a CGI?


And with the custom train made for the NoLimits train, it has OSTRs. Not a big deal, though. I wasn't expecting the winged seats, I want to see how Intamin will incorporate this design for future rides! It already looks to be an improvement from Baco.

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Wow, I was definitely not expecting the wingrider part of this coaster! I think the layout looks great and I'm really excited to see what the trains are going to look like (and I'm curious how the queue will be managed regarding the ability to choose a floorless seat or not). Floorless seat or not, though, it looks amazing and I can't wait to ride it! Way to go Hershey!

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