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About PennStater

  • Birthday 03/16/1985

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  1. Black Widow has been open every day for PFF, but usually not until a little later in the day due to staffing and it being a lower priority in the morning part of the event.
  2. Daily operations ends on 8/23 and we're not open on the 26th. https://www.kennywood.com/calendar
  3. You may want to check with the park and see if you can use it another day. They just announced a couple days ago that reservations are no longer required, so I'm not sure why it would only be valid one specific day.
  4. Thanks for the feedback... it has been passed along to the crew! We're working extra hard to provide the best guest experience we can this year, and having a blast doing it! This is my 13th year at the park for at least a part of each season, and this year's group has just blown my mind with how motivated and full of energy they are!
  5. ^ How can someone with your profile picture and username possibly suggest getting rid of those wonderful trains!!?
  6. End Zone Cafe did open (and the food was quite good in my opinion!), but not the experience building or games. Even if they do get Steel Curtain open this year, the experience building still won't open due to social distancing restrictions.
  7. That is correct... you will need a partner for Thunderbolt and it must be someone you traveled to the park with. Also of note, if you plan to ride Pittsburg Plunge or Raging Rapids (if it opens) you need to store your mask in a zip-lock bag while you ride and keep it with you... so be sure to bring one to the park with you.
  8. Sadly, CLP will not be opening this year. They just sent this email out and also posted the notice to Facebook.
  9. The event earlier in the day, Happy Hauntings, may not interest you unless you have kids with you. They have things like a hayride, hay maze, a trick-or-treating trail, and a bunch of the kiddie rides open plus a few others like the MGR, Paratrooper, etc. They did have Jack Rabbit open last year... not sure if the coaster selection will differ at all this year.
  10. "Giant Eagle" is the grocery store that sells slightly discounted tickets, while supplies last. There's one right up the hill from the park. https://www.gianteagle.com/stores/pa/west-mifflin/west-mifflin-giant-eagle/29 https://www.kennywood.com/discounts
  11. I'm pretty certain the pricing in the park is the same as online.
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